Retire Often
Frances Benjamin shares her mini-retirement story and the transformative impact it had on her life. Before her mini-retirement, Frances was working multiple jobs and juggling the responsibilities of being a single mom. The catalyst for her decision to take a break was the pandemic and the realization that her daughter would soon be leaving the nest. Frances prepared for her mini-retirement by decluttering, saving money, and paying off debt. She embarked on her break with her daughter, traveling to Mexico and Thailand, immersing themselves in the local culture and enjoying the freedom to do...
info_outline Business Growth after a Year OffRetire Often
PT, is the creator of a large event, FinCon. Taking a mini-retirement as a business owner can be stressful, confusing, and scary. PT shares his experience of taking a step back from his business and how he slowly extracted himself while empowering his team. He discusses the challenges and transformations he went through during his mini-retirement, including finding new hobbies, spending more time with family, and healing emotionally and spiritually. PT also talks about the expansion of his business after his return, including acquiring another conference and taking over his family's CPA firm....
info_outline Take an epic year-long road trip with the familyRetire Often
If you have ever been curious about taking an epic yearlong road trip, Heidi’s story of how her and her family embarked on a year-long mini-retirement traveling all around the US, will inspire you and give you practical tips for planning. They took an intentional break from work and school, with no W2 jobs and no traditional schooling for their three kids. They experimented with different experiences to prepare, such as traveling in Hawaii for three weeks and renting an RV. These experiments helped them make decisions and prepare for their mini-retirement. They saved enough...
info_outline How to Take a Mini-Retirement Every YearRetire Often
Dr. Corey Allen and his wife embarked on a month-long mini-retirement, traveling in an RV and exploring national parks. The idea originated in 2010 when they considered taking their kids out of school and traveling full-time. However, they decided to wait and eventually started taking one month off every summer. Corey is a marriage and family therapist, while his wife is a CPA. Learn how Corey’s wife negotiated a month off every summer as part of her contract. Cory maintained his work responsibilities while traveling, and his wife took occasional days off to catch up on work. In...
info_outline Reinventing Yourself Post-Divorce with TravelRetire Often
In this conversation, Brooke Thayer shares her experiences with taking multiple mini retirements and traveling the world. She discusses the inspiration behind her mini retirements, including a difficult divorce that led her to reevaluate her life. Brooke shares the challenges and benefits of open-ended travel, staying in hostels, and finding connections in the travel community. She also talks about the financial aspects of long-term travel and offers tips for affordable travel. Brooke highlights the importance of transitioning from saving to spending mode and gaining agency in making...
info_outline Road Trip Across CanadaRetire Often
Brent and his wife were on the path to financial independence, planning to retire early at 40. However, they realized that their plan wasn't serving them well and decided to take a mini-retirement. The challenges of asking for unpaid leave and shifting from saving to spending were overcome by their desire for change. Brent's mini-retirement involved a two-month road trip with his wife and eight-month-old son, inspired by Canadian hero Terry Fox. The trip had its challenges, but it allowed Brent to fully enjoy time with his family and sparked a desire for a more flexible and lifestyle-friendly...
info_outline Negotiating Time Off to Hike the Camino TrailRetire Often
Diania shares her experience of negotiating a mini-retirement to walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain. She initially planned to support her uncle on the journey but ended up going alone. Diania discusses the financial preparation she made, including paying off debt and learning about financial independence. The time off was full of self-discovery and awareness, including recognizing her weak internal compass and susceptibility to external influences. She emphasized the importance of community and in-person connections, which led her to create the Economy Conference. She is a great example of...
info_outline Redefining Work-Life Balance Through World TravelRetire Often
In this episode, we accompany Cosmin on his remarkable journey from the brink of burnout in his career to embracing a life of nomadic adventure. After years of high-intensity work, he took his first month-long mini-retirement. Cosmin returned with a new perspective: continue on a path of stress and exhaustion or forge a new way of living. He chose the latter, setting off on an inspiring journey of self-discovery and global exploration. Cosmin shares the challenges and triumphs of transitioning to nomadism, the insights gained from diverse cultures, and how he redefined his notions of success...
info_outline From Early Retirement to Flexible Work and Mini-RetirementsRetire Often
In this conversation with Darlene, we delve deep into the journey of early retirement and the surprises it holds beyond the workplace. Darlene's story goes from her demanding corporate career to a retirement decision spurred by an enticing severance package. This episode is not just about the transition into early retirement; it's about the unexpected emotional roller coaster that followed. Darlene candidly shares the challenges of filling days once packed with responsibilities, the struggles of maintaining friendships outside the office, and the enlightening process of rediscovering her...
info_outline The Art of the Sabbatical: Navigating Career Gaps with JL CollinsRetire Often
In this conversation with my friend, JL Collins, we take a look at a professional journey that defies convention, punctuated by career breaks and the power of 'F.U. money.' His career began marked by intense work periods that eventually led to inevitable burnout. But through these experiences, JL began taking mini-retirements, illustrating that stepping away can often add more meaning in life. This episode isn’t just a look into JL's path of financial independence; it explores his philosophical pivot from earner to explorer. We chart his transition from a traditional careerist to an...
info_outlineIf you have ever been curious about taking an epic yearlong road trip, Heidi’s story of how her and her family embarked on a year-long mini-retirement traveling all around the US, will inspire you and give you practical tips for planning. They took an intentional break from work and school, with no W2 jobs and no traditional schooling for their three kids. They experimented with different experiences to prepare, such as traveling in Hawaii for three weeks and renting an RV. These experiments helped them make decisions and prepare for their mini-retirement.
They saved enough money to travel for a year, but ended up extending their trip to 15 months. They budgeted for $70,000 to $90,000 but ended up spending around $60,000. (Heidi mentions they spent $45,000 during the interview but let me know it was close to $60,000) They were surprised by how well they got along and how close they became as a family during their adventure.
Link to Heidi’s additional resources:
lifestyle -
Taking a mini-retirement or family gap year can be a meaningful and impactful experience.
Experimenting with different experiences can help in making decisions and preparing for a mini-retirement.
Budgeting and saving enough money is important, but it's also important to be flexible and open to unexpected opportunities.
Finding joy in everyday novelty and valuing different types of experiences can enhance the mini-retirement experience.
Spending quality time together as a family can strengthen relationships and create lasting memories.