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37. Navigating Addiction Through A Family Systems Perspective with Kevin Petersen

Colleague Down the Hall

Release Date: 11/16/2023

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More Episodes

In the latest episode of the "Colleague Down the Hall" podcast, we delve into the intricacies of addiction within the family system. My guest, Kevin Petersen, brings a unique blend of personal experience and professional expertise to the discussion. Having personally battled addiction, Kevin now dedicates his career to aiding families as they confront the multifaceted challenges posed by addiction.


Our conversation focuses on the critical need to transform the family system as part of the therapeutic process. We explore the significance of establishing boundaries, actively involving clients in conversations about addiction, and adopting new perspectives to more effectively comprehend and assist both individuals and families.


Kevin highlights the persistent nature of addiction. He stresses that addressing addiction is paramount before effectively tackling co-occurring mental health issues. 


The episode also emphasizes the necessity of uncovering and addressing the root causes that lie beneath addiction in individuals and families. It is a move away from merely symptomatic treatments or quick solutions, advocating for a deeper understanding and more comprehensive approach to addiction therapy.


This episode is a rich resource for mental health professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of addiction within family systems and enhance their therapeutic strategies in this challenging yet vital area of mental health care.


“The truth of the matter is, there isn't a therapist on the planet that can get somebody sober. That's not how it works, that's not our job. Our job is to deal with the emotions and the feelings and the stuff that comes when they're sober. And, and so, let's use the tools that are at our feet and be able to say, Hey, I think you know, let's just try for the next month, let's try no drinking, no drugs and we'll be on the honor system, and we'll see how it goes. And then we can walk through it and start seeing how that works.”- Kevin Peterson


Key takeaways:


  • The Importance of Addiction Education: Kevin emphasizes the lack of training many therapists receive in dealing with addiction and families. This episode highlights the need for therapists to educate themselves on addiction and its impact on families.

  • Treating Substance Abuse as a Initial Priority: Peterson suggests that therapists prioritize helping clients achieve sobriety before addressing mental health issues. He believes that effective treatment for mental health can only occur if clients are not actively struggling with substance abuse.

  • Changing the Family System: Rather than relying on tough love or complete cutoff, therapists can focus on changing the family system as a more effective approach. This involves helping families make behavioral changes and creating a supportive environment for recovery.

  • Overcoming Fear of Referrals: Many therapists are hesitant to refer out clients with substance abuse issues due to fear of being accused of abandonment. Kevin acknowledges this fear but emphasizes the need for therapists to prioritize their clients' well-being and access appropriate specialized treatment.

  • The Role of Therapist Transparency: Kevin discusses therapists being open and transparent about their own experiences and biases. By doing so, therapists can establish a sense of empathy and connection with their clients and create a safe space for discussing sensitive topics related to addiction.

About the guest:


Kevin Petersen, MA, LMFT, is the founder of The Chronic Hope Institute, which provides healing for families in crisis due to addiction and codependency, and family addiction coaching training for clinicians. In 2011, Kevin graduated with a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Regis University, and he spent three and a half years working at Arapahoe Douglas Mental Health Network as an in-home therapist, case manager, crisis evaluator and outpatient therapist for Child and Family Services. Kevin has also worked part-time for The Bridge House, ADMHN's Acute Treatment Unit, as a Mental Health Technician and Counselor. In 2014, Kevin opened his private practice, Petersen Family Counseling, which specializes in working with families and individuals struggling with addictions, codependency, and parenting. Kevin has published two books: Chronic Hope: Parenting the Addicted Child and Chronic Hope: Families & Addiction, which share an integrated, holistic approach to healing families in crisis due to addiction and codependency. Kevin established The Chronic Hope Institute in 2020 with a mission to help families in crisis through family addiction coaching and empower mental health professionals with this training to help families. Dedicated to strengthening the family system, Kevin turns helplessness into hope. If you are struggling with an addict and need a plan, contact The Chronic Hope Institute at www.ChronicHope.us. Kevin began his journey of recovery in May 1991 and has been sober ever since. He lives in Florida with his wife, Amy, and three Boston Terriers Bert, Blanche and Stella


Connect with Kevin Peterson:


Instagram: @kevinwpetersen

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/chronichopeinstitute 

TikTok: @thefamilyaddictioncoach 

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@ChronicHopeInstitute?si=M9kYbtxrmaa5FKOC


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