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In the Line of FIRE | Escaping Avalon | 090

Catching Up to FI: Financial Independence for Late Starters

Release Date: 08/04/2024

Bouncing Back from Financial Setbacks | Lynnette Khalfani-Cox | 125 show art Bouncing Back from Financial Setbacks | Lynnette Khalfani-Cox | 125

Catching Up to FI: Financial Independence for Late Starters

Lynnette Khalfani-Cox (also known as ) is an icon in the financial media and financial education space. She is the author of 16 money-management books, including the New York Times bestseller ‘Zero Debt: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom’. Lynette joins us on this episode to share some of the big takeaways from her latest book 'Bounce Back', offering practical and emotional guidance for those recovering from financial setbacks. She guides us on how to take on―and defeat―the most common and difficult challenges most of us face, like being downsized from a job, disasters, debt,...

“The Risk Parity Paradox” an Exercise in Simple Complexity? | Frank Vasquez | 124 show art “The Risk Parity Paradox” an Exercise in Simple Complexity? | Frank Vasquez | 124

Catching Up to FI: Financial Independence for Late Starters

Frank Vasquez (also affectionately known as Uncle Frank) is a mostly retired lawyer and host of the 'Risk Parity Radio' podcast. In this episode, he gives us a dose of his investing wisdom complete with his unique 'SpongeBob' sense of humor. We discuss financial independence (FI) in the older years, emphasizing the importance of enjoying the fruits of your labor after decades of saving. We explore diversified portfolios, the principles of risk parity, and introduce listeners to various investment approaches such as the 'Golden Butterfly' and 'Golden Ratio' portfolios. Frank also shares his...

ATM Receipts, Origami, and Unravelling Your Relationship With Money | Shannah Game | 123 show art ATM Receipts, Origami, and Unravelling Your Relationship With Money | Shannah Game | 123

Catching Up to FI: Financial Independence for Late Starters

Ever felt anxious around money, or like you're stuck no matter how much you try to save? You're not alone. In this episode, we unravel all of that with Shannah Game, a leading transformational money expert helping you heal your relationship with money. Shannah is host of the popular podcast 'Everyone's Talkin' Money' and author of the new book 'Unraveling Your Relationship with Money', a step-by-step guide to breaking free from money stress, shame, and self-doubt.   🌐 🔗 ☕ Like what you hear on Catching Up to FI? Support the show at   🎙️We love hearing from you! Record...

Banishing The Burden of Student Loan Debt | Travis Hornsby | 122 show art Banishing The Burden of Student Loan Debt | Travis Hornsby | 122

Catching Up to FI: Financial Independence for Late Starters

We're pulling back the curtain on student loans with expert and founder of Student Loan Planner, Travis Hornsby. Initially impacting younger borrowers, the student loan crisis now affects those in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s. The balances are getting bigger, lasting longer and rules are becoming more complex! It can be confusing, but this episode will give you clarity and help you tackle your student loan challenges head-on. We explore smart repayment strategies, student loan forgiveness, the impact of current and future government policies and more.    🌐 🔗 ☕ Like what you...

Attorney Spilling all the Legal Tea on Estate Planning | Jenny Rozelle | 121 show art Attorney Spilling all the Legal Tea on Estate Planning | Jenny Rozelle | 121

Catching Up to FI: Financial Independence for Late Starters

Attorney Jennifer (Jenny) Rozelle joins us to unravel the complexities of estate planning and help you get your estate plans in order. In this episode she covers the essentials- healthcare directives, probate, wills, beneficiaries, trusts and more. She's a lawyer with a sense of humor and sprinkles in her special blend of wit and wisdom to liven up a topic that many people try to avoid. She also shares cautionary tales, current trends, and celebrity mishaps that she often talks about on her podcast, "Legal Tea". #DoYourEstatePlan   🔗       ===  NEW SPONSOR ...

"Mama, Are We Poor?”: a Single Mom's Millionaire Mindset | Monica Scudieri | 120

Catching Up to FI: Financial Independence for Late Starters

Monica Scudieri started late on her financial independence journey but finished early. Her financial watershed moment was when she discovered she had $257,000 in debt.  She was in serious financial despair but managed to slowly dig out. The progress she made was impressive and just ten years later, she reached financial independence. In this episode Monica shares the challenges she faced as a divorced single mom, her parents' immigrant story, and the smart, scrappy moves she made to transform her financial life.   🔗       ===  NEW SPONSOR  === 📈...

Leaning Out: Cracking the Burnout Code | Dawn Baker | 119 show art Leaning Out: Cracking the Burnout Code | Dawn Baker | 119

Catching Up to FI: Financial Independence for Late Starters

Ever felt burnout creeping into your life? Then join us for this discussion about tackling the widespread issue of burnout with Dr. Dawn Baker, author of the book . Discover practical advice for high-powered professionals struggling with exhaustion, cynicism, and lack of motivation. Whether you're an overworked physician, a stressed corporate employee, or overloaded entrepreneur, this episode will give you actionable tips to help you regain balance and find fulfillment.    🔗       🔥🔥🔥 Check out these discounts from our new partners:  ...

Taking it to the Streets: Best Pro Tips for Late Starters | FinCon Attendees | 118 show art Taking it to the Streets: Best Pro Tips for Late Starters | FinCon Attendees | 118

Catching Up to FI: Financial Independence for Late Starters

In this episode, we're taking it to the streets of Atlanta, GA where the 2024 took place. FinCon is the largest (and funnest) conference for independent content creators in the personal finance space. We wish you could have been there but since we couldn't bring our audience to FinCon, we're bringing a little FinCon to you. We chatted with some of them and asked the big question:  "What is your best tip for late starters?" 🔗       Huge thanks to our fellow content creators that contributed their valuable tips!  (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying...

Retirement Remix: Crafting Financial Futures with Purpose | Christine Benz | 117 show art Retirement Remix: Crafting Financial Futures with Purpose | Christine Benz | 117

Catching Up to FI: Financial Independence for Late Starters

In this episode we welcome back Christine Benz, director of personal finance and retirement planning for Morningstar. Christine is one of the most respected thought leaders on the topic of retirement and shares insights from her new book, . We discuss the importance of preparing for retirement well in advance, building social networks, the significance of diversity in relationships, and more. Today's show is packed with valuable advice and a must listen for anyone approaching or in retirement.    🔗       🔥🔥🔥 Check out our new partners and...

Value-Based Spending: The Latte Chronicles | Jen Smith & Jill Sirianni | 116 show art Value-Based Spending: The Latte Chronicles | Jen Smith & Jill Sirianni | 116

Catching Up to FI: Financial Independence for Late Starters

In this episode, we talk with Jen and Jill from the Frugal Friends Podcast and authors of the new book They believe the secret to saving money isn’t in coupons and sales, it’s in identifying what you value and pursuing it unapologetically. We chat about how value-based spending can meet higher emotional and psychological needs beyond mere financial savings. The Frugal Friends also share personal stories of overcoming debt, understanding the 'real' needs behind our purchases, and how frugality can be both sustainable and enjoyable.    🔗       🔥🔥🔥 Check...

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Bill and Jackie sit down with 'Jay,' an anonymous guest who shares his incredible journey from a military and police background to achieving financial independence by the age of 39. Jay discusses his experiences on the SWAT team and as an undercover detective, and the mental health challenges that came with his career. He also talks about his blog, Escaping Avalon, and provides a deep dive into mental health strategies, therapy, and self-care. Whether you're a late starter on the path to FI or someone looking to improve your mental well-being, Jay offers invaluable insights and resources that can benefit everyone. Don't miss this compelling and informative conversation.

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Personal Finance Club: Use code CUTOFI to get $30 OFF any course or PFC investing course only

Measure Twice Money: $100 OFF "Create Your Own Financial Plan" Comprehensive Video Course

Nectarine: Advice-Only Financial Advisors (Catching Up to FI will be compensated by Nectarine if you use our affiliate link, which creates an incentive and conflict of interest. We are not current clients or employees of Nectarine.)

🎙️SquadCast: The Cloud Recording Studio that Producers, Listeners, Guests, Creators, YouTubers Love & Trust 

 Boston Institute of Finance Personal Growth Track: Enter code catchingup to get 5% off any “Personal Growth Track” course or package

Modern Husbands Marriage Toolkit: Empowers couples with evidence based ideas from 40+ of the nation’s leading experts in managing money and the home as a team.
 Real Talk Finance: Create a solid foundation and take control of your future
 DeleteMe: Your personal data is yours again
Resources mentioned on the show: (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)

Escaping Avalon 

“Mental Health and FI” Talk

Mental Health Resource Guide

Mental Health Landing Page and PTSD Info

Pathfinders: Extraordinary Stories of People Like You on the Quest for Financial Independence--And How to Join Them by JL Collins

Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey

Mr. Money Mustache

Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

Sebastian Junger

Jillian Johnsrud

Diania Merriam

Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity by Peter Attia and Bill Gifford

Andrew Huberman

00:00 Discovering the Joy of Simple Pleasures

02:31 Introducing Jay: A Journey to Financial Independence

03:31 Jay's Path to FI: From Military to Police Force

05:46 The Turning Point: Finding FI and Mr. Money Mustache

09:16 Strategies for Financial Independence

15:49 The Mental Health Impact of High-Stress Jobs

23:25 The Importance of Mental Health in the FI Journey

29:44 The Brain-Body Connection Analogy

31:29 Understanding Talk Therapy

32:45 Personal Journey with PTSD

33:14 The Turning Point: Clutch's Intervention

35:06 Compounding Trauma and Financial Independence

36:32 Proactive Mental Health Strategies

47:08 Mental Health Resources and Self-Care

54:34 Therapy and Financial Independence

58:52 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

Disclaimer: We are not lawyers, financial advisors, accountants or tax experts. Please consult your own professional advisors before making any important decisions. Our content is for entertainment and education purposes only.