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Building business empires and raising six kids with Leanne Woff (Chat)

Six Figures In School Hours

Release Date: 02/07/2024

Keeping burnout at bay with Laetitia Andrac (Chat) show art Keeping burnout at bay with Laetitia Andrac (Chat)

Six Figures In School Hours

Like most parents who run a business, I often feel utterly overwhelmed. I struggle with competing priorities, and in the past, I’ve pushed myself way too hard. I shared my story of near burnout in the book, and I’ve talked about it on the podcast before. I didn’t fully reach burnout but I definitely saw rock bottom.  Sometimes you have to amp up the self-care, adjust your working habits, or change tracks altogether.  Today’s guest not only came back from burnout, but now coaches other small business owners on how to recognise the signs and avoid it. Tune in to learn: How...

Toon Update: Podcast on pause show art Toon Update: Podcast on pause

Six Figures In School Hours

Hello, I just want to explain that we're going to be taking a little bit of a break on the podcast, probably about a month or so. This is sadly because I've had some bad news from home and I need to return to the UK and spend some time with my family. So I hope you can bear with me while I get through this difficult time. We will be back later in the year with more great episodes. Thanks for listening. I wish you all well. Thank you.   Freebies:   

How to make more money in your business: Part 2 (Tip) show art How to make more money in your business: Part 2 (Tip)

Six Figures In School Hours

As a fellow human trying to balance parenting and running a business, I know how hard it can be, and I wanted to share some tips I’ve picked up along the way. These are shorter, snappier episodes to give you quick wins in your day. This is the second part to the previous tip on how to make more money in your business, today I'll give you five more ways to increase your earnings.        Freebies:   

Working for corporate while helping working mummas with Carina O'Brien (Chat) show art Working for corporate while helping working mummas with Carina O'Brien (Chat)

Six Figures In School Hours

So I live in a little bubble of small business, doing my thing at home in my bra and pants.   It has its own challenges, and sometimes the juggle feels impossible. But I cannot imagine how much harder it would be to have a real job. To have a ‘career’. To get up each day and trek to my workplace in an outfit, dropping my kid off at childcare on the way, trying to seem professional and grown up after 2 hours of sleep with Weetabix on my blouse.   Today’s guest knows how this feels, and has built an entire business around helping mums pursue their careers and manage their...

How to make more money in your business: Part 1 (Tip) show art How to make more money in your business: Part 1 (Tip)

Six Figures In School Hours

As a fellow human trying to balance parenting and running a business, I know how hard it can be, and I wanted to share some tips I’ve picked up along the way. These are shorter, snappier episodes to give you quick wins in your day. Today’s episode is all about how to make more money in your business.         Freebies:   

How to stay productive, persistent and creative with Keneena Fanning (Chat) show art How to stay productive, persistent and creative with Keneena Fanning (Chat)

Six Figures In School Hours

Do you like creating fabulous new ideas, bringing them to life, and showing your new creations to the world?    Today’s guest has built her business on creativity.    But how do you keep those creative juices flowing, run the businessy side of things, and keep up with your family?   Let’s find out.    Tune in to learn:  Why Keneena moved away from corporate management to start her own business How Keneena’s parenting style shifted and changed over time What her work-from-home setup looks like What challenges she faced as a mum with...

How to feel less parent guilt when working from home (Agony Aunt) show art How to feel less parent guilt when working from home (Agony Aunt)

Six Figures In School Hours

As a fellow human trying to balance parenting and running a business, I know how hard it can be. This week I want to address your woes in another Agony Aunt episode. I asked members of the Misfit Entrepreneurs Facebook group what their biggest challenges were as business parents.  And today I’ll answer one from Bec Slack from CleverStuff. Bec’s biggest challenge is: “When they were younger the feeling of guilt for using daycare when people thought working from home meant they should be with me (noone actually said it, but it was the feeling). Now they are older it's the guilt of...

Building business empires and raising six kids with Leanne Woff (Chat) show art Building business empires and raising six kids with Leanne Woff (Chat)

Six Figures In School Hours

And we’re back, starting the new year talking to one of my favourite humans. Now I know raising one child while you build your business empire is tough. But I know that in all honesty, I have it easy.  Imagine having a second, third and fourth child (and more). That’s so many more lunch boxes to pack, bottoms to wipe and arguments to resolve.   I honestly don’t know how today’s guest does it. She has not one, not two, but SIX children (and no she does not live in a shoe). She has also been fundamental in building my business and has created her own Audacious empire. How...

Setting realistic goals for 2024 (Tip) show art Setting realistic goals for 2024 (Tip)

Six Figures In School Hours

As a fellow human trying to balance parenting and running a business, I know how hard it can be, and I wanted to share some tips I’ve picked up along the way. These are shorter, snappier episodes to give you quick wins in your day.   Today I want to talk about setting realistic goals in 2024.  Many business coaches talk about setting SMART goals, but what's more interesting to me is writing down whatever thoughts you have, then looking at your list and asking 'why'.       Freebies:   

How to be happier with Penny Locaso (Chat) show art How to be happier with Penny Locaso (Chat)

Six Figures In School Hours

When you’re a busy working parent, your own happiness can feel like it’s at the bottom of a long list. This stage of life doesn’t feel like it’s about being happy. It feels like it’s about survival. Furthermore, any attempts to seek happiness bring out a rash of parent guilt. Self-care feels selfish when you have small humans. And in business often what we think makes us happy, doesn’t. We’re driven by ego, peer pressure and a bag full of ‘shoulds’. And we find, or I did, that the pursuit of happiness is in fact making us miserable. So in today's episode, we’re going to...

More Episodes

And we’re back, starting the new year talking to one of my favourite humans.

Now I know raising one child while you build your business empire is tough. But I know that in all honesty, I have it easy. 

Imagine having a second, third and fourth child (and more).
That’s so many more lunch boxes to pack, bottoms to wipe and arguments to resolve.

I honestly don’t know how today’s guest does it. She has not one, not two, but SIX children (and no she does not live in a shoe).

She has also been fundamental in building my business and has created her own Audacious empire.
How does she manage her time, her mental health and her to-do list?
Let’s find out.

Tune in to learn: 

  • What Leanne’s family set-up looks like

  • How Leanne adjusts her parenting style for each of her kids.

  • How she has achieved an incredible sense of calm

  • How Leanne balances building her own empire and clients’ empires as well.

  • Leanne’s tips for time-blocking and outsourcing

  • The key differences between an Online Business Manager (OBM) and a Virtual Assistant (VA)

  • How Leanne deals with parent guilt

  • How to be more productive and the importance of understanding your bookkeeping


Useful resources: 


Head to episode notes 


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  2. Productivity Cheat Sheet

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