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If You Aren't Asking For What You Need, Listen To This

Queen of Alchemy

Release Date: 01/28/2023

Pleasure Practices show art Pleasure Practices

Queen of Alchemy

Jannine MacKinnon, Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach, supports moms in thriving as their most radiant and happy selves. Through using tools like breathwork, inner child healing, pleasure practices, and approachable rituals, she creates a pathway for holistic, long lasting transformation in building confidence, connecting to your authenticity, awakening to pleasure, trusting your intuition, and letting go of your controlling masculine energy to soften more fully in your feminine energy. Jannine has 7+ years experience as a community leader, hosting events and supporting like minded moms in...

Stop Dimming Your Light and Shine Bright! show art Stop Dimming Your Light and Shine Bright!

Queen of Alchemy

In this episode, Amber takes us on a journey of self-discovery, sharing her personal experiences and insights on the destructive habit of dimming our own light. She delves into moments when she used to shrink herself, questioning her worth and appearance when others looked her way. The episode traces her evolution from a place of self-doubt to one of self-acceptance and radiance. She emphasizes the importance of saying "yes" to oneself, recounting pivotal moments when this decision led to profound changes in her life. From separating from her former spouse to embarking on a journey of...

The Strength in Asking for What You Need show art The Strength in Asking for What You Need

Queen of Alchemy

In this episode, we challenge the notion that independence equates to shouldering everything alone. We dive into the strength found in embracing vulnerability, dismantling the myth that asking for what you need is a sign of weakness. Join us as we explore the transformative power of allowing ourselves to receive, understanding that it's okay to ask for support and articulate our desires. Discover how stepping out of our comfort zones and opening ourselves to vulnerability can lead to personal growth, meaningful connections, and a greater sense of empowerment.    We shared our...

Why do I feel like something is wrong with me sexually? show art Why do I feel like something is wrong with me sexually?

Queen of Alchemy

Societal norms and expectations that lead many women to feel like there is something wrong with them sexually. Most of the teachings and information on sexuality are based on male experiences and preferences, leaving women feeling disconnected from their own desires and pleasure. These narratives around female sexuality can be harmful and limiting, reinforcing shame and guilt around sexual expression.  You get to celebrate your unique desires and pleasures. If you are someone who loves to have expansive conversations and know that there’s more,  expanding your mind, expressing...

Worthless and Abandoned: The Time I Almost Ended My Life show art Worthless and Abandoned: The Time I Almost Ended My Life

Queen of Alchemy

13 years ago I was ready to take a whole bottle of pain medication because I felt worthless and abandoned.  I was at the lowest point of my life and didn't know how to go on because if someone I cared so deeply about could just walk away... what did that mean about me?   If you are someone who loves to have expansive conversations and know that there’s more,  expanding your mind, expressing yourself and understanding who you are then this podcast is for you. Subscribe and leave us a 5-star review so more listeners can find our beautiful, deep, expansive...

Attract What Matters To You show art Attract What Matters To You

Queen of Alchemy

Attracting what matters to you with emphasis on the power and importance of acknowledging what you are feeling so you can align with what truly feels good to your inner being.  If you are someone who loves to have expansive conversations and know that there’s more,  expanding your mind, expressing yourself and understanding who you are then this podcast is for you. Subscribe and leave us a 5-star review so more listeners can find our beautiful, deep, expansive conversations.  💙 Instagram: www.instagram.com/amberkay_relationshipalchemist Join my newsletter here...

Shifting Your Thought Patterns to Attract Positive Experiences show art Shifting Your Thought Patterns to Attract Positive Experiences

Queen of Alchemy

In this episode we are discussing the importance of being aware of the thoughts that you have each day and how they can affect your life. It highlights the negative impact of starting the day with an automatic to-do list and checking social media on your phone, which can lead to feelings of failure and unworthiness. The law of attraction is also mentioned, because the beliefs you have about yourself can attract similar situations to you. I also emphasize the need to shift your thought patterns by interrupting negative patterns and gently moving into positive thoughts to experience positive...

Self Care Is Not Selfish show art Self Care Is Not Selfish

Queen of Alchemy

 It's selfish to say yes to yourself. Raise your hand if you felt this before. Let me assure you, you are not alone. I have felt this many times in my life before I realized the impact of that one simple.  A yes should feel effortless. When you're following your yes and your expansive energy, you are more open to receiving more of what you want. You feel good. And in my opinion, feeling good is the purpose of life. What is life? If you're not experiencing being on this earth expressing joy and having fun, one of the most important things you can ever teach yourself is how to say yes...

Why Somatic Movement Is Essential show art Why Somatic Movement Is Essential

Queen of Alchemy

Today we're talking about somatic movement and why that's important. What's so important about it? What does it even mean? Why do I wanna do it?  I actually wasn't aware of somatic movement until a few years ago, and when I started learning more about it, I realized how important it was, and that's what I'm sharing with you today. If you are someone who loves to have expansive conversations and know that there’s more,  expanding your mind, expressing yourself and understanding who you are then this podcast is for you. Subscribe and leave us a 5-star review so more listeners can...

Being Intentional show art Being Intentional

Queen of Alchemy

In this podcast episode, the I share about how Valentine's Day can be a challenging day for some people. However, I suggest that by being intentional with the day, anyone can make it their own and find meaning in it. I acknowledge that while some people may enjoy the traditional ways of celebrating, such as giving chocolates or flowers, it's important to remember that there are no right or wrong ways to celebrate. I share some ideas for how to make Valentine's Day your own. For example, taking the day to focus on self-care, doing something that you enjoy, or spending time with friends and...

More Episodes

Something really powerful was said to me one time when I was sharing that I love being able to help people. I feel so honored when someone feels safe to ask me for for help,

But I could never ask for it myself, I had a hard time receiving.  And this person asked me, "how do you feel when you're able to help someone out?"

Check out this episode to hear how that turned out ;)

If you are someone who loves to have expansive conversations and know that there’s more,  expanding your mind, expressing yourself and understanding who you are then this podcast is for you.

Subscribe and leave us a 5-star review so more listeners can find our beautiful, deep, expansive conversations.  💙

Share a screenshot of this episode to Instagram stories and tag me @amberkay_relationshipalchemist