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Finding the Perfect Fit with Your Words

Father On Purpose Podcast

Release Date: 12/01/2023

Trusting God as Your True North show art Trusting God as Your True North

Father On Purpose Podcast

Trust is hard to earn because it's so easy to lose. We've all experienced the pain of putting our complete trust in someone only to end up feeling betrayed or abandoned. Thankfully, as Christ followers, we serve a God who can be trusted in every season of life, even when those closest to us miss the mark. Trusting God is a non-negotiable for living the Christian life well—and for becoming the godly man your kids and wife need.   Support the show and upgrade your fatherhood swag. with code MJ15

A Father's Day Message for Dads show art A Father's Day Message for Dads

Father On Purpose Podcast

Some men are natural fixers. They just know how to connect the right wires or make "Tab A" and "Slot B" fit to perfection. Others struggle--and usually call in a professional for help. Thankfully, whether you're a "do it yourself" man or a "pick up the phone" kind of guy around the house, God has equipped you to make a difference as a dad. He's given you all the tools you need to get the job done right, the fatherhood job He’s assigned specifically to you. You just need to recognize what's in your toolbox and lean into His wisdom to use His gifts well. Father’s Day is a great time to...

Learning to Learning to "Be There" as a Man

Father On Purpose Podcast

Time is humanity's most precious resource, and the time that a dad has to invest in and encourage his family is even more priceless. In a culture that demands a piece of you at every turn, it can be tough to know how to make the most of the moments we're given as fathers. Thankfully, God has given us His thoughts through His Word, and men who want to know how to "be there" in good times and bad can learn from His wisdom.   Don't hog your dad wisdom.

Don Manning and Crazy, Cool Families show art Don Manning and Crazy, Cool Families

Father On Purpose Podcast

Years ago, God challenged Don Manning to go deep with Him and to go deep with his family. While it wasn’t the answer that Don was seeking at the time, it was a call that changed his life and his family legacy forever. The result has been a ministry that’s focused on helping dads find meaning and purpose—not to mention a whole lot of fun—in doing family God’s way. Listen to hear the wisdom Don’s gained over more than three decades of building and nurturing his own crazy, cool family.   Check out Crazy Cool Family:

Craig Bowler: Wants vs. Needs show art Craig Bowler: Wants vs. Needs

Father On Purpose Podcast

In a world where guys are supposed to have it all together, admitting any kind of need or weakness seems like a dangerous proposition. But, as pastor Craig Bowler reminds us, Jesus often comes to us with a simple question: "What do you want?" Becoming the man God created you to be involves letting Jesus show you the "wants" you may not even realize you have—and letting Him be the One who meets those deepest needs.   Handcrafted Leather for Dads on the Move: . Get 15% off your order with code MJ15

When When "busy" becomes "too busy"

Father On Purpose Podcast

While money comes in handy for this life, time has always been humanity's most precious resource. After all, we can always make more money, but time disappears forever with each tick of the clock. Since time is so valuable, we need to make sure we're not wasting a single moment of this gift that God has given us. Wise and generous men recognize a great investment when they see one—and nothing can be more profitable to us and our families than learning how to spend our time well.   Get Biblical Fatherhood encouragement each week. .

Learning to Celebrate Your Days show art Learning to Celebrate Your Days

Father On Purpose Podcast

The anonymous writer of Psalm 118 wrote that every day is a gift from God's hand, so we should celebrate each one. That sounds great until the pressures of the world start putting the squeeze on our lives. It's hard to maintain genuine joy and excitement about life when we're bombarded by the stresses and struggles of daily existence. As men of God, it's important for us—and our families—to stay connected to the only One who provides true meaning, purpose, and joy with every sunrise.   In celebration of our 150th episode, you can get The Connected Father Course from Manhood Journey...

Sayings That Fall Short show art Sayings That Fall Short

Father On Purpose Podcast

Words mean things. That's why we need to be incredibly careful about the words we use—and the words we believe. Our cultural vocabulary is filled with phrases that might sound motivational on the outside, but they miss the mark of what Jesus wants His followers to know about who they are and who He created them to be. He needs to be the filter for everything we say or hear about ourselves and others.   Take these common phrases and compare them to the truth of God's Word: 1) Take it like a man   2) Every cloud has a silver lining   3) Don't put all your eggs in one...

The Power of Generosity show art The Power of Generosity

Father On Purpose Podcast

We may never be more like Jesus than when we practice generosity. We serve a God who gives without limits, and He gives us the chance to be His hands and feet in this world every day. Even when we're living from paycheck to paycheck, we can still find ways to be generous. We just need to be open to the possibilities.   Handcrafted Leather Goods: .

How to Make the Most of Every Opportunity show art How to Make the Most of Every Opportunity

Father On Purpose Podcast

In a world obsessed with collecting more stuff, it's easy to forget that our most priceless commodity is time. We can always make more money; but once a moment passes, we can never get it back. That's why the Bible puts so much emphasis on taking advantage of every second of every day. Whether it's as a husband, dad, friend, or Christ follower, wasted time is a wasted opportunity. We need to invest in those opportunities God provides before they’re gone for good.   Take the hill each week and lead your family without regrets. .

More Episodes

As dads, we have the power to lift our kids to unbelievable heights or tear them down with devastating results. The key is what we say and how we say it. Words mean things, so we have to be intentional about guarding what comes out of our mouths. We'll dig into what Proverbs 25 has to say about the force our words carry in the lives of our kids and look for practical ideas that will help us speak life as fathers.


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