Bonnie After Dark
When do we consider the feelings of others? Do we stop and take a minute to think about the problems that we may cause with the actions that we are about to take? The effects that our words or actions have on someone can be positive or negative as we know. Lets dig in and discuss different ways to acheive positive outcomes rather than bringing yourself down or the people surrounding you.
info_outlineBonnie After Dark
There are many different types of men and women out there.... lets dive into ten types of men that may intrigue you and have you take a look or a step back at the relationships that you are currently engaging in!
info_outlineBonnie After Dark
We live our lives with many different stereotypes... from traditional to by the book stereotypes, they all linger in our lives more than we realize. Sexual stereotypes in relationships are a big one as we tend to stick with what we know and what we are told is okay when we learn who we are sexually. Yet we are never willing to try new things or jump off our regular seats and dive into different sexual roles. Lets dig deeper into sexual stereotypes and how we can put a stop to the views of men and women today!
info_outlineBonnie After Dark
Now days there are so many websites, so many stores and so many recomendations on where to make a purchase for a new dildo, sexy outfit, lube or accessories. Sometimes just listening to one of your friends choices is not neccesarily going to help. What works for one person and helps them hit that amazing orgasm may not work for the next person. Its not as difficult now days to access different varieties of toys... exploring different options and different websites helps with the crazy amount of choices out there. There are many budget friendly sites to help you find the perfect toy or the...
info_outlineBonnie After Dark
We all find ourselves trying to make decisions on a day to day basis. Some are miniscule and have little to no meaning and some are much more serious. There are steps we should follow in order to make proper decisions, or decisions that will have a greater impact in life and it is important to focus on these decisions on a more in depth level. Using the five steps we discuss in this episode will help you on a day to day, to make proper and appropriate decisions.
info_outlineBonnie After Dark
Everyone has a comfort zone, everyone has things that bother us but we are sometimes afraid to simply jump out of our comfort zones. From gettting in our vehicles and just driving to that place weve always wanted to seee, to climbing a mountain or simply just leaving the p.o.s partner we cant simply seem to shake. Regardless of what "breaking through" looks like to you it could be as simple as just changing the way you brush your damn hair. Lets see what its like breaking through comfort zones in the entertainment industry as well as in simple day to day life.
info_outlineBonnie After Dark
The life of an exotic dancer is either frowned upon, or thought of as some form of taboo and its time to discuss the life of us dancers on a deeper level... the pros and cons and a few more details!
info_outlineBonnie After Dark
Well, well, well... its been way to long but I am not sparing any details in this episode.... lets chat about the gypsy life, how things have been going as a travel dancer in Canada!
info_outlineBonnie After Dark
The worst thing that can happen in a relationship is the narcissist. This personality trait is very self centered, very caught up on themselves and cannot be emotionally invested in anyone but themselves. Regardless if they have children, or family that reside with them. They will create some sort of problem for the people surrounding them no matter who they hurt in the process. As long as they are okay and they have themselves taken care of, all is well in their world. Lets dig in to the narcissistic personality trait and find out what you can do to take care of yourself before the...
info_outlineBonnie After Dark
We all run in to the bumps and humps in our relationships, we may or may not find struggles to keep the spice coming. This doesnt meen we dont love our partners or dont want to spice it up, this simply means we need to tackle the problems at hand and figure out what makes eachother tick in the ongoing years of our relationships. We focus on everything around us and never on the internal side of things. Its time to dive in and talk about the key factors to holding a stong, positive and healthy sex life.
info_outlineFemale ejaculation is a normal thing, it can happen during arousal and it can happen throughout sex, or simply while discoverin your own body anad digging deeper into the female Gspot area. What is it, is it clear, is it urine, is it normal to be a squirter or is this an abnormal thing? How do we find a lady who is a squirter, or do we have a little squirt in each and every one of us?