A True Good Beautiful Life
There are mysteries all around us. Like was there a real King Arthur? What happened to the colonists on Roanoke Island in 1590? Who was Jack the Ripper? Who killed JFK? Is Big Foot real? While these and many other mysteries perplex us, in the literary world, the mystery of who inspired Shakespeare’s Sonnets, who is supposed to be the sonneteer, and who are the young man and dark lady in which the poems address, baffles critics and lovers of poetry to this day. But despite the musings and gallons of ink spilled in writing about these mysteries, Shakespeare’s Sonnets are a fascinating...
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Welcome back to the second part of our discussion of Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice! I have my good friend Heather Usher back with us to finish talking about the signifcance of "countenance" in Jane's famous novel, what are entails, the life of a governess, using foils, and examining Austen's prayer life. Pride and Prejudice is a book about love, societal expectations, growth in sound judgement and in self-knowledge. It is a canvas of human failings and how they sometimes triumph over them. The book looks into deep questions like - “Can an unworthy man have a worthy friend?”...
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Happy New Year to you all! Welcome to "A True Good Beautiful Life" podcast where we talk about life-long flourishing through the lens of Charlotte Mason and Classical educational philosophies. Perhaps my favorite thing to talk about is Literature and History and today I hope you will be as excited as I am about our topic of discussion. When I thought about doing an episode on Jane Austen, I was both giddy and terrified. There is so much that could be said, from her biography to her novels, from the Regency era to her juvenilia. And so I decided to take my favorite of her novels, which...
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Merry Christmas! Hello and welcome to A True Good Beautiful Life. I am your host, Jennifer Milligan and this podcast explores the ideas and practices of a Charlotte Mason and Classical Education. Today I am treated to a fascinating conversation with the Dean of , Dr. Brian Williams. We will discuss the telos or purpose of education and how to incorporate seven different areas of formation in the lives of our students (as well as ourselves) to promote long-term human flourishing. The areas of formation include the Intellectual, Moral, Aesthetic, Spiritual, Physical, Practical, and Social. Dr....
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Welcome! On last month’s episode, I had the honor of talking with of Templeton Honors College and Eastern University on her book, . She shared about the "why" of education and the "how" of implementing telic attention and a doxological classroom for everyone. So if you missed that one, please go back and check it out after you listen to this as you will certainly benefit from it. And so to piggyback on her talk, on today’s episode, I will be continuing our discussion on disabilities and learning differences, by taking a dive into one particular learning issue - Dyslexia, with Barton...
info_outlineA True Good Beautiful Life
Welcome to A True Good Beautiful Life podcast! Today my guest and I will take some of you down an unknown path of life, for others maybe an all too worn path, and perchance even for others one that some have ventured a little ways in but yet do not know their way through or what is beyond the bend. We are going to talk about disabilities and how understanding disabilities is essential to human flourishing, Classical Education, and Charlotte Mason’s First Principle - “children are born persons.” In the past, I briefly described what Charlotte Mason meant when she said that “children are...
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Welcome back to a new episode! The new school year has begun and I am sure you are filled with wonderful dreams and maybe a few nervous jitters! Fall is a wonderful time to begin educational endeavors fresh with new books, supplies, friends, and lesson plans. And while reading one’s Bible tends to always start in January, in our first segments on the TRUE and the GOOD, I am going to propose to you something a little more in depth that can be started anytime, including right now as autumn’s leaves start to color and fall. It’s a step-by-step Bible Study plan that you can use at home, in...
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New this week is a conversation about J. R. R. Tolkien and the genre of Fantasy literature. I have back with me special guest Dr. Fred Putnam, recently retired professor from and Eastern University in eastern Pennsylvania. We provide a brief biography of this famous writer and teacher, share some fun ideas on how to teach Tolkien in your classes, explain the benefits of reading Fantasy literature, and discuss the wonderful program offered to high school students in . There are a few little spoilers so if you haven't read the Lord of the Rings or watched the movies, beware! Maybe take...
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Are you familiar with the Common Arts? Could you describe them if someone asked you the difference between the Liberal Arts, the Fine Arts, and the Common Arts? This month's podcast is going to delve into the definition of the Common Arts and practical activities you can incorporate into your schools and homes that nurture these vital arts. Today’s episode is going to be a little different. For the first time in this podcast, I am going to share with you a lecture I recorded this past month during one of Templeton’s special evening lectures that was open to students, faculty, and the...
info_outlineA True Good Beautiful Life
Welcome to A TRUE GOOD BEAUTIFUL LIFE podcast! Here we discuss all things Charlotte Mason in light of the ideas of the TRUE, the GOOD, and the BEAUTIFUL! I am your host, Jennifer Milligan, and throughout this series I share with you how to find and cultivate various elements of TRUTH, GOODNESS and BEAUTY in our homes and classrooms through conversations with homeschooling parents and classroom teachers; interviews with experts, entrepreneurs, and artists; discussions regarding the great books, great minds, and great resources; fun travel and field trip summaries; and practices and...
info_outlineWelcome to A TRUE GOOD BEAUTIFUL LIFE podcast!
Here we will discuss all things Charlotte Mason in light of the ideas of the TRUE, the GOOD, and the BEAUTIFUL! I am your host, Jennifer Milligan, and throughout this series I will share with you how to find and cultivate various elements of TRUTH, GOODNESS and BEAUTY in our homes and classrooms through conversations with homeschooling parents and classroom teachers; interviews with experts, entrepreneurs, and artists; discussions regarding the great books, great minds, and great resources; fun travel and field trip summaries; and practices and creative experiences that embody the TRUE, the GOOD, and the BEAUTIFUL life. Over 100 years ago, British educator, Charlotte Mason, declared that, "Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life," and so today, I hope you will join me on this adventure in education.
Can you remember a poem that you learned in Elementary School? Or a Bible verse from Sunday School? How about that speech you did in 9th Grade History class?
Today I’m going to mix things up and start us off with our segment on the GOOD as I talk about some helpful habits to assist you and your students in memorizing material or practicing physical skills. Following that, I have an intriguing conversation with David Mathwin, the Dean of Students and History teacher at Ad Fontes Academy in Centreville, Virginia, the place where I first heard and learned about Classical Education. For our TRUE and BEAUTIFUL segments, Dave will share with us his philosophy on teaching and how he uses elements of BEAUTY to inspire and instill in his students the TRUTHS of History and life. So put your thinking caps on and let’s delve in!
Our Favorite Resources:
- Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel
- Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons From the Science of Learning by James Lang
- Home Education Series Bundle by Charlotte Mason
- The Language of Creation: Cosmic Symbolism in Genesis: A Commentary by Matthieu Pageau
- A Study of History, Volume 1: Abridgement of Vol. 1-6 by Arnold Toynbee
- The Histories by Polybius
- The Histories by Herodotus
If you restudy something after failing to recall it, you actually learn it better than if you had not tried to recall it. The effort of retrieving knowledge or skills strengthens its staying power and your ability to recall it in the future. - Make It Stick, p. 203
. . . [it is often assumed that] a baseball player who practices batting by swinging at fifteen fastballs, then at fifteen curveballs, and then at fifteen change-ups will perform better than the player who mixes it up. But the player who asks for random pitches during practice builds his ability to decipher and respond to each pitch as it comes his way, and he becomes the better hitter." - Make It Stick, p. 206
Mixing up problem types and specimens improves your ability to discriminate between types, identify the unifying characteristics within a type, and improves your success in a later test or in real-world settings where you must discern the kind of problem you're trying to solve in order to apply the correct solution." - Make It Stick, pp. 206-207
Here, too, is a subject which should be to the child an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas, should enrich the chambers of his House Beautiful with a thousand tableaux, pathetic and heroic, and should form in him, insensibly, principles whereby he will hereafter judge of the behavior of nations, and will rule his own conduct as one of a nation. This is what the study of history should do for the child. . . - Charlotte Mason, Volume 1: Home Education, p. 279
Next in order to religious knowledge, history is the pivot upon which our curriculum turns. History is the rich pasture of the mind – which increases upon the knowledge of men and events and, more than all, upon the sense of nationhood . . .” - Charlotte Mason, Volume 6: A Philosophy of Education, p. 273
How greatly is the reading of histories to be esteemed, which is able to furnish us with more examples in one day, than the whole course of the longest life of any man is able to do. Insomuch that they which exercise themselves in reading as they ought to do, although they be but young, become such in respect of understanding of the affairs of this world, as if they were old and gray headed and of long experience. Yea, though they never have removed out of their houses, yet are they advertised, informed and satisfied of all things in the world. - Jacques Amyot via Charlotte Mason, Volume 6: A Philosophy of Education, pp. 273-274)
The beautiful, almost without any effort of our own, acquaints us with the mental event of conviction, and so pleasurable a mental state is this that ever afterwards one is willing to labor, struggle, wrestle with the world to locate enduring sources of conviction – to locate what is true. - Elaine Scarry, On Beauty and Being Just, p. 31
. . . beauty is a starting place for education. - Elaine Scarry, On Beauty and Being Just, p. 31
Half of the teaching one hears and sees is more or less obtrusive. The oral lesson and the lecture, with their accompanying notes, give very little scope for the establishment of relations with great minds and various minds . . . . The art of standing aside to let a child develop the relations proper to him is the fine art of education . . .” - Charlotte Mason, Volume 3: School Education, p. 66-67
Children have other ways of expressing the conceptions that fill them when they are duly fed. They play at their history lessons, dress up, make tableaux, act scenes; or they have a stage, and their dolls act, while they paint the scenery and speak the speeches. There is no end to the modes of expression children find when there is anything in them to express. The mistake we make is to suppose that imagination is fed by nature, or that it works on the insipid diet of children’s story-books. Let a child have the meat he requires in his history readings, and in the literature which naturally gathers round this history, and imagination will bestir itself without any help of ours; the child will live out in detail a thousand scenes of which he only gets the merest hint. - Charlotte Mason, Volume 1: Home Education, p. 294-295
. . . give a child a single valuable idea, and you have done more for his education than if you had laid upon his mind the burden of bushels of information . . . - Charlotte Mason, Volume 1: Home Education, p. 174
- Make flashcards or use an online program like Quizlet or X-tra Math to practice vocabulary or facts. Incorporate interleaving and space out your study times.
- Think about a game you can implement in your classroom that will bring your subject to life for the students.
- How can you practice saying less or masterly inactivity in the classroom? What can you replace some of your lectures with?