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Disability and Sexual Health Series: Part 2 - Implicit Bias and Ableism


Release Date: 09/01/2023

A Patient Perspective on Doxy PEP show art A Patient Perspective on Doxy PEP


—or doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis—is a sexual health strategy that involves taking an oral antibiotic after sex to prevent , , and . Doxy PEP is the first new prevention method for bacterial STIs, and many experts believe it will be an important tool in our fight against this epidemic. In this episode, we speak to to get the patient's perspective on doxy PEP. They share their experience, offer tips for others considering doxy PEP, and explain how they've helped educate providers about this new prevention method. Learn more about doxy PEP at Hear more from Oscar on their...

Cervical Cancer Survivor Series—Advice from Survivors show art Cervical Cancer Survivor Series—Advice from Survivors


In honor of Cervical Health Awareness Month, the National Cervical Cancer Coalition presents the Cervical Cancer Survivor Series. Across eight episodes, we share stories from cervical cancer survivors across the country, touching on topics including diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, as well as advice for others whose lives are impacted by this preventable disease. We also talked to providers in the field to answer questions about screening prevention and treatment.

Cervical Cancer Survivor Series: Bradley Monk, MD show art Cervical Cancer Survivor Series: Bradley Monk, MD


In honor of Cervical Health Awareness Month, the National Cervical Cancer Coalition presents the Cervical Cancer Survivor Series. Across eight episodes, we share stories from cervical cancer survivors across the country, touching on topics including diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, as well as advice for others whose lives are impacted by this preventable disease. We also talked to providers in the field to answer questions about screening prevention and treatment.

Learning about HPV Self Collection with Barbara Moscicki, MD show art Learning about HPV Self Collection with Barbara Moscicki, MD


There's a new way to screen for cervical cancer with self-collection. People can take a sample of cells from their own vagina to test for HPV. The FDA recently approved this for use in providers offices. There's no pelvic exam stirrups or speculum involved. Research has shown that the results are just as accurate as when samples are collected by a clinician. Self-collection has the potential to expand testing to other healthcare settings and reach underscreened populations.

Jennifer Smith and the Promise of HPV Self Collection show art Jennifer Smith and the Promise of HPV Self Collection


There's a new way to screen for cervical cancer with self-collection. People can take a sample of cells from their own vagina to test for HPV. The FDA recently approved this for use in providers offices. There's no pelvic exam stirrups or speculum involved. Research has shown that the results are just as accurate as when samples are collected by a clinician. Self-collection has the potential to expand testing to other healthcare settings and reach underscreened populations.

Cervical Cancer Survivor Series: Aisha McClellan show art Cervical Cancer Survivor Series: Aisha McClellan


In honor of Cervical Health Awareness Month, the National Cervical Cancer Coalition presents the Cervical Cancer Survivor Series. Across eight episodes, we share stories from cervical cancer survivors across the country, touching on topics including diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, as well as advice for others whose lives are impacted by this preventable disease. We also talked to providers in the field to answer questions about screening prevention and treatment.

Cervical Cancer Survivor Series: Shaundra Hall show art Cervical Cancer Survivor Series: Shaundra Hall


In honor of Cervical Health Awareness Month, the National Cervical Cancer Coalition presents the Cervical Cancer Survivor Series. Across eight episodes, we share stories from cervical cancer survivors across the country, touching on topics including diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, as well as advice for others whose lives are impacted by this preventable disease. We also talked to providers in the field to answer questions about screening prevention and treatment.

Cervical Cancer Survivor Series: Jen English show art Cervical Cancer Survivor Series: Jen English


In honor of Cervical Health Awareness Month, the National Cervical Cancer Coalition presents the Cervical Cancer Survivor Series. Across eight episodes, we share stories from cervical cancer survivors across the country, touching on topics including diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, as well as advice for others whose lives are impacted by this preventable disease. We also talked to providers in the field to answer questions about screening prevention and treatment.

Cervical Cancer Survivor Series: Barbara Moscicki show art Cervical Cancer Survivor Series: Barbara Moscicki


In honor of Cervical Health Awareness Month, the National Cervical Cancer Coalition presents the Cervical Cancer Survivor Series. Across eight episodes, we share stories from cervical cancer survivors across the country, touching on topics including diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, as well as advice for others whose lives are impacted by this preventable disease. We also talked to providers in the field to answer questions about screening prevention and treatment.

Cervical Cancer Survivor Series: Cherlya Thompson show art Cervical Cancer Survivor Series: Cherlya Thompson


In honor of Cervical Health Awareness Month, the National Cervical Cancer Coalition presents the Cervical Cancer Survivor Series. Across eight episodes, we share stories from cervical cancer survivors across the country, touching on topics including diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, as well as advice for others whose lives are impacted by this preventable disease. We also talked to providers in the field to answer questions about screening prevention and treatment.

More Episodes
In part two of our Disability & Sexual Health Series, we chat with Nellie Galindo, MSW, MPH, and AASECT Professional Member, about implicit bias and ableism. She is the founder of Accessible Sexual Health, which is a mission-driven organization that seeks to advance access to comprehensive sex education for people with disabilities. She provides training, resources, and consultation for organizations and individuals who are seeking comprehensive, sex-positive, neurodiverse-affirming, and disability-centered sexual health education. LINKS: Website: https://www.accessiblesexualhealth.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/accessiblesexualhealth/ Studies referenced in the episode: Kolata, G. (2022, October 19). These doctors admit they don’t want patients with disabilities. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/19/health/doctors-patients-disabilities.html Parekh, T., Gimm, G., & Kitsantas, P. (2023). Sexually transmitted infections in women of reproductive age by disability type. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 64(3), 393–404. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S074937972200530X Brennand, E. A., & Santinele Martino, A. (2022). Disability is associated with sexually transmitted infection: Severity and female sex are important risk factors. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 31(1), 91–102. https://www.utpjournals.press/doi/full/10.3138/cjhs.2021-0053?role=tab Schmidt, E. K., Hand, B. N., Simpson, K. N., & Darragh, A. R. (2019). Sexually transmitted infections in privately insured adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of comparative effectiveness research, 8(8), 599–606. https://doi.org/10.2217/cer-2019-0011 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30838884/