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Us Don't Have To Worry Bout Covid

Monkeys With Matches

Release Date: 06/22/2020

The Way of the Turtle show art The Way of the Turtle

Monkeys With Matches

There once was a turtle named Mitch, The Dems thought of him as a bitch, He kissed the beasts ass, The beast pushed out some gas, Forever Mitch has found his sweet nitch.

The Trump Cult show art The Trump Cult

Monkeys With Matches

The elections, the virus, the trump cult, oh my!

Bill Devlin Part 2 show art Bill Devlin Part 2

Monkeys With Matches

Bill Devlin Part 1 show art Bill Devlin Part 1

Monkeys With Matches

Ever wonder what angry monkeys, Hüsker Dü, Church Picnic and some guy named Carrie have in common? Monkeys With Matches, thats what.

Shall We Overcome? show art Shall We Overcome?

Monkeys With Matches

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter - Martin Luther King

The Illuminati show art The Illuminati

Monkeys With Matches

Too many things are occurring for even a big heart to hold. -Yeats

Joseph Skokie show art Joseph Skokie

Monkeys With Matches

Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing, only a signal shown, and a distant voice in the darkness; So on the ocean of life, we pass and speak one another, only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence. -HW Longfellow 

Unicorn Santa Pony Tail show art Unicorn Santa Pony Tail

Monkeys With Matches

The only reason people don't know much is because they do not care to know. They are incurious. Incuriousity is the oddest and most foolish failing there is.  -Stephen Fry

She's A Star show art She's A Star

Monkeys With Matches

My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends— It gives a lovely light!  -Edna Millay      

Jack show art Jack

Monkeys With Matches

The little fish eats the tiny fish, the big fish eats the little fish. So only the biggest fish gets fat. Do you know any folks like that? -Anonymous 

More Episodes

Prezident Cheezel deletes lockdown,
deletes the World Health Organization,
deletes the memory of George Floyd,
then hunkers in his hunker bunker,
hunkers with freedom fries at midnight,
a lights out party at the House of White.
His rancid data dump is oozing out of our phones,
like they say go big or go home.

Fires on the perimeter spell DOOM MF
to the ticks, the fleas, and assorted blood suckers.
Ominous weapons and vicious dogs in the streets,
The Donald just keeps tweeting from his tweet cheat sheet.
Hiding behind shooters shooting looting looters,
no one really there, just a ripple of bad energy
troubling the space time continuum zone,
like they say go big or go home.

Tear gas clouds obscure the Church of St Johns,
where the Cheeseburger in Chief is goner than gone
waving a Gideons Bible at the nation,
this walk on bit player out of Revelations.
Day of the Truffid starring the Emperor Werepig,
a rogue Confederate booked for the POTUS gig,

save us Sleepy Joe Biden, establishment clone,
like they say go big or go home.

Bigging up, Trumpettes rage, rage,
against the bleating of the bright:
take your virology and shove it brother,
punching the air as killer cops break cover.
VP Mike Palpatine silently hovers over the floor
while a conga line of suckholes grooves out the door
to home on the range where the bad boys all roam:
like they say go big or go home.

- Victor Billot