Acting Real with Kat Foster
On Formlessness, The Mystery Of Existence, and The Vast Expanse Of Consciousness That Is Us.
info_outline Angel ParkerActing Real with Kat Foster
On the beauty of aging, setting goals, and finding gratitudes. Also, a real conversation about what has and has not changed over this past year during the Black Lives Matter Movement.
info_outline Michael ChernusActing Real with Kat Foster
On becoming ourselves, contending with our fear of fucking up, and learning to groove.
info_outline Maria DizziaActing Real with Kat Foster
On navigating paralyzing anxiety under high pressure (AKA stage fright), the rewards of acceptance, and where ideas come from.
info_outline Amir ArisonActing Real with Kat Foster
On creating, donating, and feeling great.
info_outline Camille GuatyActing Real with Kat Foster
On moving through loss, the power of quitting, and the journey of becoming a parent.
info_outline Nadine CrockerActing Real with Kat Foster
On surviving, thriving, and honing your superpowers (gratitude, passion, and being of service).
info_outline Lindsey KraftActing Real with Kat Foster
On (almost) effortless creating, shadow projection, the (sometimes) razor thin line between story and truth, and the meaning of bravery.
info_outline Bianca KajlichActing Real with Kat Foster
On universal human needs, morphic resonance, and the true benefit of self-care.
info_outline Elizabeth ReaserActing Real with Kat Foster
On pain management, shifting beliefs, and prioritizing fun.
info_outlineOn ‘better than worse than’ thinking, the meaning of social media, and the energetics of money.