Episode 145 [3/3]: Emily Ruhl: Religiously-defensible, divinely-supported genocide
Release Date: 06/29/2023
Activist #MMT - podcast
John Harvey reads the next chapter of his book, Contending Perspectives. Here's the from where this audio came. Here's a list of links to (released so far) in his 2021 book Contending Perspectives. I have edited both the video and audio to eliminate mistakes, coughs, interruptions, and etc. Sections in this chapter These timestamps are exact for the audio. For the video, you'll need to add around seven seconds in order to get to the precise spot. (This is because of the opening credits, which are over around seven seconds of silence.) Note: At around 10:40, there is a weird cut in the audio...
info_outlineActivist #MMT - podcast
John Harvey reads the next chapter of his book, Contending Perspectives. Here's the from where this audio came. Here's a list of links to (released so far) in his 2021 book Contending Perspectives. I have edited both the video and audio to eliminate mistakes, coughs, interruptions, and etc. Sections in this chapter These timestamps are exact for the audio. For the video, you'll need to add around seven seconds in order to get to the precise spot. (This is because of the opening credits, which are over around seven seconds of silence.) 1:04 - Section: The Great Depression and Keynes' General...
info_outlineActivist #MMT - podcast
Welcome to episode 154 of Activist #MMT. Today's part two with German MMT economist Dirk Ehnts. (Here's a link to .) Above is the episode in audio form. Below is the episode in video form: In addition to talking about Dirk's books, we discuss two major concepts. First is the idea that a major characteristic of human beings is they really don't like saying "I want to" do something horrible. They want to instead be able to say "I must." Conversely, instead of saying "I don't want to" do something good and necessary they will do whatever it takes to say "I can't." A simple example is when you...
info_outlineActivist #MMT - podcast
Welcome to episode 153 of Activist #MMT. Today I talk with German MMT economist Dirk Ehnts. He discusses his books, and the courses he teaches, including one called "Equity, Equality, and Employment" at Torrens University. (This is part one of a two part episode. Here's a link to PART TWO.) Above is the episode in audio form. Below is the episode in video form: We then talk about concepts related to individualism versus community, and how society imposes individualism on all of us in many ways. One example I experience personally is how, in my home state of New Jersey, it is virtually...
info_outlineActivist #MMT - podcast
John Harvey reads the next chapter of his book, Contending Perspectives. Here's the from where this audio came. Here's a list of links to (released so far) in his 2021 book Contending Perspectives. I have edited both the video and audio to eliminate mistakes, coughs, interruptions, and etc. Sections in this chapter 1:58 - Methodological individualism, praxeology, and subjectivism 9:46 - Market process 12:24 - Austrian business cycle theory 16:27 - Method 17:28 - Views of human nature and justice 18:35 - Standards 20:46 - Contemporary activities 21:48 - Criticisms 23:51 - Final rejoinder...
info_outlineActivist #MMT - podcast
John Harvey reads the next chapter of his book, Contending Perspectives. Here's the from where this audio came. Here's a list of links to (released so far) in his 2021 book Contending Perspectives. I have edited both the video and audio to eliminate mistakes, coughs, interruptions, and etc.
info_outlineActivist #MMT - podcast
John Harvey reads the next chapter of his book, Contending Perspectives. Here's the from where this audio came. Here's a list of links to (released so far) in his 2021 book Contending Perspectives. I have edited both the video and audio to eliminate obvious mistakes, coughs, interruptions, and etc.
info_outlineActivist #MMT - podcast
John Harvey reads the next chapter of his book, Contending Perspectives. Here's the from where this audio came. Here's a list of links to (released so far) in his 2021 book Contending Perspectives. I have edited both the video and audio to eliminate obvious mistakes, coughs, interruptions, and etc. Audio chapters Use the below timestamps to navigate to each major section and occurrence in this section: 1:35 - Page 8: Chapter 2: Economics as a scientific discipline 3:25 - Page 8: Section: What is science? 4:40 - Page 9 10:03 - Page 10: A realistic version of science 17:39 - Page 13 30:13 -...
info_outlineActivist #MMT - podcast
Welcome to episode 152 of Activist #MMT. Today's part two of my conversation with five of my Torrens classmates, this time about the job guarantee, from a now-much more educated point of view, given our experience at Torrens. We are also joined by John's wife, Martha, who is highly educated on topics related to the job guarantee. (Here's a link to .) But for now, let's get right back to our conversation.
info_outlineActivist #MMT - podcast
Welcome to episode 151 of Activist #MMT. Today I talk with five of my Torrens classmates about our first year in the new graduate program – its importance, some fond memories, and a few improvements we hope to see. In part two we discuss the job guarantee from a now-much more educated point of view. (Here's a link to . A list of the audio chapters in this episode can be found right below.) My guests are Gabie Bond who, along with Professor Steven Hail is the program's administrator, and all-around wonderful person. Susan Borden is the student-matriarch who is taking classes faster than...
info_outlineWelcome to episode 142 of Activist #MMT. Today's the final part of my three-part conversation with Emily Ruhl, on his 2008 paper, Religiously-defensible, divinely-supported genocide. Today we discuss principles seven to ten. My full and detailed question and summary list can be found in the show notes to part one. Also, be sure to see the list "audio chapters" in all three parts (look below!) to find exactly where each topic is discussed.
You can financially support this podcast by going to Patreon.com/ActivistMMT. For as little as a dollar a month, all patrons get exclusive, super-early access to several full episodes and some unique patron-only opportunities, like asking my academic guests questions (like my episodes with Dirk Ehnts, John Harvey, and Warren Mosler). In addition to this podcast, patrons also support the development of my large and growing collection of learn-MMT resources, and my journey through the Torrens graduate program. To become a patron, you can start by going to Patreon.com/ActivistMMT. Every little bit helps a little bit, and it all adds up to a lot. Thanks.
And now, let's get right back to my conversation with Emily Ruhl. Enjoy.
Audio chapters
- 3:01 - Different levels of Nazis: killing versus deciding who to kill (doctors, commandants, soldiers)
- 6:44 - Symbols as an expression and reminder of power (pledge of allegiance)
- 8:02 - Charismatization: The charisma of the individual, and of the world (institutions) around him — including reactions to him.
- 18:17 - Calmly stirring up the crowd into a frenzy, and further into genocide.
- 19:03 - The pursuit of Atlantis and the holy grail (Indians Jones)
- 28:10 - Nazi pseudo-religion is a tool to justify genocide. False economics is a tool to justify mass neglect and exploitation.
- 34:44 - Connecting false economics and Nazi Germany's pseudo-religion
- 38:47 - In the national context, there is no such thing as "finding money" Their decision to do something IS the the funding.
- 41:38 - Final question: Polanyi, "latent anti-Semetism" versus venting frustrations from a lifetime of mass neglect and exploitation
- 51:00 - Reality of hyperinflation, the treaty of Versailles
- 52:28 - Final comments
- 54:44 - Goodbyes