EP 115 - Chris Gardner, Mindshift Financial, How the Private Family Banking System Makes You Wealthy
Release Date: 09/25/2023
Addicted To Winning
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info_outlineEP 115 - Chris Gardner, Mindshift Financial, How the Private Family Banking System Makes You Wealthy
Have you ever wondered where your desire for “more” comes from when you have what society considers “enough?” Is it genetic? Is it a motivation fueled by socioeconomic situations? Or is it simply learning how to pair hard work, diligence, and discipline into creating something bigger than yourself that will serve your family long after you’re gone? We’re not talking about life insurance today. We’re talking about pissing excellence and the power of creating a big secret most banks don’t want you to know…………The Private Family Financial System.
Chris Gardner is the Founder and CEO of Mindshift Financial helping educate families on understanding how to create generational wealth by leveraging their current income and creating a system where reliance on traditional banks becomes a thing of the past.
In today’s episode, Jeff and Chris discuss where the “wanting of more” originated citing the possibilities of genetics, hard work, and mindsets and habits learned in childhood. Chris shares how he played sports in school motivated by the desire to simply win. Jeff and Chris highlight why financial literacy is not being taught in schools and what we can do to help educate our families moving forward. Chris shares how Mindshift Financial is helping business owners and entrepreneurs who feel they’re paying too much in taxes, as well as why it’s important to set up a Private Family Banking System.
What You'll Learn:
The lessons Chris learned from losing while playing baseball, football, and basketball in school
Theories as to where the drive for wanting more in life comes from citing possibilities being linked to DNA, work ethic taught and learned in childhood and mindset
A simple overview of the Private Family Banking System and how it’s beneficial for you and your family starting today
Why entrepreneurs and business owners are flocking to work with Mindshift Financial
Chris’ biggest motivator today and where he invests his time when he’s not behind the desk
Failures of the education system and how Chris is turning that around for adults and children alike starting with financial literacy
Compound effects of never having to pay bank fees again
Why being plugged into powerful networks of smarter, more intelligent, and dynamic people will show you what’s possible in terms of living a high-quality of life
How you don’t have to have thousands of dollars to start your own Private Family Banking System
How to get out of debt in a 3rd of the time
Chris’ big hairy audacious goal involving motors
And much more!
“If you look at the Rockefellers, they still have a ton of money and they have 100+ millionaires in the family and so what they do is they continue on the legacy and that’s what we teach our clients how to do and it’s not as difficult as you think. It’s actually pretty simple. You just have to change your mindset and the process by which you do it.”
Chris Gardner
Connect with Chris:
How To Get Involved:
Addicted to Winning connects listeners through stories that prove why mindset matters. Jeff Brekken was working a 60-hour week on his family’s farm by the time he was 10. When he wasn’t helping with the harvest, he was at the hockey rink. Jeff’s early life experiences taught him he needs to be either all-in or all-out.
In 2000 he started a single-family home construction business and by 2008 he was looking for the next big thing. Jeff founded the Blue Sky Benefit Solutions & Rise Above HR/ Recruiting on top of a lifelong passion for helping people. Through this show, Jeff will take that passion one step further.
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