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Ep.91-Purity of the Principles--Part 2

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

Release Date: 06/20/2023

Ep.103-Jack Pransky on Alcohol+Community show art Ep.103-Jack Pransky on Alcohol+Community

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

Podcast 103 is JACK PRANSKY answering the following questions from African members of 3P Nakivale Alcohol Department & Satellite Department is a continuation of the 3P in Africa series.   1. Four (4) things to be successful in Modello and all community projects?   2. When people drink alcohol they feel happy but after they are fighting. Why?   3 People in Nakivale believe in God, but they do not have love. Why?   4. Are we always living in the Spirit all the time? 5. Why do some people able to stop drinking alcohol immediately and others take longer?...

EP.102- EP.102-"3P in Africa" Alcohol Success Stories

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

35 minutes edited sharing by “3P in Africa” Alcohol  with stories in SWAHILI/ENGLISH by the Satellite Dep't of 3P Nakivale Alcohol Dep't; Mark sharing on Kenya; & Harry and Dicken concluding the 4 hour 2 session 3P seminar.

3P Nakivale Alcohol Department Develops? show art 3P Nakivale Alcohol Department Develops?

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

7 minute edited podcast of 1.5 hour 3P in Sweden (3PSE) with Thomas Jensen asking Harry how does “3P in Africa” work?  Harry gives an example how the 3P Nakivale Alcohol Department developed and now has a GOFUNDME . This department is achieving powerful results but the counselors are unpaid living as refugees with wives and their 24 children. Their wisdom and commitment to alleviating human suffering because of alcohol is inspiring. Full Video can be seen

AF8-3P in Africa Seminar- Sesson 3 show art AF8-3P in Africa Seminar- Sesson 3

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

Session 3 highlights the introduction of the new team member, Mark Williams, + sharing's from Gideon, George from Kenya + sharing's from Phillips, Gervin and Pady from Nakivale Refugee Camp. The session concludes with Dr. Dicken Bettinger talking about kindred spirits. Video of Session 3: Video Session 1: Podcast Session 1: Video Session 2 - Podcast Session 1 - 3P in Africa Facebook Group -- 3P in Africa YouTube Channel -- 3P in Africa Documentary --

AF7-3P in Africa Seminar-Session 2 show art AF7-3P in Africa Seminar-Session 2

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

Session 2 of May 26 "3P in Africa SEMINAR" with Dr. Dicken Bettinger sharing on THE DIVINE PRINCIPLES: FERTILE GROUND FOR LIFE-CHANGING INSIGHTS with Q&A by participants.   Dicken talks about his relationship with Sydney Banks & Syd’s experience of infinity, full of the creative possibilities and love. He expounds on our connection to the infinite intelligence or divine, and our ability to experience our True Self. THIS IS SESSION 2 OF 3 SESSIONS, 3rd to follow. Video of Session 2: Video Session 1: Podcast Session 1: 3P in Africa Facebook Group --...

Ep.100- Ep.100- "3P in Africa" on Alcohol

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

5 minute extract from 1.15 hour session with five (5) 3P in Africa educators. Philips, Slyvie and Joseph come from 3 different areas in Uganda and share their wisdom in a major area of concern in their individual communities in Nakivale Refugee Camp, Kitgum and near Kampala i.e. drugs and alcohol. Uganda has been documented as one of the most negatively affected by drugs and alcohol in Africa.


Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

4 years ago, this podcast was Wendi Saggese’s honest and heart fulfilling discussion about dying from cancer 2 weeks before "moving on." This is my favorite show. In my mind, it was the most touching and deep feelings of any of our 77 shows on ADDICTIONS, ALCOHOLISM & 3 PRINCIPLES.  A MUST LISTEN TO!!   FULL WEBINAR --

Ep.98-Parenting & Addiction show art Ep.98-Parenting & Addiction

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

Debi and Catherine share about parenting with their own sons and daughter whom have addiction issues. VERY HEART WARMING!! Full Video can be seen

Ep.97-Case Studies, Results & Healing show art Ep.97-Case Studies, Results & Healing

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

This podcast is a 30-minute extract from a session of the recent WeRallOK Global Online Conference of Back to the Fitrah Mentoring Academy on CASE STUDIES, RESULTS AND RECOVERY. Members of the Addiction Department talk about Healing and sharing with clients + Creating support and awareness of family members. Full Video can be seen at

Ep.96-Spiritual Solution to Addiction show art Ep.96-Spiritual Solution to Addiction

Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

Watch how Harry uses Sydney Banks 11-minute teaching at the beginning of this podcast to expand on HEALING IN ADDICTION. This powerful presentation called a Spiritual Solution to Addiction was part of the recent 4th Annual Global Conference of 2 days by , which included 4 hours by the Addiction Department. If you want to uncover a spiritual-psychological answer or the Ultimate Answer to Addiction, this is the talk for you.   Sydney Banks Video on Alcoholism is not a Disease –   Harry Derbitsky’s Video on A Spiritual Solution to Addiction --  

More Episodes

Podcast 91 is an extract from a TAWHID WEBINAR that is described as a perfect celebration of Sydney Banks 50th Anniversary of his enlightenment experience. Guest Dr. Dicken Bettinger deals with the essence of all psychological experience through the questions of "Do you believe the field of psychology will ever embrace this 3 Principles understanding" and "The power of an Insight." He describes a wisdom based versus ego based world.