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Episode #178: On Intellectual Humility with Dr. Francis J. Gavin

A Different Lens

Release Date: 03/14/2023

Episode #183: Israel's War on Gaza, 2024 Elections with Margaret Kimberley show art Episode #183: Israel's War on Gaza, 2024 Elections with Margaret Kimberley

A Different Lens

Today we talk to Margaret Kimberley, the Executive Editor and Senior Columnist of Black Agenda Report, discussing Israel's war on Gaza and the larger political situation surrounding it as well as delving into the 2024 elections with the seeming match-up between Trump and Biden and the issue with the push to take Trump off the election ballot.   Shownotes

Episode #182: Artificial Intelligence and the Class Struggle with Chris Fry show art Episode #182: Artificial Intelligence and the Class Struggle with Chris Fry

A Different Lens

Today we chat with author and activist Chris Fry to discuss the issue of artificial intelligence, how it is and can be utilized,  the effect it would have on the working class, and what are some reasons to maintain hope.   Shownotes

Episode #181: On Stalin (Part 6: The Great Purge) show art Episode #181: On Stalin (Part 6: The Great Purge)

A Different Lens

Today we do a deep dive into The Great Purge, really discussing the overall situation and getting into the specifics of who was involved, what they did, and the reasoning behind it. Shownotes

Episode #180: The Privatization of Education with Dr. Shawgi Tell show art Episode #180: The Privatization of Education with Dr. Shawgi Tell

A Different Lens

Today, we chat with Dr. Shawgi Tell, a professor of education at Nazareth University about his article entitled "Charter Schools and the Privatization (and Profitization) of Education." In the interview we discuss how charter schools differ from public schools, the strange ways in which they are funded, and how the strange space they occupy being private institutions while delivering a public good.   Shownotes    

Episode #179: On Stalin (Part 5: Collectivization) show art Episode #179: On Stalin (Part 5: Collectivization)

A Different Lens

We continue our series on Stalin with Dr. Nick Partyka today, specifically delving into collectivization of Soviet farms, what was occurring previously, and even discussing kulaks and the de-kulakization campaigns.   Shownotes

Episode #178: On Intellectual Humility with Dr. Francis J. Gavin show art Episode #178: On Intellectual Humility with Dr. Francis J. Gavin

A Different Lens

Today we are talking to historian and professor Dr. Francis J. Gavin about his article in the Texas National Security Review entitled "I Was Wrong. Now What?" In the interview we go and discuss the idea of intellectual humility, why it's so hard to find in academic/analytical circles and the larger society, and why in the media it is so difficult to admit that you don't know something.   Shownotes

Episode #177: On Stalin (Part 4: Stalin's Rise) show art Episode #177: On Stalin (Part 4: Stalin's Rise)

A Different Lens

We get back into our series on Stalin with Labor Issues Chair Dr. Nick Partyka, discussing Stalin's rise in the Soviet government in the 1920s, discussing everything from economic policies to how Soviet government officials were even chosen.   Shownotes Note that the reading lists are cumulative rather than being contained to a single section of the series On Stalin Series: , ,

Episode #176: East Palestine, Climate Change, and Economics with Mark Provost show art Episode #176: East Palestine, Climate Change, and Economics with Mark Provost

A Different Lens

Today we chat with friend of the show Mark Provost about the situation in East Palestine, using it as a launching pad to discuss larger issues in the US and around the world, from the environment and climate change to economics, in both the short and long-term.   Shownotes   Other episodes with Mark Provost

Episode #175: Mass Shooting Roundtable show art Episode #175: Mass Shooting Roundtable

A Different Lens

Today we have a roundtable of several past interviewees Cyrarh Hawkins, Bryan Gordon, and our own Labor Issues Chair Dr. Nick Partyka, to discuss the topic of mass shootings in the US, everything from the issues of guns, to mental health, to the urban/rural divide on the question of the gun.

Episode #174: UK Economic Troubles with Professor Surin show art Episode #174: UK Economic Troubles with Professor Surin

A Different Lens

In our first episode of the new year, we interview Professor Emeritus Kenneth J. Surin about his two most recent articles in Counterpunch, discussing the economic and social problems in the UK, drawing parallels to what is going on in the US, and if there is any hope to be had in such a bleak situation.   Shownotes

More Episodes

Today we are talking to historian and professor Dr. Francis J. Gavin about his article in the Texas National Security Review entitled "I Was Wrong. Now What?" In the interview we go and discuss the idea of intellectual humility, why it's so hard to find in academic/analytical circles and the larger society, and why in the media it is so difficult to admit that you don't know something.



I Was Wrong. Now What?