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Embracing my Africaness

Africa Carrefour

Release Date: 04/11/2020

Mental Health Stigma in Africa Part 2 show art Mental Health Stigma in Africa Part 2

Africa Carrefour

In this episode we continue our discussion with Dr Abey on the importance of mental health as well as some of the stigma in our African community.

Mental Health Stigma in Africa Part 1 show art Mental Health Stigma in Africa Part 1

Africa Carrefour

In this episode we talk about the importance of mental health as well as some of the stigma in our African community

Pursuing Higher Education Abroad show art Pursuing Higher Education Abroad

Africa Carrefour

This episode is part of The Millennial Dialogue on Africa Series where we talked about education of the African child abroad. 

I am Africa show art I am Africa

Africa Carrefour

In this episode, I talk about graduation and what African students can do to change the narrative. 

An Update show art An Update

Africa Carrefour

Africa what are you celebrating?  show art Africa what are you celebrating?

Africa Carrefour

In this episode, I talk briefly on the legacy of Kwame Nkrumah on the occasion of the celebration of 64 years of Ghana's independence and what is undoubtable the liberation of Africa. 64 years post colonial rule and the question still lingers is Africa completely free?

African Cosmology and Culture show art African Cosmology and Culture

Africa Carrefour

In this episode, I talk with Derrick Ofodirinwa, teacher of Igbo cosmology, spirituality and culture about how our African culture helps inform us on our identity. 

Happy New Year Africa! show art Happy New Year Africa!

Africa Carrefour

In this episode we revisit the most headline event of 2020 and the lessons Africa can teach the world.

What in the world is still going on show art What in the world is still going on

Africa Carrefour

In this episode we talked about the lessons African leaders can learn from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Black skin, Light skin, defining Beauty in Africa show art Black skin, Light skin, defining Beauty in Africa

Africa Carrefour

Sometimes beauty in Africa has often been equated to being light skin. But in a continent of mostly black skin women, where does that leave them? aren't they beautiful? In this episode, we talk to two women about their beauty experience, how they defined beauty and what is beauty in Africa. We explore this concept of whether light skin or black skin is one that we should use as well as the use of beauty product. 

More Episodes

This episode describes my struggles in coming to terms with being identified as African. Let me know what you think and please share your experience with me.