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1745 - Bats in Buildings...Opinions on Sheep and Goat Meat

Agriculture Today

Release Date: 08/13/2024

1770 - FSA H5N1 and Farm Loan Programs...Replacement Heifers show art 1770 - FSA H5N1 and Farm Loan Programs...Replacement Heifers

Agriculture Today

Changes at the Farm Service Agency Developing Heifers Producer-Veterinarian Relationship   00:01:05 – Changes at the Farm Service Agency: Dennis McKinney, director of the Kansas Farm Service Agency, kicks off today’s show explaining changes that have been made with the farm loan program and what it means for farmers and ranchers.   00:12:05 – Developing Heifers: Keeping the show rolling is K-State cow-calf Extension specialist, Jason Warner, as he discusses developing heifers and considerations cattle producers should think about.   00:23:05...

1769 - Preg Checking Evaluation...New K-State Sheep and Goat Specialist show art 1769 - Preg Checking Evaluation...New K-State Sheep and Goat Specialist

Agriculture Today

Evaluating Cattle Pregnancy Results Introducing New K-State Small Ruminant Specialist Mixing New and Old Corn Silage   00:01:05 – Evaluating Cattle Pregnancy Results: Starting today’s show is K-State beef reproduction specialist, Sandy Johnson, discussing her recommendation for evaluating results from pregnancy checks on cattle.   00:12:05 – Introducing New K-State Small Ruminant Specialist: K-State small ruminant Extension specialist, Kelsey Bentley, continues the show as she introduces herself to Kansans and explains her past research. 919-502-9293   00:23:05...

1768 - Cattle Market Demand...Ag Lenders show art 1768 - Cattle Market Demand...Ag Lenders

Agriculture Today

Mixed Bag Cattle Market Ag Lenders Conference Out Fishing   00:01:05 – Mixed Bag Cattle Market: Glynn Tonsor, K-State livestock economist, starts today’s show with his cattle market outlook. He discusses the current state of the market, feedlot returns and domestic and export demand.   00:12:05 –  Ag Lenders Conference: K-State Extension assistant, Rich Llewelyn continues the show with a preview of the upcoming Ag Lenders Conference. We are also joined by USDA’s Rod Bain as he talks with professionals about farm safety and health.   00:23:05 – Out...

1767 - Grain Expectations and Balances...Low Soil Moisture show art 1767 - Grain Expectations and Balances...Low Soil Moisture

Agriculture Today

Grain Market Balance Sheets, Part 1 Grain Market Balance Sheets, Part 2 Will We See Rain?   00:01:05 – Grain Market Balance Sheets, Part 1: Dan O’Brien, K-State grain economist, and Guy Allen, senior economist at the IGP Institute, begin today’s show with two segments as they discuss the domestic and international grain markets following the WASDE report. Dan gives an overview of the changes in USDA balance sheets while Guy discusses the movement in the U.S. Dollar. The pair also talks about the markets for wheat, corn and soybeans.    00:12:05 –  Grain Market...

1766 - ARC Payments for Wheat...Forage Tests show art 1766 - ARC Payments for Wheat...Forage Tests

Agriculture Today

ARC-County Payments Cool-Season Performance Tests Pests in Yards   00:01:05 – ARC-County Payments: Robin Reid, K-State Extension agricultural economist, starts today's show with reviewing ARC-County payments for wheat and expected payments for corn, soybeans and grain sorghum.   00:12:05 – Cool-Season Performance Tests: K-State cropping systems and forage agronomist, John Holman, and K-State soil scientist, Augustine Obour, keep today’s show rolling by explaining the 2024 Kansas Cool-Season Forage Performance Tests.   00:23:05 – Pests in Yards: Ending...

1765 - Legal Issues for Farmers and Ranchers...Armyworms show art 1765 - Legal Issues for Farmers and Ranchers...Armyworms

Agriculture Today

Formal Partnerships and Drawing from Social Security Armyworms and Fall Armyworms Beef Trade   00:01:05 – Formal Partnerships and Drawing from Social Security: Beginning today’s show is Roger McEowen, K-State and Washburn law professor, with a discussion on more tax and legal issues involving partnerships, estate planning and social security.   00:12:05 – Armyworms and Fall Armyworms: Jeff Whitworth, K-State crop entomologist, keeps the show rolling with information on how much longer people will likely be seeing armyworms and fall armyworms in their fields.  ...

1764 - Opossums on the Road...Getting Ready to Plant Wheat show art 1764 - Opossums on the Road...Getting Ready to Plant Wheat

Agriculture Today

Fins, Fur and Feathers: Opossums Wheat Planting Dates Biosecurity to Reduce HPAI Transfers   00:01:05 – Fins, Fur and Feathers: Opossums: Another episode of Fins, Fur and Feathers with K-State’s Drew Ricketts and Joe Gerken begins today’s show. This week they focus on opossums and why people are likely seeing more of them on the road.   00:12:05 – Wheat Planting Dates: K-State wheat production specialist, Romulo Lollato, keeps today’s show rolling as he talks through wheat planting dates and what growers need to consider before entering the field to plant  ...

1763 - What's Happening in the Cattle Market...Beef Stocker Day show art 1763 - What's Happening in the Cattle Market...Beef Stocker Day

Agriculture Today

Cattle Market Outlook 25th Beef Stocker Field Day Livestock Sweepstakes High Individual: Lyle Perrier   00:01:05 – Cattle Market Outlook: A cattle market update with University of Nebraska-Lincoln livestock economist, Elliott Dennis, begins today’s show. He talks about feeder and live cattle prices and how seasonality could impact slaughter.   00:12:05 – 25th Beef Stocker Field Day: K-State Extension beef specialist, Dale Blasi, moves along the show with a preview of what will be discussed at the 25th K-State Beef Stocker Field Day.   00:23:05 – Livestock...

1762 - Grain Market Outlook...Winter Canola Planting show art 1762 - Grain Market Outlook...Winter Canola Planting

Agriculture Today

Grain Market Report Predictions Ready to Plant Winter Canola Quiet Weather   00:01:05 – Grain Market Report Predictions: K-State grain economist, Dan O’Brien, kicks off today’s show with a grain market update. He discusses the futures market and what yield forecasts are from crop analysts.    00:12:05 – Ready to Plant Winter Canola: Continuing the show is Mike Stamm, K-State canola breeder, with considerations for canola growers as the planting window for winter canola has started. He explains what conditions are ideal to plant in.   00:23:05 – Quiet...

1761 - Crop Insurance...Harvest Safety Considerations show art 1761 - Crop Insurance...Harvest Safety Considerations

Agriculture Today

Options for Insuring Crops Hearing and Respiratory Protection Over-Seeding Lawns   00:01:05 – Options for Insuring Crops: K-State agricultural economist, Robin Reid, and Flinchbaugh agricultural policy chair, Jenny Ifft, kick off today’s show by discussing crop insurance and Title 1 options for wheat growers.   00:12:05 – Hearing and Respiratory Protection: Tawnie Larson, project consultant for the Kansas Agriculture Safety and Health program at K-State, keeps the show rolling by reminding farmers about hearing and respiratory protection during harvest.   00:23:05...

More Episodes
  • Fins, Fur and Feathers: Bats in Kansas
  • Sheep and Goat Meat Product Preferences
  • Economics at the Dairy


00:01:05 – Fins, Fur and Feathers: Bats in Kansas: Another episode of Fins, Fur and Feathers with K-State’s Drew Ricketts and Joe Gerken begins the show for today. The pair talk about bats in Kansas, how to exclude them and the concerns they carry.

Fins, Fur and Feathers

K-State Wildlife


00:12:05 – Sheep and Goat Meat Product Preferences: Continuing the show is K-State assistant professors, Nellie Hill-Sullins and Logan Britton, discussing what preferences Kansans have when it comes to sheep and goat meat.

Kansans' Preferences for Sheep and Goat Meat Products


00:23:05 – Economics at the Dairy: K-State dairy specialist Mike Brouk ends today’s show as he says the margin level on the dairy is often measured by milk-to-feed ratios – which have been a challenge for the past few years. He takes a look at the current economics impacting the industry.



Send comments, questions or requests for copies of past programs to [email protected].


Agriculture Today is a daily program featuring Kansas State University agricultural specialists and other experts examining ag issues facing Kansas and the nation. It is hosted by Shelby Varner and distributed to radio stations throughout Kansas and as a daily podcast.


K‑State Research and Extension is a short name for the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, a program designed to generate and distribute useful knowledge for the well‑being of Kansans. Supported by county, state, federal and private funds, the program has county Extension offices, experiment fields, area Extension offices and regional research centers statewide. Its headquarters is on the K‑State campus in Manhattan