A Hat for the Baby
Welcome back to A Hat For the Baby! Kevin and Ilgaz are now parents of two boys. They're back and ready to share their experiences in a free flowing conversation on deciding to have a second child, bedtime routines and dealing with stress. Follow us on Instagram: Kevin is @kvncsy Ilgaz is @ilgazulusoy
info_outline Has It Really Been 11 Months?A Hat for the Baby
In this episode Baby is 11 months old! Kevin and Ilgaz talk teeth, screens, parent madness and musical toys. Follow us on Instagram: Kevin is @kvncsy Ilgaz is @ilgazulusoy
info_outline Watching the World Go ByA Hat for the Baby
In this episode parents talk about baby, specifically if there's a "fun stage" in between infancy and pre-toddlerhood, if our baby gets to have a dog soon and how babies demand those around them live in the present. Follow us on Instagram: Kevin is @kvncsy Ilgaz is @ilgazulusoy
info_outline That's My Boy!A Hat for the Baby
Ilgaz and Kevin talk baby-steps, or more accurately, baby-crawling all over the house! Since he started this new hobby he has been a lot more content to explore the house on his own. This means Mom and Dad are getting a lot more done but have a lot more to do. Follow us on Instagram: Kevin is @kvncsy Ilgaz is @ilgazulusoy
info_outline It's a New Year Baby!A Hat for the Baby
Ilgaz and Kevin talk Christmas traditions, New Years, Birthdays! Follow us on Instagram: Kevin is @kvncsy Ilgaz is @ilgazulusoy
info_outline First Holiday SpecialA Hat for the Baby
Ilgaz and Kevin reminisce on making this podcast for over a year! Plus with the holidays coming up Baby has a lot of firsts ahead of him. And his very adult parents will be standing by and watching him all the time. Follow us on Instagram: Kevin is @kvncsy Ilgaz is @ilgazulusoy
info_outline The Eight Month Check InA Hat for the Baby
This week we recount the last three weeks worth of our baby's growth. He charms the heck out of his dad and starts using his five teeth to consume new foods at an alarming rate. Kevin asks: can I feed my baby pasta? Answers within! Follow us on Instagram: Kevin is @kvncsy Ilgaz is @ilgazulusoy
info_outline Working MomA Hat for the Baby
This week: Ilgaz got a job! Kevin and Ilgaz discuss working life and time away from their sweet baby. Also: an underwhelming doctor visit and very short walks behind the house. Follow us on Instagram: Kevin is @kvncsy Ilgaz is @ilgazulusoy
info_outline Office Baby InternA Hat for the Baby
Our sleep script revealed! Plus some of Baby's eating habits and how he spends time away from home, working with his dad in the mornings. Plus: are we delirious from lack of sleep? Follow us on Instagram: Kevin is @kvncsy Ilgaz is @ilgazulusoy
info_outline Sleep WorksA Hat for the Baby
A sleep plan was delivered. It was three pages long. Ilgaz and Kevin try it out, but will it work? Listen to this week's podcast to find out! Spoiler, it does work. It's amazing. Follow us on Instagram: Kevin is @kvncsy Ilgaz is @ilgazulusoy
info_outlinePregnancy Week 32: A new sonogram shows that baby is letting the other boys catch up a bit size-wise but the partial previa seems to be sticking around. Ilgaz and Kevin talk about picking a birthday, baby shower, registry, and life with a baby!