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Episode for March 24, 2023

The Allegheny Front

Release Date: 03/24/2023

Episode for September 13, 2024: Fracking in the presidential race, polluted well water and spotted lanternfly research show art Episode for September 13, 2024: Fracking in the presidential race, polluted well water and spotted lanternfly research

The Allegheny Front

There wasn't a lot of talk about the environment in Tuesday's presidential debate, except for one hot topic: fracking. We fact check the candidates' claims about the issue. Some people who live along Indian Creek in West Virginia had pristine well water, but that’s changed they say, due to mining. Researchers in western Pennsylvania are soliciting help to learn more about invasive spotted lanternflies. Plus, a new analysis finds state laws do not protect students from lead in school drinking water, and the Altoona school district responds to its failing grade on lead. Meanwhile, more than a...

Episode for September 6, 2024 show art Episode for September 6, 2024

The Allegheny Front

As potato chips get more expensive, is climate change part of the reason? We crunch the numbers. As more flooding, erosion and invasive plants are impacting Pennsylvania's trails, groups are working to make trail systems more climate resilient. This November, the Pennsylvania legislature could get a makeover.  What are the stakes for the General Assembly in this election?  We have news about why environmental groups are suing the EPA over new coke oven rules, why summertime brings more water pollution and what a new federal grant will do to improve the Delaware River watershed.

Episode for August 30, 2024: Flood insurance, greenspace and energy workers show art Episode for August 30, 2024: Flood insurance, greenspace and energy workers

The Allegheny Front

This week on The Allegheny Front, during the COVID pandemic, a coal-fired power plant that was a way of life for many in one community closed. We traveled there to learn how they memorialized it. As more severe storms cause downed trees and dump water on Pennsylvania, insurance premiums could rise. A Pennsylvania task force charged with figuring out how to get more homes in the state covered by flood insurance released its recommendations this summer. Plus, a study shows a racist government policy enacted decades ago has led to fewer green spaces in many communities across the country. Also,...

Episode for August 23, 2024: Hydrogen hub rollout, IRA tax breaks and farming amid climate change show art Episode for August 23, 2024: Hydrogen hub rollout, IRA tax breaks and farming amid climate change

The Allegheny Front

This week on The Allegheny Front, the huge, federally funded hydrogen hub based on natural gas is getting started in Appalachia. The Department of Energy has promised transparency for the project, but some were not reassured after their latest public meeting. The climate law President Biden signed two years ago can help homeowners get money back for investing in solar panels, but there are tax breaks for smaller fixes, too. Plus, how agriculture experts in West Virginia are helping farmers manage the new challenges of climate change.  

Episode for August 16, 2024: Indigenous cultures and the environment show art Episode for August 16, 2024: Indigenous cultures and the environment

The Allegheny Front

This week, we have a special show about Indigenous people, land, water, and culture. Our first story looks at how the pawpaw, a fruit that mainly grows in the eastern US, continues to live in the memories and language of Indigenous people forced to move west. Then, we talk with an Indigenous scientist about her book that contrasts conservation science with Indigenous knowledge about the natural world. Plus, a paddler from the Seneca Nation takes a 300-mile journey down the Allegheny River to draw attention to protecting it and all waterways. 

Episode for August 9, 2024: An educator on Lake Erie and an artist on the Allegheny River show art Episode for August 9, 2024: An educator on Lake Erie and an artist on the Allegheny River

The Allegheny Front

This week, we're headed outdoors to get a fresh perspective. A 5th-grade science teacher boards a Lake Erie research vessel to learn more about plastic pollution. And a kayak tour on the Allegheny River has a unique twist: Participants also make art together. Plus, a new nonprofit hopes to eliminate the barriers that keep people from getting outside. We have news about Asian carp in the Great Lakes, horseshoe crabs, a new solar program for schools and a fee for electric vehicles.  

Episode for August 2, 2024: How Kamala Harris can appeal to Pennsylvania climate voters and more show art Episode for August 2, 2024: How Kamala Harris can appeal to Pennsylvania climate voters and more

The Allegheny Front

Now that Vice President Harris is on her way to becoming the Democratic nominee for president, how can she make sure people who care about climate change vote for her? Pennsylvania is looking for ways to create wildlife corridors so animals like bobcats and box turtles can safely move. Plus, a Pittsburgh environmental activist is celebrating a milestone for the grassroots lecture series she founded 12 years ago. We have stories about a new venture in Philadelphia that focuses on sustainable seafood, and how a researcher figured out lanternflies can hitch rides on vehicles, even ones going 60...

Episode for July 26, 2024: Climate solutions, grassland birds and the PA prairie show art Episode for July 26, 2024: Climate solutions, grassland birds and the PA prairie

The Allegheny Front

This week on The Allegheny Front, many of us are feeling the heat this summer, and climate change is fueling the soaring temperatures. A new book by climate scientist Rob Jackson tells the stories of people who are working to reduce climate-warming emissions in novel ways. Birds, like the bobolink, that need grassland habitat to nest are losing ground. What conservationists and farmers are doing about it. Plus, Pennsylvania is home to a prairie that is just now bursting with blooms.

Episode for July 19, 2024: Mine cleanups, chemical recycling and synchronous fireflies show art Episode for July 19, 2024: Mine cleanups, chemical recycling and synchronous fireflies

The Allegheny Front

This week, a stream polluted by an old coal mine at a former golf club is getting cleaned up thanks to a land trust and a new pot of federal money. Plus, we have news about why it's hard for states to access other federal mine reclamation money. We also talk with an author of a new report that says chemical recycling of plastics isn't all it's cracked up to be for the economy or the planet. We head to a festival celebrating a very special population of fireflies in Pennsylvania that flash in a pattern. We have news about Pa.'s budget, heat islands in Pa. cities, and a new dark sky park in the...

Episode for July 12, 2024: Coal plant closure, downwind air pollution and hemlocks show art Episode for July 12, 2024: Coal plant closure, downwind air pollution and hemlocks

The Allegheny Front

Just over a year ago, the largest coal-fired power plant in Pennsylvania closed. For some, it's been hard to accept. We'll visit Homer City to hear how it's going. A US Supreme Court decision to put a cross-state air pollution rule on hold could impact clean air in Pennsylvania. And, we tag along with a crew trying to save hemlock trees from an invasive pest. Plus a new report outlines ways to keep kids playing outside in the warmer months. As fossil fuel production has gone up in the U.S., greenhouse gas emissions have gone down as, except in the region that includes Pennsylvania. The miles...

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A former EPA administrator is calling the agency's response to the train derailment in East Palestine too weak. She says it's deferring too much to the state of Ohio. Questions are being asked about the cleanup and testing of the creeks polluted by the derailment. Some researchers say Ohio EPA isn't testing surface water for enough chemicals.

Also, trout season is nearly here, with opening day on April 1. We catch up with officials stocking a local lake with some of the 3 million trout that will be released throughout Pennsylvania this year.