ALL in
As we inch towards Season 2 of AllIn Pod, here are some insights into the stages of faith development, moving from Simplicity to Complexity, then deconstructing to Perplexity and ultimately resolving to Harmony. Brian McLaren might have the best work on these four stages in his book, "Faith After Doubt". Listen to his discussion with Pete Enns and Jaryd Bayis on "The Bible for Normal People" here:
info_outline BONUS: We Are Church: Part 2b of the Bible and LGBTQI inclusion series: What the Bible says about marriageALL in
This is the second half of Part 2 of our series on LGBTQI inclusion. Please listen to the first half before this one - it gives important context about how I believe we should read and understand the Bible. It should be in your podcast feed just before this episode. This was recorded at the We Are Church gathering on 28 August 2022 in Waverley, Johannesburg, and focuses on what the Bible says about marriage. This second half looks at what Jesus and Paul (and the rest of the Bible) actually say about marriage. It's way less - and a little bit more - than you think. It's not as obvious as it is...
info_outline BONUS: We are Church: Part 2a of the Bible and LGBTQI inclusion series: How we should use the BibleALL in
This is the first half of Part 2 of our series on LGBTQI inclusion. Please listen the first part of this series before listening to this podcast episode - it should be the previous file in this podcast feed. That looks at the seven "anti gay" passages in the Bible, and shows clearly that we have misinterpreted them. This podcast is the audio feed of a video that was recorded at the We Are Church gathering on 28 August 2022 in Waverley, Johannesburg, and focuses on what the Bible says about marriage. This first half looks at how we use - and misuse - the Bible, and the importance of...
info_outline BONUS: The Bible and LGBTQI inclusion and affirmationALL in
I know this podcast has been quiet for a long time. Covid has taken it's toll on the amount of time I can commit to this work. We will be back at some stage with Season 2. For now, here's a surprise bonus episode for Pride Month 2022. I was asked to speak at our faith community about the seven verses in the Bible that have been used to say that God is against gay people. For more information on 'We Are Church' faith community, contact Jane Codringon at jane at For more on the work I have done on this topic, see my blog at
info_outline Ep 20: Review and Summary of Season 1ALL in
A look back at the key Bible verses that talk about homosexuality and why they don't apply to loving LGBTQI relationships today, with a positive reading of the book of Romans. This ends season 1 of the ALLin Pod. Season 2 will focus on what the Bible says about marriage, and whether LGBTQI people can get married.
info_outline Ep 19: Other interpretations of Romans 1ALL in
For many Christians, Romans 1 is the key passage against same gender sexual activity, so we need to cover it thoroughly. In this episode of the ALLin Podcast, we look at seven additional interpretative options for Romans 1. TAKE NOTE: This is a dense episode, with lots of detailed arguments and references. You probably can't listen to this one in the background. It needs your focus.
info_outline Ep 18: What the women and men were actually doing in Romans 1:26-27ALL in
We are spending a lot of time in Romans 1, because this is the passage that most people point to when they want to exclude LGBTQI people from the church and Christian faith. This is the fourth part of our mini-series in Romans, and looks in even more detail at the original text and specifically at Romans 1:26-27, "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men,...
info_outline Ep17: Shameful Lusts and Against NatureALL in
In Romans 1, Paul says that women and men were "given over by God" to their "shameful lusts" and did what is "against nature". What did he mean by this? And does that apply to LGBTQI people today who want to get married to their lifelong, loving partner? In this episode of the ALLin Pod we do detailed word studies of what it means for something to be shameful and unnatural. Neither of them are what you might expect: they're related to things that are socially unacceptable, rather than something that is morally wrong or evil. This changes completely how we should understand this...
info_outline Ep 16: The purpose of Paul's letter to RomeALL in
This is part 2 of the mini-series in the book of Romans, Paul's letter to the church at Rome. In the first chapter of this letter, Paul appears to list a whole lot of sins, including same gender sexual activity. But if you read on into Romans 2, and in fact the rest of the letter, the tone and purpose of the first chapter seems to change. So, what was the purpose of the letter, and what light does that shine on how we should understand chapter 1. Graeme Codrington explores these questions, and comes once again to the same conclusion: that Romans 1 is not addressing loving, consensual LGBTQI...
info_outline Ep15: Romans Part 1: Reading the Plain TextALL in
We finally get to the book of Romans in our study of the verses that have traditionally been used to oppose gay marriage and the inclusion of the LGBTQI community into churches. This is the start of a four part mini series on Paul's letter to the church at Rome, and in this episode we read through the text looking at the plain meaning of Romans 1 and 2. We'll get into more detail in the next episodes, but even on the plain reading of the text, it is clear that Paul is not talking about loving, committed, monogamous same gender relationships - he's talking about something else.
info_outlineThe ALLin podcast provides resources and insights for Christians who affirm the LGBTQI community. In this episode we look at the two Old Testament Laws that talk about male gay sexual activity. We look at the context, the Holiness Code and ancient Israel’s sexual ethics.
Summary: The commands against gay sex in Leviticus 18 and 20 were given to the Israelites before they entered the Promised Land, and they were about the people who already lived there. Look at the first few verses of Lev 18 and 20 and you’ll see clearly that these Laws were about what the pagan nations did in their temples. These temple rituals included tattooing your body, shaving your head and having gay sex with teenage boys. They also included child sacrifice. And God said to the Israelites: don’t do any of these things in MY temple. These chapters in Leviticus are not meant to be a code of sexual ethics for all time, but a specific set of restrictions related to temple Worship in the pagan nations that surrounded Israel. They do NOT apply to gay people today. And they have nothing to say about gay marriage.