Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention? #19
Alonzo Bodden: Who's Paying Attention?
Release Date: 08/22/2012
1- Niall Ferguson says Obama must go, of course he says it with ½ truths but he did say it
2- Numerous rebuttals to Niall Fergusen from Harvard grads, journalists economists etc etc etc
3- Jan Brewer is at it again, when will we fence of her own country so she can be crazy and angry by herself
4- Alabama checking kids immigration status, hey you, 3rd grader, where’s your ID?
5- Oklahoma Valedictorian diploma held because she said hell, I say get the hell out of OK
6- Akin, Ryan , legitimate rape , forcible rape vs illegitimate unforced rape and of course women’s magic wombs
7- Condi joins Augusta, you go girl, bring oprah to lay a round won’t you
8- Houston the coolest city in America? Maybe I’ll take my talents there
9- Device unable to detect kids in hot cars