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AF-878: Do You Have Good Genealogy Days? | Ancestral Findings Podcast

Ancestral Findings - Genealogy Podcast

Release Date: 04/03/2024

AF-919: 10 AF-919: 10 "Must-Do" Genealogy Projects for June | Ancestral Findings Podcast

Ancestral Findings - Genealogy Podcast

Each individual month has certain genealogical projects to which it is best suited. You can focus on or incorporate these projects into your regular genealogy research. These are the top ten "must-do" genealogy projects for June. Each of these projects will add detail to your genealogy research, making it richer and more informative and giving you a better understanding of your ancestors. This will make your research much more valuable to future generations. Podcast Notes:  

AF-905: Tips for Building a Flawless Family Tree | Ancestral Findings Podcast show art AF-905: Tips for Building a Flawless Family Tree | Ancestral Findings Podcast

Ancestral Findings - Genealogy Podcast

You want your family tree to be as flawless as possible. In fact, you can never get too much advice on this subject. Here are some unusual tips for doing excellent genealogy work. Most of these are probably new to you, but they will help push your genealogy forward. Podcast Notes:  

AF-904: Unknown Burial Location of an Ancestor | Ancestral Findings Podcast show art AF-904: Unknown Burial Location of an Ancestor | Ancestral Findings Podcast

Ancestral Findings - Genealogy Podcast

Are you searching for the burial location of an ancestor and can’t seem to find it? Here are three tried and true techniques for tracking it down.  Podcast Notes:  

AF-907: A Tribute to the Fallen: James Garfield's Decoration Day Address | Ancestral Findings Podcast show art AF-907: A Tribute to the Fallen: James Garfield's Decoration Day Address | Ancestral Findings Podcast

Ancestral Findings - Genealogy Podcast

Remembering James Garfield’s powerful Decoration Day address at Arlington National Cemetery and honoring the fallen Union soldiers who sacrificed for our country. Podcast Notes:  

AF-906: Memorial Day: Honoring Sacrifice and Remembrance | Ancestral Findings Podcast show art AF-906: Memorial Day: Honoring Sacrifice and Remembrance | Ancestral Findings Podcast

Ancestral Findings - Genealogy Podcast

Memorial Day is a significant day in American history, holding a special place in the hearts of many. Understanding its origins, traditions, and evolution can deepen our appreciation for this day of remembrance, honoring those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Podcast Notes:  

AF-903: Pennsylvania, Harrisburg: The State Capitals | Ancestral Findings Podcast show art AF-903: Pennsylvania, Harrisburg: The State Capitals | Ancestral Findings Podcast

Ancestral Findings - Genealogy Podcast

Harrisburg is the capital of the state of Pennsylvania. Europeans first visited the area with the famous John Smith expedition in the early 1600s. The city has been important throughout American history for various reasons and occasions. Podcast Notes:  

AF-902: Can't Find the Grave? | Ancestral Findings Podcast show art AF-902: Can't Find the Grave? | Ancestral Findings Podcast

Ancestral Findings - Genealogy Podcast

Looking for the headstones of your ancestors is a primary part of genealogy. What do you do if you can’t find one? Here are some answers. Podacst Notes:  

AF-901: James Monroe: The Last of the Revolutionary War Presidents | Ancestral Findings Podcast show art AF-901: James Monroe: The Last of the Revolutionary War Presidents | Ancestral Findings Podcast

Ancestral Findings - Genealogy Podcast

Step back into the early 19th century with James Monroe, whose bold leadership forged critical policies like the Monroe Doctrine, shaping American foreign policy and national identity. Discover how this Revolutionary War hero and visionary president navigated the complexities of a young nation in “Pillars of Power: The Presidential Chronicles.” Podcast Notes:      

AF-900: James Madison: Architect of the Constitution and Steadfast Leader | Ancestral Findings Podcast show art AF-900: James Madison: Architect of the Constitution and Steadfast Leader | Ancestral Findings Podcast

Ancestral Findings - Genealogy Podcast

Join me as we step into the world of James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution," whose brilliant mind and steadfast leadership forged the principles of American democracy… Podcast Notes:    

AF-899: Thomas Jefferson: Architect of Liberty and Paradoxes | Ancestral Findings Podcast show art AF-899: Thomas Jefferson: Architect of Liberty and Paradoxes | Ancestral Findings Podcast

Ancestral Findings - Genealogy Podcast

Uncover the multifaceted life of Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, whose visionary achievements and personal paradoxes shaped the nation's early years. Explore how his profound contributions and complex legacy continue to ignite debate and influence America's democratic landscape…. Podcast Notes:  

More Episodes

Podcast Notes: https://ancestralfindings.com/good-genealogy-days

The good days in genealogy are those moments of discovery and connection that remind us of the enduring power of family history to unite us. These moments are treasures, gifts from the past illuminating our present and connecting us in profound and meaningful ways. So, here's to more good days in genealogy and the breakthroughs and connections yet to come. May your journey through your family's past be filled with many such moments of joy and discovery. Thank you for joining us on this celebration of genealogy's good days. Keep exploring, keep connecting, and until next time, happy researching!