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Forever in His Presence – Part 6

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Release Date: 06/23/2024

The Paralysis of Analysis show art The Paralysis of Analysis

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Whom did God give over in Romans 1? Why? Is water baptism necessary to be saved? How do we know whether we are operating by the Spirit or by human effort?

Wanna be forgiven yet miserable? show art Wanna be forgiven yet miserable?

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How does resisting temptation really work? What does it mean to renew the mind? What happened between Lazarus and the rich man? What does it mean? How do we reconcile total forgiveness with the need for saying “no” to sin?

“Few are chosen”? show art “Few are chosen”?

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What does it mean to “fear the Lord”? How can I share the message of eternal security? What does “many are called, few are chosen” mean? Does our daily “practice” determine our salvation?

Bearing fruit without being legalistic? show art Bearing fruit without being legalistic?

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What does it mean to abide in Christ? Can we lose our salvation? How is discipline different from punishment? Is purgatory biblical? How do we walk in obedience without being legalistic?

“Holiness movement? Replacement theology?”* show art “Holiness movement? Replacement theology?”*

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What is the holiness movement? How can I rescue my friends from it? Our kids are not attending college and want to live at home. How should we approach this? How old is the universe? Can we know for sure? How do we relate to people we disagree with on this issue? What is replacement theology? What is a healthy perspective on Israel and the gospel? How can I introduce the basics of the grace message to those around me? *previously aired

EPIC: High-Impact Truths in the New Testament – Part 9 show art EPIC: High-Impact Truths in the New Testament – Part 9

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Trying to be “good enough” by following the Law? It’s a losing battle. In this message from Galatians 2-3, Paul unveils some eye-opening truths about true godliness and the real power for upright living. Suffering under the Law is a curse, and dying to it is crucial for pleasing God and experiencing genuine joy and peace. Under the Law, sin thrives. But under grace, sin loses its grip on you! This epic New Testament passage also features some multiple-choice questions from Paul, and the answers might just blow your mind. Ready to ditch law-keeping and embrace the freedom of living by...

Cheap grace?!? show art Cheap grace?!?

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What is the parable of the talents about? What do you say to those who think this message is cheap grace? What commandments is Paul talking about in 1 Corinthians 7?

“What about pastors who are no longer Christians?” show art “What about pastors who are no longer Christians?”

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What does it mean to walk in Him just as you received Him? What is setting your mind? Why does Paul give us a “test” to pass? What about pastors who say they’re no longer Christians?

“Is God punishing me?” show art “Is God punishing me?”

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How could Jesus not know the timing of His return and still be God? I’m experiencing guilt and anxiety over losing my son. I wonder: Is it God’s punishment for my sins?

“Jesus did it all. So what do we do?” show art “Jesus did it all. So what do we do?”

The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Can we have an ongoing sin struggle yet be genuinely saved? What can we do about vengeful or violent thoughts we get? If Jesus did it all, is there anything that we do? What’s our role?

More Episodes

Are you ready to dive deep where others merely wade? In this next message in our “Forever in His Presence” series, we’re slicing through the fog of misinformation and reclaiming the truth about Jesus – His divinity, His humanity, His everything!

In a culture that often prizes openness to the point of absurdity, we stand firm. Are you prepared to be labeled “close-minded”? Good. Because when it comes to the truth about Jesus, we believers are as immovable as mountains.

Plus, you’ll discover what it truly means to “live through Him.” It’s all about His scandalous love for us, not our feeble attempts at “loving Him more.” And when we love each other the way He loves us? That’s when God becomes visible.

Tune in to this latest message and arm yourself with truth!

Discussion Questions:

  1. Read verses 1-3. What is the “antichrist” teaching that John mentions? And why is the truth important in this regard?
  2. Read verses 4-6 and react to this statement: There is absolute truth about Jesus, and we can be “close minded” about it if we know Him.
  3. Read verses 7-8. What is the main mark of knowing God? Why is this the case?
  4. Read verse 9. What does it mean to “live through Him”?
  5. Read verse 10. Why is “not that we loved God” so important here? What does “propitiation” mean and how does it factor in?
  6. Read verses 11-12. How do we help people “see God”?
  7. Read verse 13. In what way does this help to clarify the meaning of “abide”? Can you know that you abide in Him? If so, how?
  8. Read verse 14. How do verses like this (and John 3:16) show the fallacy of “limited atonement” – the false idea that Jesus only died for individuals pre-selected by God?