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Episode 37: Teeny Tiny Things

Angler's Entomology Podcast

Release Date: 10/28/2019

Episode 50: Bibios show art Episode 50: Bibios

Angler's Entomology Podcast

Bibios, Heather Flies, Hawthorn Flies, Blossom Flies, Love Bugs - you name it.   An interesting critter that .. for some reason seems more popular in Europe rather than the US.  Whazzup with that? 

Episode 50: Pics and Patterns for Bibios show art Episode 50: Pics and Patterns for Bibios

Angler's Entomology Podcast

I was thinking about doing this episode having lunch outside one day, and bemoaning the fact that I didn't have any pictures of these guys that I could publish on the blog.   At that moment a bibio that landed on the table in front of me.   Of course I was too discombobulated to get a picture before it flew off - but I saw that as a good sign to do this episode.   But that said, there are plenty of pictures of these guys on the interweb.   For example, here:  As you can see, there is a fair bit of diversity, but note the black or black and red...

Episode 49? Quill Gordon show art Episode 49? Quill Gordon

Angler's Entomology Podcast

Hey all - all about Quill Gordons and Theodore Gordon.  Hope you enjoy it! 

Episode 49? Pics and Patterns for Quill Gordons show art Episode 49? Pics and Patterns for Quill Gordons

Angler's Entomology Podcast

Hey all - I don't have any pics of an adult Epeorus pleuralis but here are some nymphs.  Note the two tails and the flat, triangular body with eyes on the top of their head.  Also note the broad gills on the abdomen - they are always moving.    So in terms of patterns, as I mentioned on the blog, there is a really nice pattern from Ed Ostapczuk's Epeorus.    Tail: Wood Duck Flank Rib/Gills - brown saddle - trimmed top and bottom Underbody - Lead, wrapped with brown floss.  Abdomen: Red Fox and Brown Rabbit dubbing Wing Case:  Turkey Thorax: Beaver...

Episode 47: Butterflies and Moths show art Episode 47: Butterflies and Moths

Angler's Entomology Podcast

Hey Folks, I'm back!  And here with an episode mostly about moths.  Yep. Moths as they relate to fly fishing.   Check it out, I think you will be surprised.   

Ep. 47: Pics and Patterns of Moths show art Ep. 47: Pics and Patterns of Moths

Angler's Entomology Podcast

Hi Folks, Here are some pics of moths (both adults and larvae) as well as some patterns I like to fish.    So, while that is said, remember that the good old Elk Hair Caddis makes quite a nice imitation of a moth fluttering around on the surface - as do many other patterns - so if you are in a situation where you think a moth pattern might be useful, and you haven't anything in your box specifically tied to imitate a moth - think outside your box and see what else will work.    So - first, I want to give you a little sense of the diversity of moths.   It is huge...

Episode 46: Blue Winged Olives show art Episode 46: Blue Winged Olives

Angler's Entomology Podcast

Hi folks!  Sorry for the delay, but we're back in the saddle with an episode about Blue Winged Olives ... which are kind of complicated and confusing - but I make it 100% clear.   I think.  I hope.  

Episode 45:  Garden Hackle and San Juan Worms show art Episode 45: Garden Hackle and San Juan Worms

Angler's Entomology Podcast

Hey folks - yep - worms.  Surprisingly interesting and entertaining even if the patterns are pretty mundane.   That said, don't forget to check out the blog to see the patterns I've posted.  

Pics and Patterns for Episode 45: Worms show art Pics and Patterns for Episode 45: Worms

Angler's Entomology Podcast

Hi folks,  I debated about even bothering to have a blog post on this subject, since pretty much everyone knows what a worm looks like and the patterns are pretty mundane.  But then I thought, what the heck - and so here you go.   I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of san juan worms in their natural habitat - things are little frozen up here right now and there isn't much worm activity going on.  But if you google "tubifex" you'll see what these critters are.   As for earth worms - get a load of this: Yes, Selene and I use worms for composting kitchen...

Episode 44: Cicadas and Leafhoppers: Plus bonus interview show art Episode 44: Cicadas and Leafhoppers: Plus bonus interview

Angler's Entomology Podcast

Today we'll talk about cicadas and leafhoppers - plus we'll have a bonus interview with Charles Card - a guide on Utah's Green River - talking about the fun cicada "hatch" on that river.  To learn more about Charles and book him for a trip, you can reach him at Spinnerfall Guide Service: 

More Episodes

Welcome to Episode 37 - where we'll be talking about those things that are large enough to see, but to small to really see what they are.  things like water mites, daphnia, copepods and ostracods.   They may not be too important for actual fly fishing, but they are super important in terms of the food chain.   So - sit back, enjoy, and I hope you learn something new!