I don't have a huge number of pics of aquatic spiders - in part because some of the coolest ones are in locales where I have yet to travel. But here is what I've got:
Dock spiders - Genus Dolomedes - these guys are great, big and super creepy. There is something about swimming in a local pond and seeing these guys on the shore ready to shoot out where you are to get their prey. You'll see them on structures around streams - even on logs a bit off the stream. Or, my personal favorite, is on the underside of very low bridges, when you are canoeing under them, and you have to lay on your back and watch them pass over you inches from your nose and body.
This is actually a nice picture as you can see how he is resting his front legs on the surface of the water feeling for vibrations. Once they determine something is stuck in the surface tension, they scoot out and grab it.
Here's another fishing spider. On this one note the 8 legs. You'll then see two extra appendages coming off the front. In this picture those are not the jaws (or chelicerae) but the pedipalps. Pedipalps are other appendages that are used in the males as a sperm transfer organ during reproduction.
Here is a nice example of a Tetragnathidae or long jawed spider. As I said in the podcast, these guys are common along the sides of trout streams, they make those orb webs, and they catch and eat the same kinds of critters that trout eat. Dig those big chelicerae coming off the front end.
That's it - hope you enjoyed the episode.