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Gratitude Journal 2018

The Anna Szabo Show

Release Date: 11/25/2018

Surrender To God - James 4:7 show art Surrender To God - James 4:7

The Anna Szabo Show

Biblical faith requires strength from us. Don’t be strong in your own power, be strong in Christ. To be strong during hard times, you must surrender your own power, admit that you are weak, and ask God for help because in your weakness His strength is displayed and perfected.

Do Not Fear - Isaiah 41:10 show art Do Not Fear - Isaiah 41:10

The Anna Szabo Show

In this Biblical devotional for Christian women today, I’ll help you examine YOUR fears and show you how confronting them courageously allows God to not only work IN you but also THROUGH you spiritually. This original and authentic Biblical devotional "Do Not Fear - Isaiah 41:10" will encourage and empower you with God’s truth as we apply it practically to real-life experiences of fear and anxiety we all go through as His disciples and daughters.

Have No Fear of Sudden Disaster - Proverbs 3:25 show art Have No Fear of Sudden Disaster - Proverbs 3:25

The Anna Szabo Show

In today’s Biblical devotional for Christian women, we will ponder Proverbs 3:25-26 and its practical application in our daily lives: “Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin, for the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from being trapped.” I will share with you an example from my life of how I stay mentally strong in the midst of a global pandemic, nationwide unemployment, and an economic crisis.

Guard Your Heart - Proverbs 4:23 show art Guard Your Heart - Proverbs 4:23

The Anna Szabo Show

In today’s Biblical devotional for Christian women, we will ponder Proverbs 4:23 and its practical application in our daily lives. I will share with you how I personally guard my heart and how I realized the deadly implications of leaving my heart unguarded, defenseless, unprotected, and exposed.

Keep Your Foot from Evil - Proverbs‬ ‭4:27‬ ‭ show art Keep Your Foot from Evil - Proverbs‬ ‭4:27‬ ‭

The Anna Szabo Show

Examine Proverbs 4:27 “Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.” What do you need to avoid pursuing God in your life?

Let Your Eyes Look Straight Ahead - Proverbs 4:25 show art Let Your Eyes Look Straight Ahead - Proverbs 4:25

The Anna Szabo Show

Ponder Proverbs 4:25 with me: how to fix your gaze directly before you and not let distractions rob you of your purpose; how to do what God called you to do, stay focused, and let your eyes look straight ahead AnnaSzabo.com/proverbs-425

Pray without Ceasing - 1 Thessalonians 5:17 show art Pray without Ceasing - 1 Thessalonians 5:17

The Anna Szabo Show

In this Biblical devotional for Christian women today, we will ponder 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and how to pray without ceasing. At the end of my message, I will pray for you to lift you up to God and ask for His peace, protection, provision, and promotion in your life. I will share with you how and why I pray unceasingly in all situations.

Honor Your Father and Mother - Exodus 20:12 show art Honor Your Father and Mother - Exodus 20:12

The Anna Szabo Show

Ponder this Biblical devotional for Christian women on the topic of Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and mother.” How do we do it? I explain with some helpful real-life examples.

Trust in the Lord - Proverbs 3:5 show art Trust in the Lord - Proverbs 3:5

The Anna Szabo Show

Learn how to trust in the Lord with all your heart, as Proverbs 3:5 instructs Christian women. Discover how to lean on Him, not your own understanding. Hear my testimony: https://onlinediscipleshipforwomen.com/trust-in-the-lord-proverbs-3-5

Take Every Thought Captive - 2 Corinthians 10:5 show art Take Every Thought Captive - 2 Corinthians 10:5

The Anna Szabo Show

“Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” - 2 Corinthians 10:5

More Episodes

In 2018 Gratitude Journal, I'm giving thanks and sharing my joy with you. Read full blog: https://onlinediscipleshipforwomen.com/thanksgiving/


Thanksgiving Journal - 2018

Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

It’s that time of the year when we count our blessings and write in our  gratitude journals. I want to share mine with you because I did it last year and it was well-received. So, let’s make it an annual tradition!


I’m grateful to be on this challenging yet rewarding journey of life!

In this world, we are promised to have troubles but I discovered that when I focus on Jesus and eternity with Him, I can overcome adversity by standing on God’s promises. No matter the circumstances, the joy of the Lord and the peace that passess all understanding are available to me, alaways.


I’m grateful for my relationship with God. Every single day we wrestle.

He calls me to follow Him courageously and boldly but I push back because of my fears and insecurities. Of course, God always wins.

That’s why this podcast exists :-)

I’m grateful for my Church, my spiritual home, my community, my go-to place for processing life, supporting others, and serving the Lord.

My church is a place where I know I will always hear the Gospel as is and not as I wish it to be. It is an environment where I can bring my pain and joy. It’s a church that encourages me to grow in Christ.


I’m grateful for knowing that I am a child of God.

I’m blessed to have an understanding of my identity in Jesus. Every morning, I start with a big smile, a prayer, and biblical affirmations because I know that every day I put on the Armor of Go and stand firm in my shoes of peace, protected with the helmet of salvation, battling ANTs (automatic negative thoughts) with the truth of the Gospel.


I’m grateful for my friends, supporters, and mentors.

It’s a true blessing to know that I’m walking with the wise and can seek understanding whenever I need it. God uses my spiritual squad to guide me in the direction of His kingdom. I’m so thankful for this.


I’m grateful for my job where I don’t just get to work but also to fellowship. Never before had I worked in a business environment where people get to do Discipleship. We get to pray, do Bible studies, and have Gospel-based conversations on a regular basis. It’s a privilege.

I’m grateful for my neighbors, the people of all walks of life, good people whom I love seeing every day and with whom I love spending time. We share meals together. We kayak together. We commute together. We help each other. We challenge each other. We learn together. And we laugh a lot. When I think that God asks us to love our neighbors, I wonder why He made it so easy for me, because my neighbors are amazing and loving them is a given.


I’m grateful for my neighborhood. Hidden away from the busyness yet located in the middle of all modern conveniences, this place is heaven of earth. I’m blessed to have access to the Chattahoochee river, the saltwater pool, and the hiking trails of a National Recreation area - all right outside my front door. It’s a place where God’s beautiful creation is presented at its best. During this time, firing with the bright colors of Fall, my neighborhood is picture-perfect no matter the weather.


I’m grateful for my ministry and for being able to touch the hearts of people through my YouTube videos, content on Quora and Medium, my blog, and The Anna Szabo Show podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, SoundCloud, Spotify, and iHeart Radio.


It’s been a privilege to serve my growing international community. Doing this work has helped me draw closer to God. It’s been a journey of growth and of conquering my fears with God’s courage. Every time I record a podcast or produce a video, I do it scared. I do it though Christ.


I’m grateful for the power of mind. On August 24, 2018 I was rear-ended. The car accident recovery was so painful. I was unable to work for a month. Yet, with Christ, all things are possible. God gives us the Spirit of power and sound mind. He blesses us with new mercies every day. Taking every thought captive and submitting it to the truth of Christ helped me recover and get back to my normal life. I’ve learned how important it is to control our thoughts which control our mind which controls our brain which controls our life.

I feel great again, glory to God and the discipline of taking my every thought captive and submitting it the truth of Christ.


I’m grateful to be on the debt-free journey and live on Dave Ramsey’s zero-dollar budget. Being disciplined with my money allowed me to pay off my expensive Prius and now my car payment is no longer $500/month. It’s zero and I own my car.

In the last few months, I paid off my car loan and one credit card, all thanks to the works of the Holy Spirit in me and the discipline of saying no. I want to be debt-free so that I can serve God in a bigger way.


I’m grateful for my health. In the last few months, I lost 21 lb, became a plant based vegan, did two 5-day long water fasts, built some muscle, learned to do a 35-second long underwater handstand, and have practiced 10000 steps, 100 squats, 100 arms, 100 abs, 3 minutes of hula hoop, and 3 minutes of plank almost every day. I feel incredible! And I don’t get sick anymore.


I’m grateful for my cocker spaniel Bruno who is now over 10 years old yet is in his best shape ever both physically and emotionally.

He’s my first dog. I rescued him from Fulton County Animal Services a little over eight years ago. He had heart worms, upper respiratory infection, lack of trust, and no experience playing with either toys or dogs. Today, Bruno has lots of friends, plays every day, he’s so light-hearted, trusting, and enthusiastic about life! He also lost some weight and now jumps so high, it’s easy to confuse him for a squirrel.


I’m grateful for my safe and peaceful home.

No matter what’s going on in the outside world, when I come home, I enter calm atmosphere and sanctuary-like environment. It’s a beautiful place where I can relax my mind, recharge my energy, and restore my focus on what truly matters in life. I love my beautiful home and I’m so thankful for it.


I’m grateful for YOU - the woman listening to The Anna Szabo Show and watching my YouTube videos. This journey of online discipleship had started for me with YOU. Gd placed the idea of this ministry in my heart and I resented. But now I see how Online Discipleship for Women was what John  7:38 calls the rivers of living water.

I am inspired by your genuine comments, your heart-touching life stories shared with me on Quora, in podcast reviews, in YouTube comments, on Facebook messenger, and via email.


Thank you for following Jesus with me.