In this episode Dr. Cheryl Mele discusses the community-based perinatal palliative care program in her area and their comprehensive approach in caring for neonates with life limiting diagnosis. to access the accompanying handout.
In this episode Joanie Randle, MSHS, BSN, RN, IBCLC discusses her role as a neonatal clinical research nurse, the issues that impact successful lactation care, and a comprehensive inpatient lactation care model.
Camilla explains what sudden unexpected postnatal collapse (SUPC) is, how you can minimize or prevent SUPC, and discusses what to monitor in a newborn who is being held in skin-to-skin contact or breastfeeding.
The editors of the newly released , Catherine L. Witt and Carol Wallman, discuss the importance of newborn assessment and physical examination and what is new to this edition. Dr Wallman also discusses the use of therapeutic and person-first language and the importance of communication.
Tracey Bell discusses the impact of nursing care as it relates to global health.
Congenital Syphilis, A Case Study with Lisa Jasin, DNP, NNP-BC
Amanda Williams, MSN, APRN, CNS, ACCNS-N, and Rita Wadhwani, RN, MSN, ACNP, CNS, RNC-NIC discuss what nurses can do to support the microbiome.
Co-hosts Amanda Williams, MSN, APRN, CNS, ACCNS-N, and Rita Wadhwani, RN, MSN, ACNP, CNS, RNC-NIC discuss the newborn microbiome how as nurses we are intregal to protecting it when babies are in the NICU.
ANN's host Margaret Conway-Orgel, DNP, NNP-BC, APRN. Dr. Conway-Orgel discusses the challenges in moving from staff nurse to NNP. She examines ways to ease the stress in transition to the NNP role.
ANN's host Amy Jnah, APRN, DNP, NNP-BC. Dr. Jnah discusses factors to consider when fit-testing yourself for an online graduate nursing program.