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E5 God, Politics, & Anthropology with Miranda Hassett

Anthropologist On The Street

Release Date: 08/02/2017

E28 Housing, Advocacy, & Anthropology with Christin Reeder Young show art E28 Housing, Advocacy, & Anthropology with Christin Reeder Young

Anthropologist On The Street

Applied Anthropologist Chris Reeder Young employs her background in urban and medical anthropology to advocate for lower-income homebuyers and older homeowners who wish to age in place.

E27 Politics of Greek Cooking with Dr. David Sutton show art E27 Politics of Greek Cooking with Dr. David Sutton

Anthropologist On The Street

Dr. David Sutton returns to explore the politics of food and commensality, or eating together, on the Greek island of Kalymnos, both as a way of connecting the past and present and as a form of resistance against external cultural pressures.

E26 Anthropology in Action with Dr. Dana Powell show art E26 Anthropology in Action with Dr. Dana Powell

Anthropologist On The Street

Action Anthropologist Dr. Dana Powell collaborates with Navajo (Diné) energy activists and African-American environmental justice activists, using anthropological methods and perspectives to assist in defining and resolving social problems.

E25 Product Design Ethnography with Dr. Amy Goldmacher show art E25 Product Design Ethnography with Dr. Amy Goldmacher

Anthropologist On The Street

Business anthropologist Dr. Amy Goldmacher discusses how her ethnographic work empowers product and software designers to better understand their users and customers.

E24 Pubic Hair Grooming as Cultural Practice with Lyndsey Craig show art E24 Pubic Hair Grooming as Cultural Practice with Lyndsey Craig

Anthropologist On The Street

Lyndsey Craig delves into the anthropology of pubic hair grooming, discussing sexual signaling, the symbolism of pubic hair with respect to hygiene, marital status, or fertility, how body hair is tied to beauty aesthetics, and how the removal of hair is both an intimate practice and a form of identity communication.

E23 Psychiatric Culture Clashes with Dr. Beatriz Reyes-Foster show art E23 Psychiatric Culture Clashes with Dr. Beatriz Reyes-Foster

Anthropologist On The Street

Dr. Beatriz Reyes-Foster is a medical anthropologist whose book Psychiatric Encounters explores how culture shapes the diagnosis, care, and outcomes of mental illness in a mental hospital in Yucatan, Mexico.

E22 Converting Belief at a Creationist Theme Park with Dr. James Bielo show art E22 Converting Belief at a Creationist Theme Park with Dr. James Bielo

Anthropologist On The Street

Anthropologist of religion Dr. James Bielo explores the creationist theme park Ark Encounter, and how its carefully choreographed design seeks not simply to entertain, but to transform the minds of attendees.

E21 Antarctic Anthropology with Dr. Jessica O’Reilly show art E21 Antarctic Anthropology with Dr. Jessica O’Reilly

Anthropologist On The Street

Environmental anthropologist Dr. Jessica O’Reilly works in the least populated continent on earth by far: Antarctica. Working with an array of scientists, she turns the anthropological gaze on science itself, helping to demystify the scientific process and how scientists come to know what they know.

E20 American Mosques with Jacqueline Fewkes show art E20 American Mosques with Jacqueline Fewkes

Anthropologist On The Street

Researching the history and architecture of mosques in America, anthropologist Dr. Jacqueline Fewkes examines the relationship between local history, physical space, and social practice to showcase the incredible diversity of contemporary Muslim communities.

E19 The Culture of Teeth with Dr. Julia Boughner show art E19 The Culture of Teeth with Dr. Julia Boughner

Anthropologist On The Street

Why do modern humans in industrialized nations face dental problems that don’t affect primates, modern hunter-gatherers, and previous generations of humans? Biological Anthropologist Dr. Julia Boughner explains how cultural practices affect the development of our teeth and jaws.

More Episodes

Rev. Dr. Miranda Hassett is an Episcopal priest and anthropologist who explores how political polarization drove a global wedge in the Anglican church, driving some conservative white American Episcopalians to break from the broader American church and to instead look overseas, making alliances with conservative African congregations. Rev. Dr. Hassett talks culture, politics, religion, and how she uses anthropology to help her congregants find more meaning in their lives.