Squeeze it in - 35 Minute Power Vinyasa Yoga Flow (Athletic All Levels)
Feel it All - Power Yoga with Sarah
Release Date: 05/24/2020
Feel it All - Power Yoga with Sarah
This flow - like the previous one - has been a long time coming. Being that it was fully 9 months in the making, it went through a series of names as I put myself through the paces of how I’m feeling about living in Uganda. First I called it Heimweh - homesickness, plain and simple. Then I called it Fernweh - missing travel, or missing a place that’s not your home. (Complex concept? It's probably a single word in German.) Finally, as I got more adjusted but still didn’t feel like Uganda was home I called it Fernfreude, a word I made up to symbolize finding joy somewhere that...
info_outlineFeel it All - Power Yoga with Sarah
This one has been a LONG time in the making. It was conceived as I sunsettted after four years in Egypt, and was born in the early months of a new life in Uganda. It has been the focus of my practice for six months. Here's the idea of this flow: challenge your balance on your mat to come to terms with the norm of feeling off-balance and confronted by an ever-changing mix of emotions. Through this pracice, I've been trying to lean into all the feels while at the same time turning toward the cyclical nature of life, practicing finding balance when it's challenged, and appreciating how these...
info_outlineFeel it All - Power Yoga with Sarah
This is a flow for Ukraine. Everyone is processing the horrors of Russia’s war - and thoughts of what may come next - differently. I’m trying for the “feel it all” method, so sorry not sorry if this flow is a little brutal. I tried to infuse some hope too, because I do hope there’s hope. Note that it's pretty low in instruction early on to let you get straight into the flow with sun salutes on your breath. What you have here is just voice, but it’s synched to be played alongside my playlist on Spotify to get you deeper in your groove. (You have to have Premium for it to...
info_outlineFeel it All - Power Yoga with Sarah
This is a flow for Ukraine. Everyone is processing the horrors of Russia’s war - and thoughts of what may come next - differently. I’m trying for the “feel it all” method, so sorry not sorry if this flow is a little brutal. I tried to infuse some hope too, because I do hope there’s hope. Note that it's pretty low in instruction early on to let you get straight into the flow with sun salutes on your breath. What you have here is just voice, but it’s synched to be played alongside my playlist on Spotify to get you deeper in your groove. (You have to have Premium for it to...
info_outlineFeel it All - Power Yoga with Sarah
Check out this flow to put yourself right after your morning run or anytime you have the mind-body-creaky vibe going on. The flow is the same as Run and Done plus a bonus side bend for the psoas. Should hit all the right places to open up your body and mind for the day ahead. What you have here is just voice, but it’s synched to be played alongside my playlist on Spotify to get you deeper in your groove. (Sorry, you have to have Premium for it to work out timing-wise.) If you enjoy this podcast, please consider leaving a rating to help others find it, or just pass on to a friend in...
info_outlineFeel it All - Power Yoga with Sarah
Hey all - happy holidays, Happy New Year! I’m bringing back the podcasts with music, new and improved - what you have here is just voice, but it’s synched to be played alongside a playlist on Spotify to get you deeper in your groove. The world being what it is, the piper must be paid, so you need to have to have Premium for it to work out timing-wise.
info_outlineFeel it All - Power Yoga with Sarah
I started this as a restorative sequence to release neck pain and ended up with a practice addressing full spectrum of body-in-seat syndrome.
info_outlineFeel it All - Power Yoga with Sarah
Neck pain is the enemy and knowing is half the battle. The other half is letting go. This is a 30-minute quickie restorative to help you: 1. Mindfully release the neck and shoulders from built-up tension; and 2. Wisen-up to your habitually-held stiffness so you can recognize it when it crops up and choose to release it.
info_outlineFeel it All - Power Yoga with Sarah
I started this as a restorative sequence to release neck pain and ended up with a practice addressing full spectrum of body-in-seat syndrome.
info_outlineFeel it All - Power Yoga with Sarah
Running and yoga jive so completely, but limited time and energy mean you typically end up doing just one or the other on any given day. That can be a bummer if, say, you’re training for a race five days a week. But one fine day I realized that you don’t really have to choose. A short practice can still be freeing, meditative, and cure what ails ye. Here’s a post-run sequence that fits that description with well-rounded lower body stretches plus luscious twists to lengthen and release the spine.
info_outlineSome days you have time to spare. Some days you do not. All days your body and mind need movement to function, adrenalin to cleanse, a shift in focus on physicality to release that busybusy brain.
This is a powerful 35-minute flow of creative sun salutes, upper body and core strengthening, cleansing twists, and standing balances targeting the wobbly bits. Make half an hour for this and feel the difference for 24 (or potentially longer in certain areas due to -spoiler alert- pulses in standing split