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Ep. 29: Movie Night, and After Worlds Collide!

Apocalist Book Club

Release Date: 02/17/2021

Apocalist Book Club Teaser: THE TERROR show art Apocalist Book Club Teaser: THE TERROR

Apocalist Book Club

Welcome to the Apocalist Book Club. I’m Nella, and I know it’s been a while.  Before we get back to it with season 2, I have some other work to wrap up on our sister podcast. See, in 2007 a supernatural horror book by Dan Simmons was published and by 2016 the story was adapted by AMC for a 10 episode season called THE TERROR.  Now, I’ll grant you, it’s not an apocalypse. But it is a fictionalized version of what might have happened to the Franklin Expedition. And listeners, you know how this podcast feels about Doomed Polar Exploration. I have joined my wife Joy and our...

Apocalist Book Club Movie Night: Zombie Triple Feature Picture Show (Part 3) show art Apocalist Book Club Movie Night: Zombie Triple Feature Picture Show (Part 3)

Apocalist Book Club

If you got up to use the restroom, don't worry you didn't miss anything! Nella continues her Zombie Triple Feature Picture Show with Danielle Ngo and Joy Seldin from the podcast  We unpack DAY OF THE DEAD, then touched on RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD, the schlocky other "sequel" to NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD that stole DAY's thunder. Rude.  And that wraps up our Zombie Movie Night!...or...DOES IT??? Support us at  Follow the progress of  You can find Binge O'Clock on twitter @BingeOClockPod. Follow us on twitter @ApocalistC, Email us at ApocalistBookClub@gmail.com CREDITS: Art...

Apocalist Book Club Movie Night: Zombie Triple Feature Picture Show (Part 2) show art Apocalist Book Club Movie Night: Zombie Triple Feature Picture Show (Part 2)

Apocalist Book Club

Hope you visited Concessions at intermission, because here's part 2! Nella continues her Zombie Triple Feature Picture Show with Danielle Ngo and Joy Seldin from the podcast with DAWN OF THE DEAD! Send help, one actor looks so much like Jeeves and Wooster era Hugh Laurie I'm dying.  And remember kids, if you go through all the trouble of cleverly disguising the entrance to your tricked out living quarters, DON'T. LEAVE THEM. WHEN. THE BIKER GANG. COMES.  Support us at  Follow the progress of  You can find Binge O'Clock on twitter @BingeOClockPod. Follow us on twitter...

Apocalist Book Club Movie Night: Zombie Triple Feature Picture Show (Part 1) show art Apocalist Book Club Movie Night: Zombie Triple Feature Picture Show (Part 1)

Apocalist Book Club

While Raven and Nella are still prepping for Season 2: The Atomic Age for the Apocalist, Danielle Ngo and Joy Seldin from the podcast joined Nella to watch zombie movies...and not just any zombie movies, the ones that started it all!  This first episode explores the history of the zombie movie, and NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. Part 2 will continue with DAWN OF THE DEAD, and we'll end Part 3 with DAY OF THE DEAD (and a touch of RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD for that 80s spicy brain flavor). Support us at  Follow the progress of  You can find Binge O'Clock on twitter @BingeOClockPod....

Apocalist Book Club Ep. 41: Apocalist Book Club Q&A! show art Apocalist Book Club Ep. 41: Apocalist Book Club Q&A!

Apocalist Book Club

#41: Thank you to everyone that sent in questions for our Q&A! We currently don't have a hard start date for season 2 though Nella is planning a limited Zombie Movie Night series for the interim.  Stay tuned as we prepare for the Atomic Age! Support us at  Follow the progress of  Follow us on twitter @ApocalistC, Email us at ApocalistBookClub@gmail.com CREDITS: Art by Michael Vincent Bramley. Music by Robare Pruyn. Sound editing by Crutch Phrase Studio.

Apocalist Book Club Ep. 40: The Black Flame by Stanley G. Weinbaum show art Apocalist Book Club Ep. 40: The Black Flame by Stanley G. Weinbaum

Apocalist Book Club

#40: The year is...well it's a little timey wimey, but we're calling it 1939. Tom Conner was just a normal dude who was sent to the electric chair for murder...and wakes up to find himself in the FUTURE! In a world ruled by Immortals, Tom truly is the 2nd love interest of a YA dystopian novel heroine, he just doesn't know it yet. I straight up lose it over slide rulers in this one. Come for a rebellion that just really hates paying taxes, stay for the one immortal cat left alive.  And yes, Olga Romanov was a better Black Flame that Margaret of Urbs could ever DREAM of.   Support...

Apocalist Book Club Ep. 39: Wild Harbour by Ian MacPherson show art Apocalist Book Club Ep. 39: Wild Harbour by Ian MacPherson

Apocalist Book Club

#39: We're still in 1936 but we've moved out to the Scottish Highlands and taken up cave-living in the face of war! If you liked THE HATCHET or other wilderness survival books as a kid, you're probably going to like this one. We just wish he had ended it 2 chapters earlier...and remember kids, the real Apocalypse is when you walk away from society.

Apocalist Book Club Ep. 38: The War with the Newts by Karel Capek show art Apocalist Book Club Ep. 38: The War with the Newts by Karel Capek

Apocalist Book Club

#38: The year is 1936 and we're back to our beloved Czech author Karel Capek. This is a much grimmer end of the world when compared to his 1922 novel THE ABSOLUTE AT LARGE. While both novels address the danger of voracious human consumption, this one digs much deeper into the horrors of colonialism, and the exploitation of "the Other".

Apocalist Book Club Ep. 37: Earth Stopped/Gone to Ground by T.H. White show art Apocalist Book Club Ep. 37: Earth Stopped/Gone to Ground by T.H. White

Apocalist Book Club

#37: The year is a little of '34, a little of '35, and who gave T.H. White the right to delight us so much?! We 100% were not expecting all these hunting puns, but we are here for it. Come for Mr. Marx's sporting tour (who is a POC and NOT a villain, actually), stay for a very British farce of a Decameron. 

Apocalist Book Club Ep. 36: The Strange Invaders by Alun Lywellyn show art Apocalist Book Club Ep. 36: The Strange Invaders by Alun Lywellyn

Apocalist Book Club

#36: We're back in 1934 with THE STRANGE INVADERS by Alun Llewellyn! If you can here on the promise of dinosaurs, I regret to inform you, so did we. New t-shirt idea: I survived the Apocalypse and all I got was this lousy herd of big man-eating lizards. Come for Alun's dislike of Stalin's communism, stay for the sexiest of lamps. 

More Episodes

#29: Nella and Raven needed a break from the world, so they hopped a ride to Bronson Beta and read the truly pulpy AFTER WORLDS COLLIDE! The Earth may be gone, but there sure are Soviets. We also watched the 1952 movie adaptation of WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE, which, hey, at least it was short and had some good NYC destruction. Come for a planet that conveniently isn't trying to kill you despite your best efforts, stay for Marian Jackson, the real MVP. 

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CREDITS: Art by Michael Vincent Bramley. Music by Robare Pruyn. Sound editing by Crutch Phrase Studio.