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An Apocalyptic Monopoly


Release Date: 07/20/2023

Messages to My Local School Board show art Messages to My Local School Board


I've delivered more than thirty speeches before my local school board over the past two years. My burden has mostly been to get the Bible back into our public schools. The dates for the two meetings in April were very conducive to sharing my burden (I believe in God's perfect timing!); so here is a repeat of those two speeches.

The Trump Apocalypse show art The Trump Apocalypse


According to Wikipedia, the term, Trump Derangement Syndrome, is mainly a pejorative term used by Trump supporters to describe the intense hatred that his critics have for him. I believe that over the last nine years, though, the hatred for Donald Trump has reahed a level of apocalyptic proportions, and even corresponds to Bible prophecy.

The 1620 Apocalypse show art The 1620 Apocalypse


What role, if any, does America play in end-times prophecy? And does this role have any correspondence to the first-century church in Philadelphia? Find the answers to these questions and more in this episode!

The Apocalyptic Commission show art The Apocalyptic Commission


Through what is known as The Great Commission, Jesus told his followers to "...go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them...and teaching them to obey everythinng I have commanded you"; and Christians have been working to fulfill this commission for nearly 2,000 years. There was aother commission that Jesus gave one of his first-century disiples; but, sadly, that commission is being minimized by mainstream Christianity today--to its own shame and peril.

Israel's Apocalyptic History show art Israel's Apocalyptic History


It is obvious that those who are protesting against Israel on our college campuses are ignorant--willfully or otherwise--of Jewish history; so here is a concise summary of Israel's 4,114-year history, according to the Bible.

Apocalyptic Moral Clarity show art Apocalyptic Moral Clarity


What does it take to get to a place of "real moral clarity"? Two events in the recent past have provided such clarity; but both of these events have also shown us that we need more than just regular moral clarity--we need Apocalyptic moral clarity!

Apocalyptic Prayer for Israel show art Apocalyptic Prayer for Israel


In light of the heinous slaughter of men, women, and children--including the elderly and infants--Psalm 37 has a much more powerful meaning for me as I use it in my daily devotions and pray for the people of Israel.

Apocalyptic Credits show art Apocalyptic Credits


According to Google, the movie with the longest rolling credits is Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, at 9 minutes and 33 seconds. Credits for movie productions are becoming increasingly creative and engaging; but they will never rise to the grandeur of Apocalyptic Credits, which have been rolling continuously from time immemorial.  What are these credits; and why don't they seem to be having their intended impact these days?

An Apocalyptic Court Case show art An Apocalyptic Court Case


I'm surprised that I've not seen this infamous trial as a fulfilloment of biblical prophecy before; but I'm beginning to see how much of an apocalyptic impact it's really had on our society--and why the Evolutionary worldview has become such a dominant force in our culture!

An Apocalyptic Monopoly show art An Apocalyptic Monopoly


The theory of Evolution has monopolized the science curriculums of our public schools--no other worldview about our origins is allowed; and now, what started out as a theory, has become a toxic ideology with apocalyptic implications.

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The theory of Evolution has monopolized the science curriculums of our public schools--no other worldview about our origins is allowed; and now, what started out as a theory, has become a toxic ideology with apocalyptic implications.