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I'm a Leader and Never Wanted to Be - Now What Do I Do?

Applied Leadership Podcast

Release Date: 07/07/2024

How To Get Some Time/Margin Back Into Your Life show art How To Get Some Time/Margin Back Into Your Life

Applied Leadership Podcast

We feel this one! We've worked in the corporate world, know what it's like to play calendar Tetris and try to make it all fit. You may have more control over your calendar than you think. Ask yourself, "Does it have to be this way?" It takes some thoughtfulness - fully understanding the goals and objectives, setting, and the priorities of work. It may require some dialogue and communication with the people at work and at home to get some cushion. 

How Do We Come Up With This Stuff? show art How Do We Come Up With This Stuff?

Applied Leadership Podcast

We get asked a lot about how we come up with our content, modules, and ideas. We've always tried to ask ourselves, "What problem are we trying to solve? What is the need?" The creative process is a total collaborative effort between our team and our partners. We encourage you to set aside time intentionally on a regular basis to think and work on any creative ventures. And try to be genuine and useful, not brilliant!

Who Are ALPs Leadership Inspirations? show art Who Are ALPs Leadership Inspirations?

Applied Leadership Podcast

Leadership inspiration and influential figures come and go throughout our lives - parents, relatives, teachers, peers and people we don't personally know. Blayne and Brandon share the individuals who have shaped their leadership style and inspired them at different points in their lives.   

How Leaders Can Guard Against Pridefulness: w/ Special Guest Jan Rutherford show art How Leaders Can Guard Against Pridefulness: w/ Special Guest Jan Rutherford

Applied Leadership Podcast

We are excited to have our friend Jan Rutherford on the show today. Jan Rutherford is a former Green Beret and founder of Self-Reliant Leadership® where he coaches executives, and leads Crucible® wilderness expeditions with executives and veterans. Jan has over 25 years of business experience and has held executive roles in business development, marketing, sales, training, product management, and as a CEO.   He joins us to discuss how leaders can guard against pridefulness and shares insights from his upcoming book "Becoming a Self-Reliant Leader: How Grit and Disciplined Duty...

Recent Proud Moments show art Recent Proud Moments

Applied Leadership Podcast

Blayne and Brandon rehash some victories so far in 2024 in Episode 25 of the Applied Leadership Podcast, "Recent Proud Moments." We hope you enjoy it and take the time to reflect on your own personal and professional wins so far. Celebrate with your team, friends, and family!

I'm a Leader and Never Wanted to Be - Now What Do I Do? show art I'm a Leader and Never Wanted to Be - Now What Do I Do?

Applied Leadership Podcast

We often get what we need, not what we want. You may not want to be a leader, but maybe you need to be one. It's where you're at now, so what do we do about it? It's worth digging deep into yourself and asking why you may feel the way you do. At the same time, you can feel like you don't want it, yet embrace it as a positive opportunity.

Cool Breeds Cool show art Cool Breeds Cool

Applied Leadership Podcast

Do you have to always have all the answers as a leader? What do you do when you feel stuck in the moment, and everyone is looking to you?  Even as a leader, you cannot always have all the answers, even in a moment of crisis. However, you should always bring calm. Assess the situation and create the conditions for a good answer to emerge from the team. Calm is more important than always having the answer. 

How Big Do We Want Our Business to Get? show art How Big Do We Want Our Business to Get?

Applied Leadership Podcast

ALPs exist to share hard-earned leadership wisdom with leaders who are on the frontlines of missions that matter and are trying to get better every day. We're always thinking about how to responsibly grow the business, keeping our lives properly integrated as we want, and doing the work with people we love. There's a healthy tension within this that we wrestle with both in work and our family lives. 

Getting the Work Done & Providing Ancillary Support show art Getting the Work Done & Providing Ancillary Support

Applied Leadership Podcast

There's an inverse relationship between completing the mission and being positively involved in building workplace relationships and advocating for your teams. Sharing the good work that our team is doing and hoping that others find value in it requires building and maintaining relationships.   

Social Media: Uses and Abuses show art Social Media: Uses and Abuses

Applied Leadership Podcast

Social media is a tricky place, especially when you're a business. Companies have to be careful about posting too much on social media, yet they need to share intentionally to meaningfully attract the right partners and clients. This is something we wrestle with every day, both at ALPs and in our personal lives. Knowing the true motivation and why to use social media for your company is the key.   

More Episodes

We often get what we need, not what we want. You may not want to be a leader, but maybe you need to be one. It's where you're at now, so what do we do about it? It's worth digging deep into yourself and asking why you may feel the way you do. At the same time, you can feel like you don't want it, yet embrace it as a positive opportunity.