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How well have you loved? | Notre Dame Parish Pastor Installation

Archbishop Aquila's Podcast

Release Date: 11/21/2024

Mary's Hope, Our Mission: Seeking Jesus Through Mary show art Mary's Hope, Our Mission: Seeking Jesus Through Mary

Archbishop Aquila's Podcast

On the first of the year 2025, Archbishop Aquilla addresses the crowd gathered for Seek Cologne, Germany. Celebrating the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, Archbishop delivers a homily on honoring Mary and learning from her how to be disciples in the world today, beginning first with our assent to the Will of God. He shares a deeply personal experience of Our Lady of Guadalupe, who led him to Jesus, and invites us to bring others to Jesus as Mary does, and to “do whatever he (Jesus) tells you."

Approaching the Eucharist with the Heart of John the Baptist | 3rd Sunday of Advent show art Approaching the Eucharist with the Heart of John the Baptist | 3rd Sunday of Advent

Archbishop Aquila's Podcast

Holy incense and joyful music filled the newly rennovated sancuary of Risen Christ Parish as Archbishop Aquilla celebrated the rededication mass on this 3rd Sunday of Advent. As Christmas Approaches and the hustle and bustle of preperation and gift shopping crescendos, Archbishop Aquilla reminds the congregation to turn their eyes to Jesus, especially Jesus in the Eucharist. For the whole heart of Christmas, Gods love for us expressed through the sending of His Son to the world, is presented directly to us again in every celebration of the Eucharist.

Prepare the Way! | 2nd Sunday of Advent show art Prepare the Way! | 2nd Sunday of Advent

Archbishop Aquila's Podcast

On the second Sunday of Advent at Immaculate Conception Parish, Archbishop Aquilla celebrates mass in honor of the Parish feast day. In his homily, Archbishop Aquilla highlights the message of John the Baptist and how we are called, even and especially today, to clear a path for Jesus.

How well have you loved? | Notre Dame Parish Pastor Installation show art How well have you loved? | Notre Dame Parish Pastor Installation

Archbishop Aquila's Podcast

The 33rd Sunday in Ordinary time 2024, Archbishop Aquilla installs Fr. Peter Mussett as the pastor of Notre Dame parish in Denver. From the pulpit Archbishop preaches on the Apocalypse mentioned in the Gospel and throughout the Sunday readings: what matters is not when and how the day of judgment will come, but how well you have loved the Lord and followed His commandments in this life. Readings:  

Christ the Foundation : Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral Basilica show art Christ the Foundation : Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral Basilica

Archbishop Aquila's Podcast

Archbishop Aquila addresses the congregation gathered to celebrate the Anniversary Mass of the Dedication of the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. Archbishop reminds us that we must have God as the foundation of our lives or we will never find peace, just as our country will not find peace untill it returns to God.  

Witness to Christ, No Matter the Cost. show art Witness to Christ, No Matter the Cost.

Archbishop Aquila's Podcast

"His disciples will suffer with Him." Archbisop Aquila addresses the congregation of St. Mary's in Breckenridge at a mass installing their new pastor, Father Erik. In the Gospel readings, Jesus speaks to the sons of Zebedee who candidly ask the Son of God for a seat at His right and left hand when He comes into power, maybe not fully understanding that Jesus' victory will not be the toppling of Rome which the Israelites so hoped for. Today, we Christians truely are called to share in Jesus's victory: a victory which is not of this world, a victory which is in His Crucifixion and Resurrection....

Called to Zeal: Following Christ to the Father show art Called to Zeal: Following Christ to the Father

Archbishop Aquila's Podcast

On the 100th anniversary of St. Ignatius Parish in Denver, Archbishop Aquila preached on the "living stones" that make up the Church of God, and which have made up St. Ignatius over the last 100 years. As living stones, we Christians are called to emulate the zeal for the house of God that Jesus himself had, as the Gospel from the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time tells us. When we grow in zeal like Jesus did, we follow him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life closer to the Father.

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 100th Anniversary of The Dedication of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish show art 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 100th Anniversary of The Dedication of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish

Archbishop Aquila's Podcast

Archbishop Aquila addresses the congregation of St. Ignatius Loyola in Denver, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the dedication of their parish. In his homily, the Archbishop discusses the meaning of Catholicism in today's age and political environment, and viewing the world through God's eyes. Readings:  

Faith, voting and salvation: Who is your God? show art Faith, voting and salvation: Who is your God?

Archbishop Aquila's Podcast

Readings:   Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila preached on faith, voting and salvation on the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, in an effort to help the faithful form their consciences well ahead of the 2024 election.

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Pastor Instillation at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel show art 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Pastor Instillation at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Archbishop Aquila's Podcast

Archbishop Aquila addresses the congregation at Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish in Denver, celebrating the instillation of their new Pastor. Readings:  

More Episodes

The 33rd Sunday in Ordinary time 2024, Archbishop Aquilla installs Fr. Peter Mussett as the pastor of Notre Dame parish in Denver. From the pulpit Archbishop preaches on the Apocalypse mentioned in the Gospel and throughout the Sunday readings: what matters is not when and how the day of judgment will come, but how well you have loved the Lord and followed His commandments in this life.

Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/111724.cfm