Hello. Just a quick note to say thank you for being patient. It is becoming a worrying habit - this apologising for keeping you waiting! The ‘real-life’ thing is taking up way to much ’spare’ time. I have school holidays in a couple of weeks and I have one episode written already for recording. As soon as the holidays start, the dog is quiet and the children out-sourced I should be able to get four episodes out in quick procession. I know that the frequency of these podcasts is an issue for some people (it certainly is for me!) so my goal is to average about 1.5 per month - but to squeeze them out in short bursts when ‘real-life’ allows. If I were a samurai, my shame would cleansed by seppuku…..but I’m just a teacher and a white-board marker will not pierce my belly. Be well and I’ll ‘talk’ to you soon.