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Ask the Experts: Technology and Diabetes Health

Ask the Experts: It's Personal

Release Date: 11/16/2023

Pregúntale a los Expertos: Cuidando de la Diabetes y la Salud del Corazón Cuando tu Rutina se Interrumpe show art Pregúntale a los Expertos: Cuidando de la Diabetes y la Salud del Corazón Cuando tu Rutina se Interrumpe

Ask the Experts: It's Personal

Cuando la vida da un giro inesperado, ¿estás preparado para cuidar tu diabetes tipo 2? Desde una hospitalización imprevista, hasta una nueva condición de salud o incluso apagones y desastres naturales, la vida es impredecible. Aprende de un experto sobre las acciones que puedes tomar para que el cuidado de tu diabetes se mantenga en el camino, incluso cuando la vida no lo esté.

Ask the Experts: Taking Care of Diabetes and Heart Health When Your Routine is Interrupted show art Ask the Experts: Taking Care of Diabetes and Heart Health When Your Routine is Interrupted

Ask the Experts: It's Personal

Audience called in and asked questions of our experts about how to keep their type 2 diabetes care on track when life takes an unexpected turn. Listen to our Ask the Experts event to learn how to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease when living with type 2 diabetes. Find more helpful resources on the Know Diabetes by Heart website: knowdiabetesbyheart.org.

Ask the Experts: Why Everyone Needs Diabetes Self Management Education and Support: Ask Your Provider for a Referral show art Ask the Experts: Why Everyone Needs Diabetes Self Management Education and Support: Ask Your Provider for a Referral

Ask the Experts: It's Personal

Audience called in and asked questions of our experts to learn about diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) services. Listen to our Ask the Experts event to learn how to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease when living with type 2 diabetes. Find more helpful resources on the Know Diabetes by Heart website: knowdiabetesbyheart.org.

Pregúntale a los Expertos: Por Qué Todos Necesitan Educación y Apoyo para el Autocontrol de la Diabetes show art Pregúntale a los Expertos: Por Qué Todos Necesitan Educación y Apoyo para el Autocontrol de la Diabetes

Ask the Experts: It's Personal

Ya sea que recién te han diagnosticado o que quieres profundizar tu conocimiento sobre la diabetes, nunca es tarde para acceder a los servicios de educación y apoyo para el autocontrol de la diabetes (DSMES). La inscripción se ha cerrado, pero aún puedes unirte a nosotros. A las 2:00 p. m., hora del Este, llame al 1-855-531-1065 y se unirá al evento en vivo en curso. O comuníquese al 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383) para obtener más ayuda.

Ask the Experts: Obesity Care Treatments: Not a One-Size-Fits-All Approach show art Ask the Experts: Obesity Care Treatments: Not a One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Ask the Experts: It's Personal

Listeners called in for advice on how treatment options for obesity vary from person to person, benefits of combination therapy (lifestyle, medications, and surgery), and where to start. Find more helpful resources at diabetes.org/Obesity.

Pregúntale a los Expertos: Lo Más Reciente en Diabetes Tipo 2 y Tecnología show art Pregúntale a los Expertos: Lo Más Reciente en Diabetes Tipo 2 y Tecnología

Ask the Experts: It's Personal

Aprende cómo la nueva tecnología, como los monitores continuos de glucosa (CGM) o las bombas de insulina, puede ayudar a manejar la diabetes. Descubre qué debes preguntar en tu próxima visita con tu proveedor de salud para encontrar la tecnología que mejor se adapte a ti. Ven preparado con preguntas para nuestra experta, Amy Butts, PA, como: “¿Podrían ayudarme los relojes inteligentes?” y “¿Cómo puede la información de mi reloj inteligente ayudarme entre visitas al proveedor de salud?” O simplemente escucha la conversación. Encuentra más recursos útiles en el sitio web...

Ask the Experts: The Latest in Type 2 Diabetes and Technology show art Ask the Experts: The Latest in Type 2 Diabetes and Technology

Ask the Experts: It's Personal

Listeners called in and asked our experts questions about how new technology, like a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) or insulin pump, can be used to manage diabetes.  Listen to our Ask the Experts event to learn how to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease when living with type 2 diabetes. Find more helpful resources on the Know Diabetes by Heart website: knowdiabetesbyheart.org.

Ask the Experts: How to Have a Conversation about Obesity Care with Your Health Care Provider show art Ask the Experts: How to Have a Conversation about Obesity Care with Your Health Care Provider

Ask the Experts: It's Personal

Listeners called in for advice on discussing and managing obesity care with health care providers. Discover what questions to ask, how to advocate for yourself or a loved one, and explore various treatment options in this Ask the Experts event. Find more helpful resources at .

Pregúntale a los Expertos: Aterosclerosis: Relación entre Cabeza, Corazón y Pies show art Pregúntale a los Expertos: Aterosclerosis: Relación entre Cabeza, Corazón y Pies

Ask the Experts: It's Personal

Aprende a mantener tus pies saludables y escucha a un experto sobre cómo la diabetes aumenta el riesgo de problemas en los pies y de heridas que cicatrizan mal. Conéctate a nuestro evento Pregúntale a los Expertos para aprender a reconocer y tratar el agotamiento por la enfermedad. Encuentra más recursos útiles en el sitio web Conoce la Diabetes de Corazón: diabetesdecorazon.org.

Ask the Experts: Atherosclerosis: Head, Heart and Feet Relationship show art Ask the Experts: Atherosclerosis: Head, Heart and Feet Relationship

Ask the Experts: It's Personal

Listeners called in and asked our specialists about maintaining foot health and how diabetes can elevate the risk of foot issues and slow-healing wounds. Listen to our Ask the Experts event to learn how to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease when living with type 2 diabetes. Find more helpful resources on the Know Diabetes by Heart website: knowdiabetesbyheart.org.

More Episodes

Audience called in and asked questions of our experts about how apps, smart pens, sensors, pumps and heart monitors can help provide you with options to manage your diabetes and overall health.

Register for our next LIVE Q&A event at diabetes.org/experts or by calling 1-800-DIABETES. 

Listen to our Ask the Experts event to learn how to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease when living with type 2 diabetes. Find more helpful resources on the Know Diabetes by Heart website: knowdiabetesbyheart.org.