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69 | Danielle Symes Two Vaginal Births, Postnatal Depression and Anxiety, Third Degree Tear


Release Date: 07/15/2018

Danielle had decided with her partner that they would start trying for a baby at 27 and they fell pregnant literally on their first attempt. Danielle’s reaction was not what she had expected at all. She was freaking out. Even though her pregnancy was planned, she realized she wasn’t 100% ready. She read over a million books and never really came to terms with her pregnancy. Danielle became so preoccupied and anxious with how she would come when the baby came that she didn’t really focus on the birth itself. To hear more of Danielle’s story tune into this week's show.

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I’ve been nominated for the Ausmumpreneur Awards. Its a huge honour to be nominated and the people’s choice voting has just opened. So if you feel like this podcast is making a difference to you and you enjoy listing to my show each week it would be amazing if you could give me your vote. It literally takes 1minutes. I’m listed in the first categories Making a Difference Award, you can just scroll down to Sophie Walker to vote for me. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AUSMUM18 And I’ll let you know how I go.

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