59 | Kirsty Chandler Positive Hypnobirth in Water, Private Midwife
Release Date: 05/14/2018
In this week’s episode, I interview Kirsty Chandler. Kirsty fell pregnant in her second month of actively trying to conceive. She spent the lead up preparing her body by cutting out alcohol and caffeine and saw a variety of healthcare providers such as acupuncturists and chiropractors to prepare her body for pregnancy. Kirsty was very careful in searching for the right care provider for her pregnancy and birth. She interviewed both the midwives at her local Gold Coast hospital as well as the private midwives which worked a short distance from her house. She decided to employ a private midwife for her care. Kirsty also took Hypnobithing classes to prepare for the drug-free water birth she intended to have.
Kirsty laboured at home and spent much of her time on the toilet where her waters went. Her private midwife came to her house to monitor her and see how labour was progressing and she advised she had time to make the journey to the hospital to get into the birth pool there. Kirsty was very well prepared for her labor. She wore an eye mask and had her hypnobirthing Australia track- rainbow relaxation playing in her earphones as she made the journey to the hospital. This helped her to block out any external influences and allowed her to stay focused on her breathing.
Kirsty’s husband checked her into the hospital and then went to move their car from the emergency bay and almost missed the birth as he got lost finding his way back from the car park. River was born gently into the birth pool with the guiding hands of Kirsty and her partner Guy also in the birth pool. To hear more about this beautiful birth tune into this weeks show.
To connect with Kirsty: https://www.facebook.com/birthinharmonygoldcoast/
Topics covered: Breast crawl, hypnobirth, homeopathics, private midwife, yoga, meditation, acupuncture, delayed cord clamping, perineal massage, labia graze.
Today’s episode of the show is sponsored by Tree Hut Village. Tree Hut Village is the only website in the world where you can hire/lend/buy and sell your baby items from one family to another. Tree Hut Village is essentially like AirBnB for baby equipment. You can: List your baby items for hire. Hire from other parents - short or long term. You can sell baby items, and you can try products before you buy them so you don't have to worry if your baby will sleep in the bassinet or travel cot you want to buy. Tree Hut Village is offering my listeners 10% off with the code THV4ME. To find out more head over to https://www.treehutvillage.com.