54 | Bohannah Gerritsen Three Births, Hospital Birth and Two Home Water Births
Release Date: 04/16/2018
In today’s episode, I interview Bo Gerritsen. Bo was busy planning her wedding at the age of twenty-four when she found out she was unexpectedly pregnant with her daughter Indiana. Despite being a strong believer in home births, Bo felt unprepared so she decided to have her first daughter through the public hospital in Perth. Bo suffered morning sickness for her entire pregnancy with Indiana and got quite used to the routine of throwing up each morning and then feeling better by the afternoon.
Bo went into labour the morning after her birthday. She’d felt upset and emotional throughout her birthday so in hindsight she thinks it was a sign that labour was about to start. Her labour began with cramping however as it was five days until her due date she didn't think it was the early signs of labour. She spent the best part of that day labouring in her bath at home and she accepted that she was having contractions when they became more regular and were timeable. At 6 pm she made her way to the hospital to find out she was 3cm dilated…..
Tune into this weeks episode to hear more about Indian’s labour and how Bo’s partner passed out in the hospital room heat and due to the pressure of holding Bo up while she was pushing on the birth stool.
Topics include public hospital healthcare, unplanned pregnancy, morning sickness, breastfeeding, NICU, home birth, water birth, tongue tie, The Simple Folk.
Today’s episode is sponsored by ErgoPouch. ErgoPouch have just released their new winter newborn sleepwear essentials pack, which includes everything you need to help your new baby sleep comfortably this Autumn and Winter to see the full ErgoPouch range head over to ErgoPouch
All images : Cat Fancote - Capturing Birth