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RE:JESUS | The Faith of Leap

Avenue Church Podcast

Release Date: 01/14/2025

RE:JESUS | Called In Strength show art RE:JESUS | Called In Strength

Avenue Church Podcast

In Luke 5, Jesus helps Peter and the others with a miraculous catch of fish, and commissions Peter to be a "fisher of people." We look at what this means and how God uses our strengths to participate in the Mission of God.

RE:JESUS | Even Them show art RE:JESUS | Even Them

Avenue Church Podcast

In Luke 4, Jesus teaches in the Synagogue in Nazareth a sermon that would be remembered for a long time. It was controversial enough that the people tried to kill him. What kind of sermon would do that? How does Jesus' message inform our faith and the life of our church today?

RE:JESUS | The Faith of Leap show art RE:JESUS | The Faith of Leap

Avenue Church Podcast

This morning, we celebrate our laity who set an example of Christ-like service. We look at what it means to put our faith in Jesus that invites us to leap into service and ministry.


Avenue Church Podcast

On the first Sunday of the New Year, we remember the Magi and others who pursued and encountered the light of Christ. May we commit to following Christ's light in 2025.

THE WONDER OF IT ALL | The Journey of Arrival- The Shepherds show art THE WONDER OF IT ALL | The Journey of Arrival- The Shepherds

Avenue Church Podcast

In the third week of Advent, we consider the joy that is experienced in the routine and mundane parts of our lives by examine the shepherds, who encountered the Heavenly Host during their workday.

THE WONDER OF IT ALL | The Journey of Anticipation- Mary show art THE WONDER OF IT ALL | The Journey of Anticipation- Mary

Avenue Church Podcast

As we continue our Advent Journey of Wonder, we look at Mary and the wonder found in anticipation of the birth of the Savior.

THE WONDER OF IT ALL | Joseph's Journey show art THE WONDER OF IT ALL | Joseph's Journey

Avenue Church Podcast

The season of Christmas is best observed through the eyes of a child who is filled with child-like wonder. There is plenty of wonder to see, if we have eyes to see it. Joseph's journey is one of wonder as he grapples with Mary's news and the angel's visit.

THANKSGIVING 2024 | Return, Rejoice, Restore show art THANKSGIVING 2024 | Return, Rejoice, Restore

Avenue Church Podcast

As we enter Thanksgiving week, we give thanks for the ways God has worked in our lives. We look at the prophet Joel for encouragement on how to see God's activity even through difficult times.

FREE TO SACRIFICE | Sent to Sacrifice show art FREE TO SACRIFICE | Sent to Sacrifice

Avenue Church Podcast

Philippians 2:19-30 | Paul sends Timothy and Epaphroditus for two different reasons to Philippi. We are all sent, but we are not all sent into ministry in the same way. Are you willing to be sent by God?

FREE TO SACRIFICE | United in Sacrifice show art FREE TO SACRIFICE | United in Sacrifice

Avenue Church Podcast

This morning we look at the Christ Hymn in Philippians 2:1-11. In it, Paul offers Jesus as our model as we are to have the same attitude Christ has in our relationship with others.

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This morning, we celebrate our laity who set an example of Christ-like service. We look at what it means to put our faith in Jesus that invites us to leap into service and ministry.