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An Eternity with God

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Release Date: 05/15/2024

The Three Angels' Messages to the world. show art The Three Angels' Messages to the world.

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

The message of the three angels from revelation 14. A message for our times.

Mision de la iglesia show art Mision de la iglesia

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Todos sabemos que la misión de la Iglesia incluye predicar a Cristo a los nocreyentes para que se salven los elegidos de Dios. Pero los seres humanos somos criaturas extrañas. Tenemos la capacidad de convencernos de que ‘hablar’ de algo es tener la realidad. Esto lo vemos todos los días en el mal-llamado ‘evangelio de la prosperidad’. Estos predicadores ‘hablan’ mucho de impartir bendición, prosperidad y victoria - y sus congregaciones creen que lo están recibiendo, aunque realmente todos viven igual que todos los demás alrededor. Como oyen hablar mucho del asunto, creen que...

Predique buenos consejos show art Predique buenos consejos

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

El comienzo seguro de la muerte espiritual de una iglesia es un giro en su predicación. Poco a poco se deja de predicar la clara Palabra de Dios que condena nuestra idolatría, nuestro egoísmo, y nuestra rebeldía contra Dios, y que ofrece como única solución el Cristo crucificado y resucitado.    La predicación se vuelve muy moralística, enfatizando buena conducta, buenos valores, buenos sentimientos. O se vuelve psicología humanista. Siempre se usa la Biblia - pero ahora el uso de la Palabra es más bien para buscar ejemplos o moralejas. ¡En serio!   Se manipula el...

The spirit of lack show art The spirit of lack

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

The Power of Targeted Prayer   Hi, my name is Caesar and I am a voice in the desert. It's great to be with you today, especially to share the word of God. Today is going to be a brief session, but a very important one because we’re going to talk about the power of prayer. Specifically, we will discuss targeted prayer—a prayer that addresses a specific need directly.   As children of Christ and warriors of the Almighty God, we are to use our best weapon, and our best weapon is prayer. When we use prayer as our main and only weapon, it becomes so precise that our Lord Jesus will...

Praying against the Spirit of Lack show art Praying against the Spirit of Lack

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

How to do targeted prayers against the wiles of the enemy.

"Divine Conversations: Exploring the Power of Holy Prayers";

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

"Divine Conversations: Exploring the Power of Holy Prayers";   Welcome to Divine Conversations, a podcast where we delve into the transformative power of holy prayers. I am your host, minister Cesar Castro, and today, we embark on a spiritual journey to explore the significance, beauty, and impact of prayers in our lives as Christians.   Introduction to Holy Prayers;   Prayer is the language of the soul, a sacred act of communication with the Divine. It is a cornerstone of the Christian faith, a way to express our gratitude, seek guidance, and find solace in times of need....

Jesus Came to Set the Captives Free show art Jesus Came to Set the Captives Free

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Like angels, demons are created beings. Demons, or devils, are evil spirits that work against God’s will. The late Derek Prince, a general of deliverance, called demons “persons without bodies.” That’s a fair description, since demons have a will, intelligence and a personality. Demons are often called by their assignment or function, such as anger, lust or bitterness. Ultimately, all demons have the same assignment. Jesus exposes the plans of the enemy in John 10:10—to steal, kill and destroy. All demons work to achieve this end. A spirit of infirmity, for example, tries to destroy...

Fiery Darts show art Fiery Darts

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Fiery Darts:   Unfortunately, where God builds a church, the devil builds a chapel. The fallen angels are close too. They seek to discourage us and distract us from the truth, tempting us to believe the Lord’s army is small and his ministers don’t matter. They constantly whisper lies in our hearts. They often heckle us through the voices of the secular and unbelieving world.   When I served an inner-city congregation in the Bronx, New York, many unchurched people were openly critical of our church’s mission and its values, in spite of all the social services we also provided to...

Guiding Sheep to Heaven show art Guiding Sheep to Heaven

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Guiding Sheep to Heaven:   “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints” (Ps 116:15). Let’s not let our joy become overshadowed by the tears and grief at a Christian funeral. Another soul for whom our Redeemer shed his blood has passed into the kingdom of glory. Alleluia! Another guest at the heavenly banquet has arrived, even as all Christians—both the living and the dead—await the final resurrection. Praise the Lord! That pastor can rest in peace celebrating the fact that, as a spiritual warrior, he has once again foiled the enemy’s hellish plans. The...

Stages of Subversion in the Church show art Stages of Subversion in the Church

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

  Stages of Subversion in the Church   This strategy of subversion through worldly influences has progressed through several overlapping stages, some of which are only now being completed in our current generation.   The first stage is *penetration* (or “worming in”). In this phase, our agents infiltrate Christian groups and organizations with the intent to influence and manipulate them over time.   The second stage is *demoralization* (or “softening up”). Here, we aim to undermine the Church’s spiritual and social fabric through means such as deviant teachings...

More Episodes

Welcome to the A Voice in the Desert podcast, where we dive deep into spiritual and thought-provoking topics to explore the mysteries of faith and the teachings of the Bible. In today's episode, we will be discussing what it will be like to be in eternity with God according to the Bible.


The concept of eternity with God is a central theme in Christian theology, and it is described in various ways throughout the Bible. It is a topic that has fascinated believers for centuries, as we try to grasp the unfathomable nature of spending eternity in the presence of the Almighty.


One of the most well-known passages that speaks to this idea is found in the book of Revelation. In Revelation 21:3-4, we read, "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, 'Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.'"


This passage paints a vivid picture of what it will be like to be in eternity with God - a place of comfort, peace, and joy where all suffering and pain will be no more. It speaks to the idea of being in perfect communion with God, where He will be our constant companion and source of strength and comfort.


Another passage that sheds light on the concept of eternity with God is found in 1 Corinthians 2:9, which says, "But, as it is written, 'What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.'"


This verse emphasizes the unimaginable nature of what awaits those who love God and seek to be in His presence for eternity. It speaks to the idea that our human minds cannot fully comprehend the wonders and beauty that God has in store for us in the afterlife.


In addition to these passages, the Bible also describes eternity with God as a place of worship and praise. In Revelation 4:8-11, we read about the heavenly creatures and elders who constantly worship and glorify God, saying, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!"


This imagery of worship and praise paints a picture of a place where we will be able to fully express our love and devotion to God in a way that we cannot fully comprehend in our current earthly existence. It speaks to the idea that eternity with God will be a place of unending joy and fulfillment as we worship and glorify Him for all eternity.


Overall, the Bible paints a beautiful and awe-inspiring picture of what it will be like to be in eternity with God. It speaks to the idea of a place of perfect peace, joy, and fulfillment where all suffering and pain will be no more. It describes a place where we will be in perfect communion with God, worshiping and praising Him for all eternity.


As we reflect on these passages and meditate on the idea of eternity with God, let us be filled with hope and anticipation for the glorious future that awaits us in His presence. May we continue to seek Him with all our hearts and live our lives in a way that honors and glorifies Him, knowing that one day we will be in His presence for all eternity. Thank you for joining us on this episode of the A Voice in the Desert podcast. Stay tuned for more thought-provoking discussions on faith and spirituality.


In addition to the descriptions of eternity with God found in the Bible, there are also various interpretations and perspectives from theologians and scholars throughout history that offer further insights into this profound topic.


My name is Cesar and im A Voice in The Desert

