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Episode 177 Sahala Larnyoh Sing Your Beautiful Note, An infinite ongoing song with all of life

Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

Release Date: 12/21/2023

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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

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EPISODE 183 Letting yourself evolve even when you don’t know what that means show art EPISODE 183 Letting yourself evolve even when you don’t know what that means

Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

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Episode 182 Let the waters settle beloved, and find clarity within show art Episode 182 Let the waters settle beloved, and find clarity within

Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

In this episode host Christine Pensa explores how we can move through the polarity of solution and problem with more ease and grace. It’s been a trope that we don’t truly change until a problem, a dis-comfort or a dis-ease comes up in our lives. Then we set out to “solve” it. That’s not necessarily where we get tripped up, but we often use the energy of “trying” or “solving” something, which puts us on the same frequency (and in direct polarity) with what we originally perceived as a difficulty in our lives.  If we continue to loop with a “problem” in polarity, then...

Episode 181 Releasing Observer Status (maybe it’s time to leave your seat) show art Episode 181 Releasing Observer Status (maybe it’s time to leave your seat)

Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

This episode sprung from the poem Observer Status (see below). It’s an invitation to move from an unhealthy observer role to a more healthy discernment of where external “authorities” make sense for us and where it is simply a program being run on a loop. As always, sacred self care means we are willing to take responsibility for ourselves.  As things in our external world become more visible, our role as passive observer becomes less palatable. We are being asked to consider ever more deeply, what are you choosing now? How can you turn up the volume on who and what you are here to...

Episode 180 Weaving our new story into this world (Story series Part 4) show art Episode 180 Weaving our new story into this world (Story series Part 4)

Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

We know it’s time to wake up from who we thought we were and begin to thrive, and to live in harmony with all living beings. In part four of a story series, host Christine Pensa considers the evolution of sacred story and what that means for us right now on this Earth.  This episode explores these questions; What stories are we continuing to give our attention to in the external world? How do we notice the purposeful distraction and realign with what we know we are here to embody? How can we take the beauty and internal heart expansion that stories can bring and leave behind what...

EPISODE 179 Elaira Flow, (Part 2) How holistic Capacity work moves us into new self leadership in business and life show art EPISODE 179 Elaira Flow, (Part 2) How holistic Capacity work moves us into new self leadership in business and life

Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

Elaira Flow returns for what organically became part two to our original episode 151. You can find that episode in the show page archives (Episode 151 The Curren-sea of our new businesses with Elaira Flow). Elaira brings over 20 years of experience as a trauma informed somatic business coach, a healer with extrasensory abilities and an architect of new business paradigm that is necessarily holistic, including all aspects of ourselves. Over the years she has observed trends and directions of business and what is thought possible through structure only, which often does not work. Her work is an...

Episode 178 Jarmila, Transparent Crystal Spirit Guide show art Episode 178 Jarmila, Transparent Crystal Spirit Guide

Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

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Episode 177 Sahala Larnyoh Sing Your Beautiful Note, An infinite ongoing song with all of life show art Episode 177 Sahala Larnyoh Sing Your Beautiful Note, An infinite ongoing song with all of life

Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

This is a very special episode, an offering, a neo-ceremony through the kind of ongoing, infinite, cosmic conversation you have with heart friends. My beautiful guest is Sahala Larnyoh a woman with a powerful voice that can communicate many layers of frequencies. In addition to our conversation, (which I feel is a sound bath) you will hear an exclusive preview of Sahala’s new song with Altosounds mid-episode. AND, at the end of the episode we have co-created a musical poetry meditation, which is an invitation for you to deepen into more of yourself through sound and silence.  Sahala...

Episode 176  An undoing of shame, the other “s” word show art Episode 176 An undoing of shame, the other “s” word

Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

It's coming up all over the place, shame as a tool to tell you who and what to be.  Let’s explore what and how shame might be calling to us to resolve and heal in order for us and the planet to evolve right now.  We all know and have experienced shame. It is expressed on the emotional scale as the very lowest frequency, lower even than grief or fear.  This episode is an invitation to question your own experience and expression of programs and patterns of shame and why it’s now more important than ever to break the cycle of shame in ourselves. It’s an invitation to notice,...

More Episodes

This is a very special episode, an offering, a neo-ceremony through the kind of ongoing, infinite, cosmic conversation you have with heart friends. My beautiful guest is Sahala Larnyoh a woman with a powerful voice that can communicate many layers of frequencies. In addition to our conversation, (which I feel is a sound bath) you will hear an exclusive preview of Sahala’s new song with Altosounds mid-episode. AND, at the end of the episode we have co-created a musical poetry meditation, which is an invitation for you to deepen into more of yourself through sound and silence. 

Sahala shares how she moved through what she calls the “chaos” of her lineage and began an independent path. Her journey, her bravery and her authentic heart are powerful and inspirational reminders for us all. Sahala tells a story of her youth, one where summoned the courage to stand up before an audience for the first time. She says, “the spotlight hit, I sang …that powerful song at that age, that was the moment where an opportunity opened up for me.”

It’s an invitation to everyone listening to be part of the larger conversation where we remember how valuable we truly are. We are here to sing our beautiful note. Whether that is literal or a metaphor, each one of us is needed, each note is here to be sung. A remembering that each of us has gifts that only we have the keys to. The more you allow the truth of yourself to rise up, the more powerfully your note comes through. 

In practical terms, it means letting go of self censoring. Letting go of doing what you think will help you fit in, to the detriment of your health, and well being. It means doing the work to inner-stand your own dreams and to begin to know and follow ever more of your true voice/self. 

To sing your note actually begins in the silence. That’s here you begin to hear it, and begin the step by step practice following the sparks that light you up. 

Enjoy this episode and singing your beautiful note, after all, it’s why you’re here. 

Follow Sahala on Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/sahalalarnyoh/

Follow Sahala on Spotify

Link to Kaya Usher’s frequency technology; https://thesimplicityplatform.com/

Link to the show page for more episodes; https://www.artthatmoves.ca/podcasts/