Awaken Your Spirit
Speech is a powerful way to communicate with others to create relationships. As part of the meditation podcast series, Karen is teaching on how to adapt Right Speech into our daily lives.
info_outline 17: Spirtual GrowthAwaken Your Spirit
This Spiritual Growth is the last episode from the 90-Day Affirmation series. We are concluding with working on your spiritual self. Enjoy this episode from Karen Waconda.
info_outline 16:Create Self-LoveAwaken Your Spirit
As part of our 90-Day Affirmation Transformation, we are now diving into the physical part of it. We are here to help you strengthen your self-love. Self-love grows confidence and self-esteem. Which then allows you to appreciate who you are. We describe seven techniques to improve within.
info_outline 15: Transform Negative EmotionsAwaken Your Spirit
When trying to change and transform the negative emotions, we need to pinpoint the root cause of that emotion. Be aware of these Ten Cognitive Distortions.
info_outline 14: Noble 8 Fold Path- Part 2Awaken Your Spirit
We are in the second part of the Noble 8 Fold Path. Karen discusses Right Thought and Thinking. Free of desires and ill will and cruelty. Our thoughts are powerful, and they lead us to make who we are. Our thoughts result in creating action. Transform the negative thoughts and thinking to be positive so you can create positive change in your life.
info_outline 13: What is an Emotion?Awaken Your Spirit
Part of the Affirmation Challenge we are going into Emotions. This episode describes Emotion. There are three parts: 1. Subjective Experience 2. Physiological Response 3. Behavioral Response. We want to explain the basis of emotion before we can help change the negative and hurt emotion to a positive.
info_outline 12: Noble 8 Fold Path- Part 1Awaken Your Spirit
Join us on this journey to find liberation within. Each mediation Karen will lead you through teachings to help lead you to find your liberation. 8 practices include; right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right concentration, and right mindfulness. Each teaching will end with meditation so please save time to practice this mediation when you safely can.
info_outline 11:Redirecting NegativityAwaken Your Spirit
Three ways to Redirect Negative Thoughts:
info_outline 10: Introduction To MeditationAwaken Your Spirit
Mindfulness leads you to more in-depth insight into connecting ancient traditional healing to relax and welcome the body-mind and spirit of all. Take a listen to how Wa'kanda Retreat & Spa integrates Mediation into healing services. We are here to Awaken Your Spirit with our Podcast. Please listen and share with others. Follow Awakening Spirit on Facebook for more healing tips and encouragement. Contact Karen Waconda- Lewis for an appointment or healing at or call (505)503-5093.
info_outline 9: 90 Day Self Healing, Self Love TransformationAwaken Your Spirit
On November 17th, we will kick off our 90 Affirmation Challenge. We will guide you on a transformation journey to kick those negative thoughts and negative intentions. We will help focus your energy and thoughts into a positive space for deep self-love and healing. Join the Facebook group for daily affirmation help and goals that we set out for you to reach.
info_outlineTangerine Risberg, is bringing teachings to help grow and start your business. This week's teaching is how to create a business plan. She gives you every detail and page by page of how to make your business plan. Contact Tangerine Risberg for a personal and business guidance at or (619)722-1268