Awaken with Blake Lorenz
As Paul addresses the Romans to wake up from their sleep, he gives us seven foundational truths to keep us awake and on fire for Jesus. In this episode we will address what these practical applications are to keep us from mediocre Christianity and to wake up with a purpose and mission every day.
info_outlineAwaken with Blake Lorenz
Paul in Romans 13:11-14 gives us seven reasons on why believers remain asleep when there is work to be done. We need to know these dangers and make sure we lay the proper foundation in our lives to build a life that is alive and doing the will of our Father and not our own.
info_outlineAwaken with Blake Lorenz
Since the beginning of the church on Pentecost the challenge is to keep believers awake to the vision of Jesus. Our tendency is to fall asleep on the job. Jesus has given us His teachings on how we should live in this season of His return. We are to wake up the believers to this plan.
info_outlineAwaken with Blake Lorenz
After our consecration to God we need to spend time alone with God. Daniel is a prime role model of how to live a life of consecration. The more you invest with God, the greater He will use your life for His glory.
info_outlineAwaken with Blake Lorenz
Our journey back to Bethel with Jacob. Bethel is God’s symbol for us as His gateway to heaven. That gateway today is Jesus. Our return to Bethel is a time of renewed consecration where we put away any idols in our heart, a new cleansing, and when we put on a new garment or put on Christ.
info_outlineAwaken with Blake Lorenz
God calls us to consecrate our lives to Him as witnessed in the life of Jacob. This needs to become our first priority after we have become a follower of Jesus. This call to consecration deepens in the years as we walk with Jesus. Is God calling you to Bethel for a new level of consecration?
info_outlineAwaken with Blake Lorenz
Revelation truth leads to a life of consecration to God for His plans and purposes. This leads to Holy Spirit power and a life of love and service to Jesus full of joy and adventure and wonder.
info_outlineAwaken with Blake Lorenz
This ties together what we have studied in Matthew 24 and 25. Jesus knows He will be betrayed and arrested, then killed shortly. Therefore, He has told His disciples His death is not the end, but a prelude to His return as King.
info_outlineAwaken with Blake Lorenz
Genesis 35 connected with Matthew 25 gives us insight into how we need to put into action the words of Jesus relating to the new covenant and the nations. Jacob's stone and Genesis 35 teach us to pray for our nation, coupled with Matthew 25 how to vote and minister in Jesus' name.
info_outlineAwaken with Blake Lorenz
There are three major covenant promises in Genesis. One concerns personal salvation, the second relates to families, and the third concerns nations. We need to know these teachings to help prepare the way for Jesus, especially the third relating to the nations.
info_outlineThis third parable of Jesus teaches us how to serve Jesus in obedience to His word. How we are to disciple our families and give them the spiritual food for this season of His return as opposed to the evil and unfaithful servant who disregards the return of His Master.