Awesomed By Comics Podcast
Oh hiiiiiiiiiiii. Sorry, we've been locked out of the house for the past two years, nine months and 12 days, it was incredibly inconvenient, the cats are pissed. The point is, since the last episode of Awesomed By Comics, we've had another kid, moved, had a combined four jobs and blah blah blah you don't care. The point is, we got away this weekend and bought some comics and recorded an episode to talk about those comics, some of which are new this (last) week, some of which are not, all of which confused us because what is even going on in comics. We don't know when this will happen again, so...
info_outline ABCP Episode 172 - THIS IS NOT A DRILLAwesomed By Comics Podcast
Happy New Year! In this episode of Awesomed By Comics, we talk about some books we missed, wonder what happened to events, and look back on--what? Why are you looking at us like that? Why is that vein popping out of your forehead, are you having a--wait why are you screaming STOP SCREAMING! WE'RE SORRY, WE'RE SORRY OKAY?!? WE'VE BEEN BUSY! WE STILL LOVE YOU! WE'LL CHANGE, WE PROMISE WE'LL CHANGE!!...
info_outline ABCP Episode 171 - DIE HARDERERAwesomed By Comics Podcast
This episode of Awesomed By Comics is not to be confused with Episode #170, which was fully recorded and edited (on Oscar Night no less), but then infected with a technovirus and now lives in its own pocket universe where you can hear it if you listen extremely closely during the 187th minute of R.E.M. (the sleep, not the band). We're actually at a place where we're giving awards to the current week's comics, although it may or may not be the same current week when this is actually released, you'll never know. Thanks for hangin in, partners.
info_outline ABCP 2012 Year In ReviewAwesomed By Comics Podcast
Yearly Awards for what we thought this weekend was the best of the last year!
info_outline Episode 169!Awesomed By Comics Podcast
This episode features a show within our usual show within a show, so you know it'll be special! Lots of winners from the last few weeks. And from this week too, because Aaron didn't know we could go back and use previous weeks. If he did, all of his winners would be from Maus.
info_outline 168Awesomed By Comics Podcast
info_outline ABCP Episode #149Awesomed By Comics Podcast
This episode of the Awesomed By Comics Podcast is brought to you by the hurricane that we pretty much slept right through, and which did not give us an opportunity to bond while "hunkering down" but which was also far less destructive than it could have been which in the long run is a better thing for everyone. Winny wins this week for Mystery Men, Gotham City Sirens, Space Wolverines, Punishers, Captains America and Buckies and Confusingly-numbered Iron Man minis. We bid a fond farewell to this confusing iteration of Wonder Woman, and lament that the last-ever appearance of Oracle was as a...
info_outline ABCP Episode #148Awesomed By Comics Podcast
As we creep closer to our 150th show, this episode is brought to you by the return of the Zen Koan .... which quickly devolves into rap videos and masturbation jokes. Many loves for Daredevil, All Nighter, Journey Into Mystery, The Stuff of Legend, Generation Hope, and Power Girl. Not many loves for talksploitation comics and the death of fun. Many shenanigans including several trips to the MyTube, followed by FriendFace and BookSpace. Also we need a damn window in our studio. Or at the very least, a donkey with a box fan attached to it who can mill about the house spreading its cool donkey...
info_outline ABCP Episode #147Awesomed By Comics Podcast
Whoa Nelly! This 147th episode of the Awesomed By Comics Website is brought to you by a little speed lesson! You got a need for speed? Then let's rev it up! Speed-style! VROOM VROOM VROOOOOOOOM. This week we bid a melancholy and vaguely disappointing farewell to Batgirl, which has been one of the entire industry's most solid titles, month-after-month, for the last two years, and whose lead character is not going to be appearing in the relaunch stuff for a while anyway. We also bid a lousy farewell to this incarnation of Birds of Prey, who deserved better than the sendoff they got. As Thor...
info_outline ABCP Episode #146Awesomed By Comics Podcast
This extra-long episode of the Awesomed By Comics is brought to you by us soliciting ideas for our (now just four episodes away!!) 150th anniversary! That's right, Awesomed By Comics has been around for 150 years, 1874-2011!! ...
info_outlineThis SWEAR-FREE episode of the Awesomed By Comics Podcast is brought to you by maybe the dumbest thing we've ever done on this show, although I predict a handful of you will say we'll eclipse even that about 26 minutes later.* Many. many wins for two great books led by two of comics' most heroic teddy bears; Max from The Stuff of Legend, and J. Jonah Jameson. Plus Ennis' soccer-mom Punisher, Jaime's red light red light red light GREEN LIGHT, and even if we can't have Runaways, at least we get their parents.
As always, leave your comments or picks on our blog and leave an iTunes review if you like the show !
* We value** your opinions.
** This is honestly not sarcasm at the moment, but we reserve the right to ask you to read it as such, should the need arise.