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Arizona Pharmacy Podcast Network

Release Date: 02/17/2021

Deep Dive: AZ State Board of Pharmacy show art Deep Dive: AZ State Board of Pharmacy

Arizona Pharmacy Podcast Network

Get to know the AZ State Board of Pharmacy.  Join President Lorri Walmsley, RPh, FAzPA and Executive Director Kam Gandhi, PharmD as they share more about the role of the Board and key topics that are important to us all. 

Advocacy in Action 101. Learn how you can make your voice heard show art Advocacy in Action 101. Learn how you can make your voice heard

Arizona Pharmacy Podcast Network

Join Michael Baxter, vice president of government affairs at the American Pharmacists Association and Dianne McCallister, AzPA lobbyist and partner at Public Policy Partners in Phoenix to better understand how you can make your voice heard to benefit the pharmacy profession in AZ.

Non-Traditional Pharmacist Journey Series: Tim Ulbrich, Your Financial Pharmacist (non-CE) show art Non-Traditional Pharmacist Journey Series: Tim Ulbrich, Your Financial Pharmacist (non-CE)

Arizona Pharmacy Podcast Network

Tim's journey has taken him from academia to becoming co-founder and CEO of Your Financial Pharmacist. In this episode, Tim Ulbrich explains various topics relating to finance and the pharmacy profession. He helps us navigate through periods of difficult financial situations, financial intentions, and describing contraindicated financial decisions.  LinkedIn:  Website: Bio: Tim Ulbrich, PharmD Tim Ulbrich is the Co-Founder and CEO of Your Financial Pharmacist. Founded in 2015, YFP is a fee-only financial planning firm and connects with the YFP community of 15,000+ pharmacy...

Dr. Adam Martin, The Fit Pharmacist, HopeDealer (non-CE) show art Dr. Adam Martin, The Fit Pharmacist, HopeDealer (non-CE)

Arizona Pharmacy Podcast Network

Dr. Adam Martin, the fit pharmacist, explains his mission to assist pharmacy leaders to find their own fire. He helps develop pharmacy leaders by changing their mindset through viewing every situation as gains. Further, he describes 3 simple tips to making quality decisions in the pharmacy. Listen in for more great help! Find more information about Dr. Adam Martin at Instagram: @thefitpharmacist  LinkedIn: Dr. Adam Martin Facebook: The Pharmacist Growth Group (free community) Email: [email protected]

Leadership Spotlight Series: Sandra Leal  show art Leadership Spotlight Series: Sandra Leal

Arizona Pharmacy Podcast Network

Listen how President of the American Pharmacists Association Sandra Leal's passion for preventive health care, serving the underserved populations, and advocacy helped her lead the profession of pharmacy to new avenues. Through her involvement in leadership roles she has assisted pharmacist to change the way they practice. She achieve this by volunteering, empowering, mentoring, and succession planning with her colleagues. 

Leadership Spotlight Series: Michael Blaire show art Leadership Spotlight Series: Michael Blaire

Arizona Pharmacy Podcast Network

Listen how Michael’s passion for independence and retail pharmacy helped guide him through his extensive experience as a pharmacist. His leadership by example mindset with his business and political activities has garnered a fulfilled career. contact info: [email protected]

Leadership Spotlight Series: Kristen Snair show art Leadership Spotlight Series: Kristen Snair

Arizona Pharmacy Podcast Network

Kristen Snair’s leadership story begins from a pharmacy cashier and through her consistency mindset she will eventually become a governor appointed member of the Board of Pharmacy. Join us as we listen how she thrives being “comfortable while being uncomfortable” while moving forward and staying true to her own ethical compass. 

Driving the Pharmacy Profession Forward Through Telehealth show art Driving the Pharmacy Profession Forward Through Telehealth

Arizona Pharmacy Podcast Network

In this episode, Dr. Jenny Bingham will discuss pharmacy professionals role and value in telehealth. We'll also examine opportunities to overcome barriers to implementing telehealth services. Finally, we'll discover ways pharmacist can become advocates for telehealth reimbursement models.  

Non-Pharmacological Stress Management and Prevention show art Non-Pharmacological Stress Management and Prevention

Arizona Pharmacy Podcast Network

In this episode we’ll be discussing nonpharmalogical stress management and prevention with Dr. Richard Harris. He will describe physiology of stress and its negative impact on physical and mental health. Dr. Harris will define a holistic approach and identify techniques to develop healthy habits. With his insight, he can help manage your stress today.  

Pharmacy Harmony show art Pharmacy Harmony

Arizona Pharmacy Podcast Network

In this episode, you'll discover what it means to create pharmacy harmony. Learn how role objectivity, individual empathy, and peer respect can lead to optimal work cultures. Successful teams are now capable for better outcomes with this fresh mindset!  

More Episodes

In this episode, you’ll discover strategies to improve your resume to give you an advantage in a saturated pharmacy professional job market!