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21 - Chew On This

B-RAD with Brad Toews

Release Date: 08/03/2018

50 - Source to You show art 50 - Source to You

B-RAD with Brad Toews

It is the dynamic interplay between spirit and matter that provides the flow of energy in my own life, and I believe, this is the spiritual movement of the whole universe.

49 - Imagine That show art 49 - Imagine That

B-RAD with Brad Toews

Literalism helps us explain the world. Know the world. Name the world. But it bumps up against its limits when it meets a more powerful tool of language - metaphor. What does this look like in the context of the Christian faith?

48 - Unknowing God show art 48 - Unknowing God

B-RAD with Brad Toews

Our claims to knowledge (what we know, how we know, the extent of what we know) changes over time. At least it does if we're growing and evolving.

47 - Past Lives show art 47 - Past Lives

B-RAD with Brad Toews

We all have past lives, a collection of moments, strung together that make us who we are.

46 - Something to Say show art 46 - Something to Say

B-RAD with Brad Toews

I'm learning how to communicate better, both on this podcast and in my personal and professional life. I'm learning I have Something to Say, and how to say it.

45 - Back-to-School for Adults show art 45 - Back-to-School for Adults

B-RAD with Brad Toews

Something about the shift in season, summer turning to fall and kids back in school, inspires an air of possibility for new habits and making change in your life.

44 - Follow You show art 44 - Follow You

B-RAD with Brad Toews

I have a strong tendency and bias to depend on outside information and inputs, constantly seeking more knowledge to inform my choices.

43 - When Marriage is a Let-down show art 43 - When Marriage is a Let-down

B-RAD with Brad Toews

An interview my wife Dawna about her perspective on expectations, disappointments, and the let-down’s of life, in the context of marriage and our closest relationships.

42 - Find your Frequency show art 42 - Find your Frequency

B-RAD with Brad Toews

As if integrative medicine, transcendent spiritual experiences, and quantum physics weren't interesting enough in exploring energy and frequency, let's add harmonics theory to the mix.

41 - Make Some Noise Drew Brown show art 41 - Make Some Noise Drew Brown

B-RAD with Brad Toews

In this interview Drew and I sit down in his kitchen to talk about music and being a musician. We talk about how writing, playing, performing and producing honest music tells the story of our lives and gives expression to a re-imagined faith.

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Chewing is an integral part of our experience with food. How we chew has biological and psychological affects on our whole body.

After watching the video (link on my episode blog post) by Emily Rosen on the Psychobiology of Chewing I came away with four takeaways:

  1. We're designed to chew and crunch.
  2. We eat food too fast.
  3. When we don't chew properly we put extra stress on our digestive system.
  4. Chewing sets in motion a rhythm that affects our entire body.

But as much as I'm keenly interested in nutrition and healthy eating, which is a big part of my life, I'm equally interested in contemplating how I "chew on life".

To be fully nourished by food we must experience it. We experience it first through taste, through chewing, through that first point of contact in our mouth.

So to be fully nourished - emotionally, spiritually, intellectually - by an experience or an idea in our lives, we must first taste and chew it thoroughly as well.

Do we take the time to chew on our life experiences and ideas? Or, are we more interested in having the "food" hit our belly so we can move onto the next thing, the next idea?

Are we swallowing big bites of life experience and stressing our system to digest and absorb that change? Or are we savouring our life, cultivating a relaxed awareness and gratitude for this nourishment.

Join me in the episode as I share secrets of the potato chip industry, consider the physical health benefits of good chewing, and contemplate how we might apply those to other areas of our life.

In-depth shownotes, video, crunchy food photos and other resources at Brad Toews.