Faith and Hope: Choosing to have a Fantastic 2021!
Bank Of An Extraordinary Life Podcast
Release Date: 02/03/2021
Thank you for joining me today. As Dr. Wayne Dyer and many others say, ‘If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.’ Take a leading fast food commercial for instance. Before you learned that fast food is really not food at all and can wreak havoc on your mental and physical health, you might of thought, ‘What a great deal! That is what I am going to eat for dinner tonight.’ Now, as you see those same advertisements on tv, you look away immediately since it does not interest you to waste your time on things that are detrimental to every aspect of your being. Another example is getting some exercise, whether it be walking, weight lifting, etcetera. It might have seemed a pointless activity before- thoughts like ‘only the mind needs to be exercised’ used to cross your mind when your significant other or friends would suggest it or when you yourself thought about it, but ever since you just gave it a chance, opened your mind to a possibility, now, experiencing it for yourself, you see what benefits it has for you in every aspect of life, for if the physical body is not well, there are blockages, and your emotional, spiritual, and intellectually bodies will also be greatly affected. Another example is opportunity. Hindsight is 2020 in this example: you were in the perfect place at an opportune time to have a relationship with a great person, possibly could have been your lifelong companion, but at the time, you were so busy to ever even stop and see this person for their beautiful soul, their beautiful spirit. Looking back you wish you would have “woken up” but it is too late right now. The situation could have been a job opportunity or a chance to study abroad, or a variety of other events that could have positively affected your future, and we all have these, and we all look back at these, eventually. When do we look back at these? When we become present, when we want to affect our now and future to the maximum extent and we realize that we have the power to, when we become conscious of our actions, our thoughts, and the contents of our entire being…this takes practice. It takes focus and will. It takes breath, calm, time, quiet, knowing yourself, seeing yourself in this magnificent universe- where you are, how it is, what needs to change, what you like, what works, what doesn’t work, what you are, what you want to be which is what you are now but have not yet accessed it into physical form…
To become very powerful we must strengthen our minds- no not our minds- not the brain- consciousness. This is the way to create abundance and be connected to all that is good.
In Zoroastrianism which is the first monotheistic religion, or that is how it is classified. I really do not like to classify things, especially beliefs, because it is each person’s choice to see what they get out of it. Classifying could deter some of our beloved fellow humans and it could have been exactly what they were searching for. So to reword, Zoroastrianism is deemed the first monotheistic religion by mainstream scholars. What is so important about Zoroastrianism?
It’s moto is: Good thoughts. Good Words, Good Deeds. Goftare neek kerdare neek andisheh neek.
With these three actions performed at least 5 times a day, we are able to align ourselves with the positive and creative energies of the universe, and thus doing, we feel great, are closer to ‘God’, ‘Goddess’, the Creator, that which is us and is around us because we are all essentially one. We are part of a universe that is us and we are it. There is no separation. We just follow those 3 simple steps 5 times a day atleast, and we should be able to eventually achieve the success we want by connecting to others that get attracted by such energies that the Creator will bring to us as it is so natural and inevitable.
That is one important must do in 2021:
Good Thoughts
Good Words
Good Deeds
Say it out loud. Keep saying it. Only good will come from thinking saying and doing good!
Goodness is much more powerful than darkness. As I mentioned last week, light can do what darkness can never. A small candle can light an entire room. Darkness does not know and never will have such power. Light always conquers darkness. Stay with the light. Think light, the sun, goodness.
Write down 3 goals for 2021. We have to know where we are and where we are going to get there. See your past, where you are now, and where you want to go. Stay positive. Do not say ‘ I do not want to……’
Say what you want
Write down what you want
Do not write down what you do not want
Do not think about how you will get there. Just write it down and think good thoughts and believe- believe long and hard as much as you can each day- you will connect more and more with what you want and it will come into form as is the way of the universe.
Sending you all lots of love and wishing all of us health, strength, love, wisdom, connection, success and happiness.