367: Nestigen - Justification, Vocation, and Location in Luther's Reformation pt. 2
Release Date: 10/12/2024
Banned Books
You May Be Right… In this episode of Banned Books, we read Anselm of Canterbury’s Meditation on Sin and Penance. We discuss the consequences of sin, the Fountain of Mercy, Jesus’ excuses, the doctrine of simul iustus et peccator, theological presuppositions, and how we speak influences our behavior. SHOW NOTES: St. Anselm’s Book of Meditations and Prayers Sin and Confession on the Eve of the Reformation Smalcald III Life of Brian debate More from 1517: : http://www.1517.org/podcasts : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChDdMiZJv8oYMJQQx2vHSzg :...
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info_outline 378: Giertz - The Essential Firm KernelsBanned Books
Leper Messiah. In this episode, we read Bo Giertz’s commentary on Jesus’ healing of a leper and Cornelius’ servant… boy… slave boy. Giertz addresses textual criticism, catechesis, miracles, and the liturgy of the Church, and we delve into the effect of disbelief in Jesus’ power to heal and make whole affects modern Christians and non-believers alike. SHOW NOTES: Giertz Books from 1517 Gutenberg Laborers For Christ to cease operations in June More from 1517: : http://www.1517.org/podcasts : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChDdMiZJv8oYMJQQx2vHSzg :...
info_outline 377: Origen - The Church as Superior to All Things PaganBanned Books
Good Christians, One and All Rejoice? In this episode, we read Origen’s response to Celsus about whether or not Christians are detrimental or beneficial to society. Does the Church uplift or undermine culture? What part does faith play in living a virtuous life? SHOW NOTES: Understandings of the Church by E. Glenn Hinson Anthony the Great Collapse article An Atheist visits an Orthodox church More from 1517: : http://www.1517.org/podcasts : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChDdMiZJv8oYMJQQx2vHSzg :...
info_outline 376: Origen - Commentary on the Epistle to the RomansBanned Books
Superabundance. In this episode, we read Origen’s commentary on St. Paul’s epistle to the Romans. We discuss the accusations leveled at Origen’s orthodoxy, exegetical method, and critique of Marcion and discuss how what was written so long ago is relevant to Christians today. SHOW NOTES: Origen - Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans Origen bio To a God Unknown - Steinbeck More from 1517: : http://www.1517.org/podcasts : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChDdMiZJv8oYMJQQx2vHSzg : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/channel/1517-podcast-network/id6442751370 :...
info_outline 375: A New Year and the Same Old Stuff (Pliny, Clement, and Justin)Banned Books
Same Old Story. In this episode, we read various Christian and non-Christian sources from the first two centuries, discussing their understandings of Jesus Christ, the church, law, and the Gospel, and the effect of the Christian faith on people in Roman society. SHOW NOTES: Norman Nagel, Selected Sermons Norman Nagel YouTube What happened to Segway? Heliand Kenneth E. Bailey MP3 Sermons & More from 1517: : http://www.1517.org/podcasts : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChDdMiZJv8oYMJQQx2vHSzg : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/channel/1517-podcast-network/id6442751370 :...
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That’s How Love Goes. In this episode, we read a Christmas sermon by Norman Nagel and discuss the nativity, the mother of God, iconography, Bible translating, story-telling traditions, teaching through the story, God’s strange way of loving people, and people’s expectations of Christmas and how it affects the Church. SHOW NOTES: Norman Nagel, Selected Sermons Norman Nagel YouTube What happened to Segway? Heliand Kenneth E. Bailey MP3 Sermons & More from 1517: : http://www.1517.org/podcasts : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChDdMiZJv8oYMJQQx2vHSzg :...
info_outline 373: Luther - You have the Mystery of GodBanned Books
Tighten Up. In this episode, we read Martin Luther’s Advent 3 ordination sermon, discussing rites and ceremonies, church traditions, God’s mysteries versus the devil’s, and much pastoral talk about transparency and honesty amongst brothers and sisters in the Gospel. SHOW NOTES: Luther's Works Volume 57:45 The Mystery of Christ . . . and Why We Don't Get It — Robert Farrar Capon The Impossible Prize: A Theology of Addiction More from 1517: : http://www.1517.org/podcasts : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChDdMiZJv8oYMJQQx2vHSzg :...
info_outline 372: Luther - A Lovely and Joyous SermonBanned Books
Countdown to Armageddon. In this episode, we read Martin Luther’s Advent 2 sermon (1532) and discuss signs and symbols, the liturgical calendar, funerals, preaching, and many many other things of an episodic nature. SHOW NOTES: Luther's Works Volume 57:45 Ordering Our Days in His Peace Worshiping with Angels and Archangels More from 1517: : http://www.1517.org/podcasts : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChDdMiZJv8oYMJQQx2vHSzg : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/channel/1517-podcast-network/id6442751370 : https://www.1517.org/events : https://academy.1517.org/...
info_outline Fueling the Mission: Supporting 1517 to Proclaim the GospelBanned Books
This is Caleb Keith, director of the 1517 Podcast Network. Today, as many of you may know, is Giving Tuesday. On this special day, I have a question for you: Does this podcast bring Jesus and His Gospel of peace into your life on a regular basis? At 1517, our mission—and the mission of the 1517 Podcast Network—is to declare and defend the Good News that we are forgiven and free through the death and resurrection of Christ alone. Because of Jesus, God has made peace with you and continues to actively give you His peace. You can give by visiting or by following the link in the show notes.
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In this episode, we continue our discussion of justification and vocation as we read "Justification, Vocation, and Location in Luther's Reformation" by James A. Nestigen. Part two of our conversation continues with themes of vocation, location, repentance, humility, personal agency, divine instrumentality, atonement, the relationship of husband and wife to the land, the overlap of heaven and earth, and what to do when we feel like we’ve made a complete mess of our lives.
Justification, Vocation, and Location in Luther's Reformation - James A. Nestigen
The Substance (2024) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17526714/?ref_=nm_flmg_job_1_cred_t_1
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- The Inklings: Apostles and Apologists of the Imagination with Sam Schuldheisz: https://academy.1517.org/courses/the-inklings
- Clothed with Christ by Brian William Thomas: https://shop.1517.org/collections/new-releases/products/9781956658927-clothed-with-christ-1
More from the hosts:
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