1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries Podcast
Release Date: 12/20/2024
1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries Podcast
The incredible true story (the 1996 movie is largely fiction) of a British railroad project in Kenya in 1898 that was being harassed by man-eating lions which would attack coolies in the night,dragging them out of their tents screaming for help. Coolies, African workers, teamsters, and British authorities were mauled over a peroid of 9 months, with an estimated death toll of 150. A man named Lt. Col John Henry Patterson tracked the lions for months, finally bringing them down in December of 1898. He wrote a book called 'The Maneaters of Tsavo' from which we quote passages often as...
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"Was My Brother In The Battle?"- What Civil War meant to my family-Six hundred thousand men died or were wounded in the American Civil War. Just as many families were affected. Mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers all felt the hopelessness of not knowing if their sons and brothers would ever come home. Steven Foster captured this feeling of helplessness and rage in his song "Was My Brother In The Battle?, which is sung here, credits below, and thanks to Cinzi Lavin and Jennifer Love, arrangement and voca
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info_outline1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries Podcast
The story of old Adolph Ruth, who used a map whiich his son had found (supposedly the old Peralta Map) to venture into the Superstitions to find the gold. He never made it out. This is the story of how he was found and others that followed.
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This is the story of most famous legend of buried gold in the west. An old prospector who mined in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona was witnessed to have possessed hi grade gold. Many men have tried trying to find his mine but noone ever has, There is an old Apache superstition that the mountain takes revenge on those who get close.
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In part two we cover a recap of the3 flood path and devastation, survivor and media accounts, causes and blame,including the 2016 report, Clara Barton's efforts with the Red Cross, and the Johnstown floods of 1936 and 1977, showing that Johnstown still isn't safe from being destroyed again. Check out our website at
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Nikola Tesla was an American electrical engineer and inventor who made significant bounds in the areas of electrical applications, motors, remote controlled boats, dynamos, and the invention of alternating current motors which could power cars. To honor Tesla's contribution, Elon Musk, the head of the electric car company Tesla, named his company after the great inventor. One of the least known of Tesla's many projects was the particle accelerator, which some people have named the "Death Ray". In this story
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On May 31st 1889 the earthen dam holding back Lake Conemaugh 15 bmiles upstream from Johnstown, PA burst duriung heavy spring rains, sending a 40 foot wave of death down a narrow river valley in which was located 80,000 persons, and finally reaching Johnstown with houses, alive and dead persons, trees, and scrap of all types, which caught on fire when it all hit the bridge at Johnstown, literally roasting many survivors alive in the conflagration. We feature survivor and author accounts in part one, and in part 2 we deal with the aftermath and investigations. This is a unique history lesson in...
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TSUNAMI (PT I) WAVES OF DEATH: Deep below the surface of the Indian Ocean, near the island of Sumatra, two portions of the Earth's crust which had been pushing against each other for the past milennia, one plate, actually the India Plate, gave way along a 1,000 mile faultline, creating a huge fissure in the sea floor as it subducted beneath the pressing Burma Plate, suddenly displacing trillions of tons of water, and causing powerful shock waves in every direction, waves that would introduce untold death an
info_outline1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries Podcast
The amazing story of John Dillinger: Public Enemy No. 1 continues. We cover the FBI raid on the Little Bohemia resort, which turned into a public relations nightmare for Hoover and the FBI, as well Dillingers face-changing operation, two of the Dillinger gang's most memorable bank robberies, AnnaSage's betrayal of Dillinger and the FBI's execution of Dillinger outside a theater in Chicago, and the hunting down of Dillinger's gang, including Van Meter and Baby Face Nelson in the aftermath of Dillinger's deat
info_outline"the Mysterious Death of Edgar Allen Poe"-On September 7, 1849, Edgar Allen Poe, at the top of his career, kissed his fiance goodbye at his home in Richmond, VA, and began a business trip to Philadelphia. He then dropped out of sight for a week, he was found in Baltimore on October 3rd, inside a bar-turned-polling place, drunk and disheveled, wearing clothes that did not fit him, and unable to speak clearly. He was rushed to a hospital, where he lingered on the edge of insanity for nearly one week,before dying. Theories as to the cause of his death have abounded for decades. His doctor had ordered him not to drink, fearing that a lesion close to his brain could lead to his death. Others suggested he was forced to drink alcohol at the polling place and was a victim of "cooping", by which innocent bystanders were grabbed off the street and forced to drink, then vote multiple times. Still others suspect a variety of causes, from murder to rabies. Even more mysterious is the fact that until recently, and for 80 years, a cloaked man was seen visiting the original grave of Poe every year on the same date, where he would leave three roses and a half drunk bottle of cognac behind. Will he come back next year? Credits: Monica Gil performs Annabel Lee (YouTube) Christopher Lee performs "The Raven" WBAL-TV Baltimore News Report on "the Poe Toaster"
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