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From judgment to radical compassion: How Lilith can help you find Love & Heal through your darkness.

Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia

Release Date: 10/21/2023

How to Feel pleasure in your body with Goddess Lilith: The Divine Feminine heals Your Heart show art How to Feel pleasure in your body with Goddess Lilith: The Divine Feminine heals Your Heart

Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia

What are you ashamed to reveal? How are you repressing your power? Where are you hiding your beauty? Share with me what comes up for you. Lilith is an archetype that brings up our most fearful and ashamed parts- let this energy show you your power, worth, and truth.   Get your free heart-opening meditations and sign up for more spiritual, intuitive mindset guidance from me at Are you called to Sacred Union with the Divine inside yourself in your healing and awakening journey? For 1:1 and custom support inquiries, Book a Clarity Call with me: Connect with me:   :   FB: ...

Find your purpose with Dark Goddess Kali: Feel your Kundalini and trust your intuition show art Find your purpose with Dark Goddess Kali: Feel your Kundalini and trust your intuition

Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia

How much are you ready to give up for truth? You cam to feast. Join me. Your ego is not evil. It is just trying to show you what you are not.  Let's discover your purpose and soul gifts. In this transmission and embodied practice, I invite you to experience the truth of what you need to release with Kali Ma, the Dark Mother, the Fierce Feminine archetype of soul-alchemy and rebirth, ego-slayer, and sacred warrior of truth. Kali will show you who you really are. She will not stop until you are free. Go deeper with Kali: Register for my free "Sacred Intimacy with The Dark Goddess...

What the Divine Masculine wants is a Queen: Own your Feminine power with Goddess Kali, Lilith & Isis show art What the Divine Masculine wants is a Queen: Own your Feminine power with Goddess Kali, Lilith & Isis

Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia

  This activation is for you if you want to connect to your raw, divine Power. I am calling you to mbody the true, humble, loving, prosperous, powerful, responsible Queen. If you are called to take responsibility for your gifts and destiny, join me in this transmission and practice evoking Goddess Isis, Kali, and Lilith to support your awakening to Your True Self. Register for my free "Sacred Intimacy with The Dark Goddess Workshop” here:     Are you called to Sacred Union with the Divine inside yourself in your healing and awakening journey? For 1:1 and custom support...

Activate your Kundalini energy: A simple spiritual & sexual healing practice. show art Activate your Kundalini energy: A simple spiritual & sexual healing practice.

Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia

How do you Activate your Kundalini-Life Force?  Follow this energy transmission and guided practice to activate and embody your sacred sexual and creative life "energy": Kundalini. She - Kundalini is your portal into the Divine Self in your human form.  If you feel this energy move within you, you are ready to honor, trust, and submit to the Divine guidance you will receive during your spiritual and sexual awakening. Do this practice daily, and let me know: Do you feel Her energy inside your womb, gut, hara, or heart?   Register for my free "Sacred Intimacy with The Dark Goddess...

How to feel Worthy & Whole with the Divine Feminine & Masculine: Find Self-Love and Union within show art How to feel Worthy & Whole with the Divine Feminine & Masculine: Find Self-Love and Union within

Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia

You know what to do. Open your heart and Find the Divine inside of Yourself. Find your worth. What does the divine inside of you want you to know?   Register for my free "Sacred Intimacy with The Dark Goddess Workshop” here:   For 1:1 and custom support inquiries, Book a Clarity Call with me: If you are a woman on a mission to Love yourself in the light + the dark and free your Divine Feminine power, check out my upcoming "Sacred Union, Love, and Desire" group immersion program:    Free resources: Get your free embodied sexual and intuitive energy manifestation...

Invite the Healthy Masculine with Goddess Lilith: Trust the Divine to Love You show art Invite the Healthy Masculine with Goddess Lilith: Trust the Divine to Love You

Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia

It is time we chose to Love more. Do the simple practice with me.  This transmission is for you if you want Tue Love. If you yearn for independence and Intimacy. If you want to be Felt and Loved for Your Heart's Beauty. This is it. Learn to trust the Divine Masculine to See and Love All of You.   Register for my free "Sacred Intimacy with The Dark Goddess Workshop” here:   Are you called to Sacred Union on your healing and awakening journey? For 1:1 and custom support inquiries, Book a Clarity Call with me:   If you are a woman on a mission to Love yourself in the light...

Feel your Divine Feminine power: Protect & open your heart to Love with Warrior Goddess Durga show art Feel your Divine Feminine power: Protect & open your heart to Love with Warrior Goddess Durga

Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia

Durga, the Tantric Goddess, Divine Mother, and Warrior Queen, will rip apart your shell and show you the power in your Soul. Call on her for protection, healing, and guidance to allow Love to enter your heart and serve what is Good. Are you called to Sacred Union with the Divine inside yourself in your healing and awakening journey?   Register for my free "Sacred Intimacy with The Dark Goddess Workshop” here: If you are a woman on a mission to Love yourself in the light + the dark and free your Divine Feminine power, check out my upcoming "Sacred Union, Love, and Desire" group...

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Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia

Join me in conversation with Dr. Marc Gafni, one of the most inspiring, honest, and powerful spiritual teachers I know. We dive deep into the nature of our humanity and the crisis we are in, with the risk to Humanity as a whole and the risk to Our Humanity. Sit with us as we contemplate what we must do to cross over to the Right side, the One side. The side of Love. To the side of the Goddess. The side of She. Official Bio: Dr. Marc Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher.  He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and...

Opening your heart to the Divine Masculine: Feminine Healing Practice show art Opening your heart to the Divine Masculine: Feminine Healing Practice

Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia

What if you could trust that you can have what you want?   Register for my free "Sacred Intimacy with The Dark Goddess Workshop” here:   Are you called to Sacred Union with the Divine inside yourself in your healing and awakening journey? For 1:1 and custom support inquiries, Book a Clarity Call with me: Bit.ly/Deepshift If you are a woman on a mission to Love yourself in the light + the dark and free your Divine Feminine power, check out my upcoming "Sacred Union, Love, and Desire" group immersion program:  Does Sacred Intimacy call you? Free resources: Get your free...

How the Dark Goddess will help you feel your power, purpose and intuition. show art How the Dark Goddess will help you feel your power, purpose and intuition.

Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia

What if you could have what you want and be true to who you really are? This is the territory of the Dark Feminine. She takes you below the surface. She heals your shadows.  She shows you your divine darkness.  She shows you the Truth. She is the hidden face of the Goddess in your heart. Register for my free "Sacred Intimacy with The Dark Goddess Workshop” here:  Does Sacred Intimacy call you? Free resources: Get your free embodied sexual and intuitive energy manifestation practice: Get your free heart-opening meditations and sign up for more spiritual, intuitive mindset...

More Episodes

Let Lilith show you the healing and the power you seek. Working with this Dark Goddess archetype is paramount as the world is branding down more lies and structures of oppression for both the feminine and the masculine. 

*** My special invitation for you: Join me on October 28th, on the full moon, for my free Womb-Hara-Heart awakening with the Sacred Feminine and Amaculine masterclass and journey here: https://www.sashalipskaia.com/womb-heart-awakening



We are in an intense time. We are in the age of revelation and truth. It is the age of knowing that You are the actual instrument of healing our collective traumas, separation, shame, and all of the fears that block our light. Sacred change. Watch till the end to breathe with me. I offer a practice at the end ( and you get to feel my pets go wild as I guide you) to help you connect to the shadow YOU need to embrace and learn from right now. 


Let's go.

Lilith tells you It is time to take radical responsibility for who You are. It is time to step up as a sovereign being and to choose your freedom. It is time to speak the truth of your heart and lead with your full self. Authentic, growing, falling down, and standing up again as the warrior you are. Taking responsibility for those you get to love and lead. Really honoring Yourself as the embodiment of respect and integrity for Your heart's truth. The vision you have for what you want starts and ends INSIDE of you.

How does your heart feel in your truth?

How does your gut-womb respond to your life?

What do you need to look at that you are denying, ignoring, bypassing, and scared to fully Face inside of you?

Let this "sacred feminine archetype" guide you. She is in you, regardless of Gender or Sexual orientation. She is the part of you that is here for Liberation, and Full expression of Truth through your whole being.

Hear Lilith call you as an archetype of embodied, fully owned, and harmonized sexual power in service to Love. Not ashamed of her essence, BUT reclaiming it as she transmutes her own shadows with You. Self-Love and Radical Compassion, a Wise Lover. 

Those you choose to care for. The darkness, fear, grief, shame, and the pain you feel in the world is in you. In ME. Comment below if you want to go deeper into transmuting the shadow you know is calling your name. Which part of you Needs you to see, accept, learn, and integrate its lessons, and reveal its gift to Your purpose here?

Which part of you needs Your radical presence, Unconditional Love, acceptance, and forgiveness? I see you, I love you, I forgive you. Will you do the work to become a free, embodied, purposeful human being in this lifetime?

 I am here for you. Comment below and share your experience.

This work is soul-work. And your soul is here to lead you to Love.



Free resources:

Get your free embodied sexual and intuitive energy manifestation practice: www.sashalipskaia.com/manifest

Get your free heart-opening meditations and sign up for more spiritual, intuitive mindset guidance from me at www.sashalipskaia.com/getclear.

Do you need deeper support to discover your life purpose and gifts? 

Let's talk: Book a Free Life Clarity Call with me: Bit.ly/Deepshift


Explore your spiritual awakening path and step into your power with me: www.sashalipskaia.com


Get your free embodied sexual and intuitive energy manifestation practice: www.sashalipskaia.com/manifest

Get your free heart-opening meditations and sign up for more spiritual, intuitive mindset guidance from me at www.sashalipskaia.com/getclear

Do you want deeper support to discover your life purpose and gifts? Let's talk: Book a Free Life Clarity Call with me: Bit.ly/Deepshift


Explore your spiritual awakening path and step into your power with me: www.sashalipskaia.com

Find me online:

FB: https://www.facebook.com/sashalipskaiacoach

IG: https://www.instagram.com/sashalipskaia

Insight timer - follow my mediations:


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sashalipskaia 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sashalipskaia


 ***Disclaimer*** This episode is meant for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not to be taken or used as medical advice. As a certified mindset coach and intuitive guide, I do not offer professional psychotherapeutic or medical advice or treatment. If you need mental or physical health support, please seek the help of a trained psychotherapist and physician.